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City of hobart






Economic Development & Communications Committee Meeting


Open Portion


Thursday, 22 September 2016


at 5:00 pm

Lady Osborne Room, Town Hall






Our mission is to ensure good governance of our capital City.


The Council is:


about people

We value people – our community, our customers and colleagues.


We take pride in our work.


We look for ways to create value.


We’re accessible and focused on service.


We respect diversity in people and ideas.

making a difference

We recognise that everything we do shapes Hobart’s future.




Agenda (Open Portion)

Economic Development & Communications Committee Meeting

Page 3







Business listed on the agenda is to be conducted in the order in which it is set out, unless the committee by simple majority determines otherwise.



1.        Co-Option of a Committee Member in the event of a vacancy  4

2.        Confirmation of Minutes. 4

3.        Consideration of Supplementary Items. 4

4.        Indications of Pecuniary and Conflicts of Interest. 4

5.        Transfer of Agenda Items. 5

6          Committee Action Status Report. 6

6.1     Committee Actions - Status Report 6

7.        Questions Without Notice. 17

8.        Closed Portion Of The Meeting.. 18



Agenda (Open Portion)

Economic Development & Communications Committee Meeting

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Economic Development & Communications Committee Meeting (Open Portion) held Thursday, 22 September 2016 at 5:00 pm in the Lady Osborne Room, Town Hall.



Deputy Lord Mayor Christie (Chairman)







Lord Mayor Hickey







Apologies: Nil



Leave of Absence: Nil


1.       Co-Option of a Committee Member in the event of a vacancy


2.       Confirmation of Minutes


The minutes of the Open Portion of the Economic Development & Communications Committee meeting held on Thursday, 25 August 2016, are submitted for confirming as an accurate record.



3.       Consideration of Supplementary Items

Ref: Part 2, Regulation 8(6) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.



That the Committee resolve to deal with any supplementary items not appearing on the agenda, as reported by the General Manager.



4.       Indications of Pecuniary and Conflicts of Interest

Ref: Part 2, Regulation 8(7) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.


Aldermen are requested to indicate where they may have any pecuniary or conflict of interest in respect to any matter appearing on the agenda, or any supplementary item to the agenda, which the committee has resolved to deal with.


5.       Transfer of Agenda Items

Regulation 15 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.


A committee may close a part of a meeting to the public where a matter to be discussed falls within 15(2) of the above regulations.


In the event that the committee transfer an item to the closed portion, the reasons for doing so should be stated.


Are there any items which should be transferred from this agenda to the closed portion of the agenda, or from the closed to the open portion of the agenda?


Item No. 6.1

Agenda (Open Portion)

Economic Development & Communications Committee Meeting

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6        Committee Action Status Report


6.1      Committee Actions - Status Report


A report indicating the status of current decisions is attached for the information of Aldermen.


That the information be received and noted.

Delegation:      Committee



Attachment a:             Economic Development and Communications Committee - Open Status Report    

Item No. 6.1

Agenda (Open Portion)

Economic Development & Communications Committee Meeting - 22/9/2016

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Economic Development & Communications Committee Meeting

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7.       Questions Without Notice

Section 29 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.

File Ref: 13-1-10


An Alderman may ask a question without notice of the Chairman, another Alderman, the General Manager or the General Manager’s representative, in line with the following procedures:

1.         The Chairman will refuse to accept a question without notice if it does not relate to the Terms of Reference of the Council committee at which it is asked.

2.         In putting a question without notice, an Alderman must not:

(i)    offer an argument or opinion; or

(ii)   draw any inferences or make any imputations – except so far as may be necessary to explain the question.

3.         The Chairman must not permit any debate of a question without notice or its answer.

4.         The Chairman, Aldermen, General Manager or General Manager’s representative who is asked a question may decline to answer the question, if in the opinion of the respondent it is considered inappropriate due to its being unclear, insulting or improper.

5.         The Chairman may require a question to be put in writing.

6.         Where a question without notice is asked and answered at a meeting, both the question and the response will be recorded in the minutes of that meeting.

7.         Where a response is not able to be provided at the meeting, the question will be taken on notice and

(i)    the minutes of the meeting at which the question is asked will record the question and the fact that it has been taken on notice.

(ii)   a written response will be provided to all Aldermen, at the appropriate time.

(iii)  upon the answer to the question being circulated to Aldermen, both the question and the answer will be listed on the agenda for the next available ordinary meeting of the committee at which it was asked, where it will be listed for noting purposes only.



Agenda (Open Portion)

Economic Development & Communications Committee Meeting

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8.       Closed Portion Of The Meeting


The following items were discussed: -


Item No. 1          Minutes of the last meeting of the Closed Portion of the Council Meeting

Item No. 2          Consideration of supplementary items to the agenda

Item No. 3          Indications of pecuniary and conflicts of interest

Item No. 4          Committee Action Status Report

Item No. 4.1       Committee Actions - Closed Status Report

LG(MP)R 15(2)(g)

Item No. 5          Reports

Item No. 5.1       Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra Tour to China Update

LG(MP)R 15(2)(c)(ii) and  (g)

Item No. 6          Questions without notice – File Ref: 13-1-10