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City of hobart


Community, Culture and Events Committee Meeting


Open Portion


Wednesday, 29 November 2017


at 5.00 pm

Lady Osborne Room, Town Hall




11       City Partnerships. 3

Item No. 11

Supplementary Agenda (Open Portion)

Community, Culture and Events Committee Meeting

Page 2











11     City Partnerships

          File Ref: F17/134754;  17/213

Report of the Manager Community and Cultural Programs and the Director Community Development of 27 November 2017 and attachments.

Delegation:     Council


The General Manager reports:


“That in accordance with the provisions of Part 2 Regulation 8(6) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, these supplementary matters are submitted for the consideration of the Committee.


Pursuant to Regulation 8(6), I report that:


(a)     information in relation to the matter was provided subsequent to the distribution of the agenda;

(b)     the matter is regarded as urgent; and

(c)     advice is provided pursuant to Section 65 of the Act.”


Item No. 11

Supplementary Agenda (Open Portion)

Community, Culture and Events Committee Meeting

Page 3





REPORT TITLE:                  City Partnerships

REPORT PROVIDED BY:  Manager Community and Cultural Programs

Director Community Development


1.         Report Purpose and Community Benefit

1.1.     This report responds to a Council request at the 23 October 2017 meeting for an urgent report on the development of a City Partnership program.

1.2.     The proposed ‘Hobart City Partnership Program’ would formalise and promote significant historical relationships between the City of Hobart and key organisations that have received funding annually to deliver community and cultural events and programs within the City of Hobart for many years.

1.3.     The program would also provide financial certainty for each of the organisations involved, reducing the need for participating organisations to apply for funding annually through the City’s Community Development Grants Program.

2.         Report Summary

2.1.     The City of Hobart has longstanding relationships with the following community organisations and events that are proposed to be included in the Hobart City Partnership Program:

·     Festa Italia (since 2009);

·     Greek Orthodox Church and Benevolent Society of St George (Hobart) (Estia Greek Festival) (since 1997);

·     The Royal Hobart Regatta (since 1834);

·     The Sandy Bay Regatta (since 1839);

·     The City of Hobart Eisteddfod (since 1951); and

·     RSL Tasmania, Hobart ANZAC Day Commemorative Committee (since 1925).

2.2.     For many years each of these community organisations has in their own way provided significant community and cultural input into the life of Hobart.

2.3.     This contribution has either been through the delivery of longstanding community or commemorative events, or through the provision of opportunities for cultural and creative expression, utilising City of Hobart facilities, services and venues.

2.4.     The proposed Hobart City Partnership Program would formalise and promote the significant relationship between the City of Hobart and these key organisations.

2.5.     Guidelines that include specific program criteria and aims would be developed to ensure consistency of approach and to manage any future partnership requests.

2.6.     The proposed program would consolidate existing grant funding allocations into one ‘City Partnership’ grant allocation and be administered through the same team that delivers the Community Development Grants Program.

2.6.1.     Currently operational arrangements for several of these organisations sits across three divisions which reduces efficiency and consistency.

2.7.     The proposed program would provide cash and/or in-kind support to each organisation as presented in Attachment A to this report, ‘Hobart City Partnership Program Details’.

2.8.     It is proposed that each organisation be allocated support to a maximum level, rather than an exact amount as occurs in the majority of cases where the value of in-kind support varies year to year dependent upon the level of Council support required (eg. number of days using the Town Hall).

2.8.1.     It is noted that this proposal would result in an increased budget allocation in future years of $49,000, however 76 per cent of the grants are for in-kind support and the increased allocation accounts for any internal charges that may increase over the period of the partnerships.      If an additional allocation was not made, there would need to be a reduction in the Creative Hobart and Event project grant allocations that are already very competitive and over-subscribed.

2.9.     An additional funding allocation of $6000 would be required in the current financial year to reflect the actual funding provided to the Sandy Bay Regatta.

2.9.1.     It is proposed that existing funding allocations from Creative Hobart, Event Grants, Major Event and Festival and Civic and Ceremonial Support Function areas would be transferred to a Hobart City Partnership grant allocation in the Community Policy and Coordination budget function for the 2017-18 financial year, with all events and activities taking place in the first half of 2018.

2.10.   This grant program will necessitate a revision to City of Hobart Policy Applications for Grants - Community Development Division as shown at Attachment B to this report.

3.         Recommendation


1.      The Council endorse the development and implementation of the Hobart City Partnership Program.

2.      The Council approve the inclusion of the following organisations, which meet the program criteria, in the proposed program:

·    The City of Hobart Eisteddfod

·    Festa Italia

·    Greek Orthodox Church and Benevolent Society of St George (Hobart)

·    The Royal Hobart Regatta

·    RSL Tasmania ANZAC Day Commemorative Committee

·    The Sandy Bay Regatta.

3.      The General Manager be delegated the authority to enter into an agreement with each participating organisation, to make any necessary administrative changes during the life of each agreement and any administrative changes to the guidelines for the Hobart City Partnership Program.

4.      Any agreement with participating organisations as part of this program be for a maximum of five (5) years.

5.      The proposed Hobart City Partnership Program provide cash and/or in-kind support to each organisation as presented in Attachment A, ‘Hobart City Partnership Program Details’.

6.      The financial support provided to each organisation be indexed in line with the Consumer Price Index for Hobart, and that in-kind support be consistent with any changes to the City of Hobart annual fees and charges during the life of the each agreement.

7.      During the term of each agreement, participating organisations provide an annual report to the Council that includes information on expenditure and utilisation of City of Hobart financial and in-kind support, as well as other details on the delivery of the event, with the parameters of this annual report to be determined by Council officers in consultation with each participating organisation.

8.      Current financial allocations within identified budget function areas that relate to the proposed program be consolidated into the Grants and Assistance function area within the Community Development Policy Management budget.

9.      An additional allocation of $6000 be made to the Grants and Assistance function area within the allocation for Community Planning and Coordination 2017-18 Annual Plan.

10.    An increased overall allocation of $49,000, indexed in line with the Consumer Price Index for Hobart, be included in the budget preparation for future years in the Community Development Planning and Coordination budget function area.

11.    The City of Hobart Policy Applications for Grants - Community Development Division be amended in accordance with Attachment B to this report.

12.    The value of support provided each financial year to participating organisations be recorded as a grant in the Council’s Annual Report.


4.         Background

4.1.     This report responds to the Council recommendation of 23 October 2017, inter alia, that:

In line with a previous report submitted to the Community Culture and Events Committee of 9 November 2016, support for the Estia Greek Festival, Festa Italia and the City of Hobart Eisteddfod be considered as part of an urgent report on the possible establishment of a ‘City Partnerships’ program with community based events and their supporting organisations, such as the Royal Hobart Regatta and the Sandy Bay Regatta, which have had long standing grant or support recipient relationships with the City of Hobart.’

4.2.     That report included the following proposal:

‘It is also proposed that a further report be prepared that considers the existing grant relationships with the Royal Hobart Regatta, Sandy Bay Regatta, Musica Viva and the City of Hobart Eisteddfod with the view to creating an ongoing civic partnerships model for these relationships.’

4.3.     At its meeting held on 24 October 2017 the Council endorsed a new five year partnership agreement with Musica Viva Tasmania from 2018-22.

4.3.1.     It is felt that given that the City of Hobart has recently renewed this agreement with Musica Viva, operating from 2018-22 inclusive, that they not be included in the proposed City Partnership program.

4.3.2.     This could be reviewed at the end of the Musica Viva Tasmania agreement for consideration of inclusion in the proposed Hobart City Partnership Program.

4.4.     This report has also included the RSL Tasmania ANZAC Day Commemorative Committee in the proposed City Partnership program as it is felt that this organisation and the event that they deliver meets the identified criteria and aligns with the aims of the proposed program.

4.5.     For many decades and in the case of the two regattas, for over a century and half, the City of Hobart has collaborated with and supported the community and cultural events delivered by the five organisations previously listed within this report.

4.6.     Each of these organisations has not only added to the community and cultural life of the city but in many ways shaped it.

4.6.1.     Both the Royal Hobart Regatta and the Sandy Bay Regatta have brought the greater Hobart community together since 1834 and 1839 respectively.  As the community has changed so too have the regattas but they prove to be ever popular community events that encourage healthy family participation focussed on Hobart’s historic and contemporary connection with the river and sea.  It is also noted that the Sandy Bay Regatta also provides an excellent platform for the hosting of the Citizenship ceremony and presentation of the Australia Day Awards.

4.6.2.     The ANZAC Day memorial service, which is coordinated every year by RSL Tasmania volunteers in collaboration with the City of Hobart and other key community organisations, provides the community with an opportunity to mark the significant contribution that the people of Hobart have made to Australia’s wartime and peace keeping actions.

4.6.3.     Since 1951 the City of Hobart Eisteddfod has provided an opportunity for Tasmanians of all ages to perform at the Hobart Town Hall and City Hall through individual, band, choir and orchestra based music and singing competitions.  The Eisteddfod runs for a six week period and involves a significant number of participants and audience members utilising and visiting Council venues.

4.6.4.     Both Festa Italia (2009) and the Estia Greek Festival (1997) have been delivered in North Hobart by their respective communities.  These much loved and well attended community events have brought the wider Hobart community together to share their cultures through dance, food and music.      It should be noted that while the current Festa Italia has been delivered since 2009, prior to this time an Italian Festival was delivered within Hobart for a number of years.      It is noted that the Estia Greek Festival organisers have requested consideration of a small additional cash grant to support their event.

Criteria and Aims

4.7.     The proposed program essentially ‘brands’ or reframes the six existing, and for the most part informal, relationships that the City has with each of the identified organisations.  In doing so the program highlights the contribution the City has played in the ongoing success of each organisation, and recognises the importance of the events that they deliver to the people of Hobart.

4.8.     Each of these organisations has received annual grant funding for many years.  The proposed Hobart City Partnership Program is structured upon the following criteria and aims.


4.8.1.     Events that have been delivered within the City of Hobart for at least 10 years.

4.8.2.     Small to mid-sized community, cultural or commemorative events that are not eligible to apply for Event Partnership Grant funding.

4.8.3.     Events that are held on or in City of Hobart property or venues and that utilise City of Hobart infrastructure, services and/or equipment.  This program does not provide support for sporting or recreational focussed events and activities.


4.8.4.     Recognise the enduring and significant relationship that the City has with each organisation.

4.8.5.     Provide certainty of the City’s support for each event or program delivered by each organisation.

4.8.6.     Remove the need for each organisation to apply for grant funding for the delivery of their projects.

4.8.7.     Ensure consistent and transparent management of agreements in line with the City’s Community Development Grants Program.

4.9.     The City of Hobart provides cash and/or in-kind support to each of the organisations listed within this report.  In-kind support includes a range of items such as event equipment, waste collection services, venue provision, and park preparation, as well as the waiving of certain fees and charges.

4.10.   Attachment A to this report, ‘Hobart City Partnership Program Details’ provides information on the recorded amounts utilised by each of the organisations in the 2016-17 financial year, as well as the value of support that it is proposed the City of Hobart allocate to each participating organisation through the City Partnership program.

4.10.1.  It should be noted that amounts listed in the column headed ‘Value of City of Hobart Support 2016-17’ may not accurately reflect the true dollar amount of support that some of the organisations have received from the City.    Items such as bean bags and table and bench sets as utilised by the Royal Hobart Regatta for example, may not have been recorded accurately.    Some amounts, such as bookings of Town Hall, are less than budgeted for due to variations in participation within different categories during the Eisteddfod which affects the usage of the space.

4.11.   It should also be noted that in the preparation of this report, some of the organisations consulted have identified enhancements and improvements to their event delivery that could result in increased community participation, should they be provided with additional support from the City.

4.11.1.  This could include increased in-kind assistance such as the provision of street banners and other promotional material by the City.

4.12.   With this in mind, and in order to ensure that the amounts allocated to each organisation accurately reflect the support provided by the City, the column headed ‘Proposed Maximum Value of Support for City Partnership’ recommends values for the proposed partnership, as follows:

·     $10,000  The City of Hobart Eisteddfod

·     $10,000  Festa Italia

·     $10,000  Estia Greek Festival

·     $30,000  The Royal Hobart Regatta

·     $30,000  RSL Tasmania ANZAC Day Commemoration

·     $30,000  The Sandy Bay Regatta

4.13.   The support currently allocated by the City sits within different budget functions across the organisation.  Management of this requires a considerable amount of officer time and complicates the process of administering and accurately recording the support that the City provides each organisation.

4.14.   The proposed Hobart City Partnership Program would pool each of these separate budget lines into one function area, within the Grants and Assistance budget function within Community Development Division.

4.15.   The proposed amounts would be adjusted annually in line with the Consumer Price Index for Hobart, and in the case of in-kind support, consistent with changes to the City’s annual Fees and Charges.

4.15.1.  This would ensure that the City’s support does not diminish over the life of each agreement.

5.         Proposal and Implementation

5.1.     It is proposed that each of the six organisations identified within this report be approved for inclusion within the proposed Hobart City Partnership Program.

5.2.     A formal agreement between each of the participating organisations and the City of Hobart be drawn up detailing the support that the City will provide, and the responsibilities of each organisation.

5.3.     Each organisation would be required to provide an annual acquittal that indicates details of their event or program delivery, as well as details of expenditure of any cash contribution provided by the City.

5.4.     Revisions be made to the City of Hobart Policy Applications for Grants - Community Development Division to reflect the recommendations within his report, as shown in Attachment B to this report.

5.5.     An annual summary of these acquittals would be provided to the Council.

6.         Strategic Planning and Policy Considerations

6.1.     The proposed Hobart City Partnership Program helps to deliver Strategic Objective 1, Economic Development, Vibrancy and Culture as well as Strategic Objective 4, Strong, Safe and Healthy Communities within the City of Hobart Strategic Plan 2015-2025, specifically:

“1.5   Cultural and creative activities build community wellbeing and economic viability.

4.1    Community connectedness and participation realises the cultural and social potential of the community.

4.2    City facilities, infrastructure and open spaces support healthy lifestyles.”



7.         Financial Implications

7.1.     Funding Source and Impact on Current Year Operating Result

7.1.1.     This program would require an increase of $6000 within the Grants and Assistance function for the 2017-18 Financial Year to reflect the grant currently being received by the Sandy Bay Regatta.

7.1.2.     Existing funding allocations from Creative Hobart, Event Grants, Major Event and Festival and Civic and Ceremonial Support Function areas will transfer to a Hobart City Partnership grant allocation in the Community Policy and Coordination budget function for the 2017-18 financial year, with all events and activities taking place in the first half of 2018.

7.1.3.     This will result in reduced allocations of $10,000 in the Creative Hobart grant allocation, and $20,000 in the Event Grant allocation in the February project grant rounds.

7.1.4.     The recommendations within this report would require existing amounts in other budget function areas to be consolidated within the Community Development Planning and Coordination budget function area.

7.2.     Impact on Future Years’ Financial Result

7.2.1.     It is noted that this proposal would result in an increased budget allocation in future years of $49,000 (indexed in line with the Hobart CPI), however 76 per cent of the grants are for in-kind support, and the increased allocation accounts for any internal charges that may increase over the period of the partnerships.

7.2.2.     If an additional allocation was not made, there would need to be a reduction in the Creative Hobart, and Event project grant allocations that are already very competitive and over-subscribed.

7.3.     Asset Related Implications

7.3.1.     There are no asset related implications arising from this proposal.

8.         Legal, Risk and Legislative Considerations

8.1.     A partnership agreement would be developed in consultation with the Manager Legal and Governance.

9.         Environmental Considerations

9.1.     All participating organisations would be required to align with the City’s current waste minimisation requirements for all City of Hobart funded events, including the use of compostable take away containers.

10.      Social and Customer Considerations

10.1.   The proposed Hobart City Partnership Program reinforces the City’s commitment to supporting historically significant and highly valued community and cultural relationships.

11.      Marketing and Media

11.1.   The proposed Hobart City Partnership Program provides opportunities to promote and celebrate the longstanding relationship with six key community and cultural organisations and to highlight the contribution the City has played in their ongoing success.

11.2.   A communications and marketing plan will be developed in collaboration with the City Marketing Unit in order to maximise the opportunities for promotion of the proposed program.

12.      Community and Stakeholder Engagement

12.1.   Each of the organisations listed within this report have been consulted about the proposal and each has indicated their support for the proposed formalisation of their relationship with the City.

12.2.   Consultation with the Group Manager Executive and Economic Development, Group Manager City Government and Customer Relations, Manager Legal and Governance, Manager Cleansing and Solid Waste and the Program Leader Recreation and Projects.

13.      Delegation

13.1.   This matter is delegated to the Council.








As signatory to this report, I certify that, pursuant to Section 55(1) of the Local Government Act 1993, I hold no interest, as referred to in Section 49 of the Local Government Act 1993, in matters contained in this report.


Kimbra Parker

Manager Community and Cultural Programs

Philip Holliday

Director Community Development


Date:                            27 November 2017

File Reference:          F17/134754;  17/213



Attachment a:             Hobart City Partnership Program details

Attachment b:             Policy - Application for Grants - Community Development Division   

Item No. 11

Supplementary Agenda (Open Portion)

Community, Culture and Events Committee Meeting - 29/11/2017

Page 13





Item No. 11

Supplementary Agenda (Open Portion)

Community, Culture and Events Committee Meeting - 29/11/2017

Page 15







