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City of hobart


City Planning Committee Meeting


Open Portion


Monday, 12 September 2016



Minutes (Open Portion)

City Planning Committee Meeting

Page 2








1.        Co-Option of a Committee Member in the event of a vacancy  4

2.        Confirmation of Minutes. 4

3.        Consideration of Supplementary Items. 4

4.        Indications of Pecuniary and Conflicts of Interest. 4

5.        Transfer of Agenda Items. 5

6.        Planning Authority Items - Consideration of Items with Deputations  5

7.        Committee Acting as Planning Authority. 7

7.1     Applications under the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997  7

7.1.1       6-8 Market Place, Hobart - Partial demolition, alterations and extension   7

7.2     Applications under the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015  13

7.2.1       9 Sandy Bay Road, Hobart - Demolition and new development for Hotel with Cafe and Bar and Associated Minor Road Works (Re-advertised - Amended Proposal) 13

7.2.2       53 Runnymede Street, Battery Point - Partial demolition, alterations and extension.. 14

7.2.3       4, 6-12 Wynyard Street and 39 Weld Street, South Hobart - 24 multiple dwellings, levee wall, fencing, public footpath and alterations to traffic circulation.. 14

7.2.4       337 Churchill Avenue, Sandy Bay - Demolition and 13 multiple dwellings  15

7.2.5       23 Liverpool Crescent, West Hobart - Extension and Alterations - PLN-16-00567-01. 15

7.2.6       29 Clutha Place, South Hobart - Dwelling and works in road reservation   19

7.2.8       21 Colville Street, Battery Point - Alterations. 25

7.2.7       12a Bellevue Parade, New Town - Six Additional dwellings, partial demolition and alterations to existing dwelling, stormwater infrastructure, parking and access. 28

7.2.9       409-411 Macquarie Street, South Hobart - Change of use to multiple dwellings, alterations and decking. 38

8          Reports. 42

8.1     Delegated Decisions Report (Planning) 42

8.2     City Planning - Advertising List 42

9.        Questions without Notice. 42

10.     Closed Portion of the Meeting.. 43



Minutes (Open Portion)

City Planning Committee Meeting

Page 4





City Planning Committee Meeting (Open Portion) held on Monday, 12 September 2016 at 5:00 pm in the Lady Osborne Room, Town Hall.



Briscoe (Chairman)






Lord Mayor Hickey

Deputy Lord Mayor Christie








Apologies: Nil



Leave of Absence: Nil



The Lord Mayor Alderman S L Hickey, Alderman J R Briscoe (Chairman), Aldermen E R Ruzicka, H C Burnet,
T M Denison and the Deputy Lord Mayor Alderman R G Christie.


The Lord Mayor was co-opted to the meeting for items 2-6, 7.2.1, 7.2.3, 7.2.4, and 7.2.7-7.2.9.


The Lord Mayor retired from the meeting at 7.03 pm.


1.       Co-Option of a Committee Member in the event of a vacancy




That the Lord Mayor be co-opted to the meeting.















2.       Confirmation of Minutes




The minutes of the Open Portion of the City Planning Committee meeting held on Monday, 29 August 2016, be confirmed as an accurate record.














Lord Mayor Hickey





3.       Consideration of Supplementary Items

Ref: Part 2, Regulation 8(6) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.



That the Committee resolve to deal with any supplementary items not appearing on the agenda, as reported by the General Manager.














Lord Mayor Hickey






4.       Indications of Pecuniary and Conflicts of Interest

Ref: Part 2, Regulation 8(7) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.


Aldermen are requested to indicate where they may have any pecuniary or conflicts of interest in respect to any matter appearing on the agenda, or any supplementary item to the agenda, which the committee has resolved to deal with.


No interest was indicated. OR


5.       Transfer of Agenda Items

Regulation 15 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.


A committee may close a part of a meeting to the public where a matter to be discussed falls within 15(2) of the above regulations.


In the event that the committee transfer an item to the closed portion, the reasons for doing so should be stated.


Are there any items which should be transferred from this agenda to the closed portion of the agenda, or from the closed to the open portion of the agenda?


No items were transferred.



6.       Planning Authority Items - Consideration of Items with Deputations


In accordance with the requirements of Part 2 Regulation 8(3) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the General Manager is to arrange the agenda so that the planning authority items are sequential.


In accordance with Part 2 Regulation 8(4) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the Committee by simple majority may change the order of any of the items listed on the agenda, but in the case of planning items they must still be considered sequentially – in other words they still have to be dealt with as a single group on the agenda.


Where deputations are to be received in respect to planning items, past practice has been to move consideration of these items to the beginning of the meeting.






That in accordance with Regulation 8(4) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the Committee resolve to deal with any items which have deputations by members of the public regarding any planning matter listed on the agenda, to be taken out of sequence in order to deal with deputations at the beginning of the meeting.

















Lord Mayor Hickey





That item 7.2.3 be taken out of order.














Lord Mayor Hickey



Item 7.2.3 was then taken.



Minutes (Open Portion)

City Planning Committee Meeting

Page 8





7.       Committee Acting as Planning Authority


In accordance with the provisions of Part 2 Regulation 25 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the intention of the Committee to act as a planning authority pursuant to the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 is to be noted.


In accordance with Regulation 25, the Committee will act as a planning authority in respect to those matters appearing under this heading on the agenda, inclusive of any supplementary items.


The Committee is reminded that in order to comply with Regulation 25(2), the General Manager is to ensure that the reasons for a decision by a Council or Council Committee acting as a planning authority are recorded in the minutes.


7.1     Applications under the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997


7.1.1   6-8 Market Place, Hobart - Partial demolition, alterations and extension

            PLN-16-744 - File Ref: F16/100446


That the recommendation contained in the report of the Senior Statutory Planner and the Development Appraisal Planner of 1 September 2016, be adopted..














That pursuant to the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997 and the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015, the Council approve the application for partial demolition, alterations and extension at 8 Market Place, Hobart for the reasons outlined in the officer’s report attached to item 7.1.1 of the Open City Planning Committee agenda of 12 September 2016, and a permit containing the following conditions be issued:






The use and/or development must be substantially in accordance with the documents and drawings that comprise PLN­16­744 ­ 6­8 MARKET PLACE HOBART TAS 7000 ­ Final Planning Documents except where modified below.



Reason for condition



To clarify the scope of the permit.


ENG 12



A construction waste management plan must be implemented throughout construction.


A construction waste management plan must be submitted and approved, prior to commencement of work on the site. The Construction Waste Management Plan must include:


·    Provisions for the handling transport and disposal of demolition material, including any contaminated waste, to satisfy the above requirement.


All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved construction waste management plan.



Advice: Once the Construction Waste Management Plan has been approved Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).



Reason for condition



To ensure that solid waste management from the site meets the Council’s requirements and standards.





All stormwater from the proposed development (including hardstand runoff) must be discharged to the Council’s infrastructure with sufficient receiving capacity prior to first occupation. All costs associated with works required by this condition are to be met by the owner.



Design drawings and calculations of the proposed stormwater drainage and connections to Council infrastructure must be submitted and approved prior to the commencement of work. The design drawing must be prepared by a suitably qualified person.



All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved design drawings.



Advice: Once the design drawing has been approved Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).



Reason for condition



To ensure that stormwater from the site will be discharged to a suitable Council approved outlet.







A construction traffic and parking management plan must be implemented prior to the commencement of work on the site (including demolition).



The construction traffic (including cars, public transport vehicles, service vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists) and parking management plan must be submitted and approved, prior to commencement work. The construction traffic and parking management plan must:



a)   Be prepared by a suitably qualified person, by the Council.



b)  Develop a communications plan to advise the wider community of the traffic and parking impacts during construction.



c)   Include a start date and finish dates of various stages of works.

d)  Include times that trucks and other traffic associated with the works will be allowed to operate.



e)   Nominate a superintendant or like to advise the Council of the progress of works in relation to the traffic and parking management with regular meetings during the works.



All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved construction traffic and parking management plan.



Advice: Once the construction traffic and parking management plan has been approved Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).



Reason for condition



To ensure the safety of vehicles entering and leaving the development and the safety and access around the development site for the general public and adjacent businesses.






Accessible parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of one accessible space per 100 car parking spaces. All car parking spaces for people with disabilities must be delineated to Australian/NZS Standard, Parking facilities Part 6: Off­street parking for people with disabilities AS/NZS 2890.6: 2009, prior to the commencement of the use.



Reason for condition



In the interests of vehicle user safety and the amenity of the development.






The cost of repair of any damage to the Council infrastructure resulting from the implementation of this permit, must be met by the owners within 30 days of the completion of the development or as otherwise determined by the Council.



A photographic record of the Council infrastructure adjacent to the subject site must be provided to the Council prior to any commencement of works.



A photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure (e.g. existing property service connection points, roads, buildings, stormwater, footpaths, driveway crossovers and nature strips, including if any, pre existing damage) will be relied upon to establish the extent of damage caused to the Council’s infrastructure during construction. In the event that the owner/developer fails to provide to the Council a photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure, then any damage to the Council infrastructure found on completion of works will be deemed to be the responsibility of the owner.



Reason for condition



To ensure that any of the Council infrastructure and/or site­related service connections affected by the proposal will be altered and/or reinstated at the owner’s full cost.






Sediment and erosion control measures sufficient to prevent sediment from leaving the site must be installed prior to any disturbance of the site. Sediment controls must be maintained until all areas of disturbance have been stabilised.



Advice: For further guidance in preparing a Soil and Water Management Plans (SWMP) in accordance with Fact sheet 3 Derwent Estuary Program go to www.hobartcity.com.au development engineering standards and guidelines.



Reason for condition



To avoid the sedimentation of roads, drains, natural watercourses, Council land that could be caused by erosion and runoff from the development, and to comply with relevant State legislation.






All onsite excavation and disturbance must be monitored. Should any features or deposits of an archaeological nature be discovered on the site during excavation or disturbance:



a)   all excavation and/or disturbance must stop immediately;


b)  a qualified archaeologist must be engaged to attend the site and provide advice and assessment of the features and/or deposits discovered and make recommendations on further excavation and/or disturbance;


c)   all and any recommendations made by the archaeologist engaged in accordance with (b) above must be complied with in full; and (d) all features and/or deposits discovered must be reported to the Council within fourteen (14) days of the discovery; and


d)  a copy of the archaeologists advice, assessment and recommendations obtained in accordance with paragraph (b) above must be provided to Council within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the advice, assessment and recommendations.



Excavation and/or disturbance must not recommence unless and until approval is granted from the Council.



Reason for condition



To ensure that work is planned and implemented in a manner that seeks to

understand, retain, protect, preserve and manage significant archaeological evidence.







The following advice is provided to you to assist in the implementation of the planning permit that has been issued subject to the conditions above. The advice is not exhaustive and you must inform yourself of any other legislation, by­laws, regulations, codes or standards that will apply to your development under which you may need to obtain an approval. Visit www.hobartcity.com.au for further information.



Prior to any commencement of work on the site or commencement of use the following additional permits/approval may be required from the Hobart City Council.




Condition endorsement



As a condition endorsement is required by a planning condition above, please forward documentation required to satisfy the condition to rfi­information@hobartcity.com.au, clearly identifying the planning permit number, address and the condition to which the documentation relates.



Once approved, the Council will respond to you via email that the condition/s has been endorsed (satisfied). Detailed instructions can be found at: www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Planning/How_to_obtain_a_condition_endorse ment



Building permit


Building permit in accordance with the Building Act 2000;



Plumbing permit


Plumbing permit under the Tasmanian Plumbing Regulations 2014;






Permit to occupy the public highway



Permit for the occupation of the public highway for construction or special event (e.g. placement of skip bin, crane, scissor lift etc).



http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Transport/Permits/Construction_Activities_Special_Even ts_in_the_Road_Reservation



Temporary parking permit for construction vehicles



Temporary parking permits for construction vehicles i.e. residential or meter parking/loading zones.



Waste disposal ­Top ten tips
Fees and charges

Dial before you dig






If you do not have access to the Council’s electronic web page, please phone the

Council (City Planning) on 6238 2715 for assistance.



Item 7.2.2 was then taken.

7.2     Applications under the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015


Mr Gus Donnelly addressed the Committee in relation to item 7.2.1.


Mr Alex Kendall addressed the Committee in relation to item 7.2.1.


Ms Julie McConaghy addressed the Committee in relation to item 7.2.1.


Mr Ian Abernethy, Mr Tom Carter-Key and Mr Nick Travers addressed the Committee in relation to item 7.2.1, on behalf of the applicant.


7.2.1   9 Sandy Bay Road, Hobart - Demolition and new development for Hotel with Cafe and Bar and Associated Minor Road Works (Re-advertised - Amended Proposal)

            PLN-15-01476-01 - File Ref: F16/102061




That the recommendation contained in the report of the Manager Development Appraisal and the Development Appraisal Planner of 8 June 2016, be adopted.









Lord Mayor Hickey





That pursuant to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015, the Council refuse the application for demolition and new develpment for hotel with cafe and bar and associated minor road works(re-advertised – amended proposal) at 9 sandy Bay Road, Hobart for the following reasons:



1.         The proposal does not meet clause 8.10.2 of the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 in that it does not meet the purpose of the Urban Mixed Use zone because it doesn't provide for the integration of a commercial use with the surrounding residential uses, it doesn't provide a density responsive to the character of the surrounding area, and it doesn't encourage the retention of the existing residential use on the site or the reuse or adaptation of the existing building on the site.



2.         The proposal does not meet the acceptable solution or the performance criteria for clause 15.4.1 of the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 because the building height exceeds

10m and is not compatible with the scale of nearby buildings.



3.         The proposal does not meet the acceptable solution or the performance criteria for clause E6.6.1 of the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 because the amount of on site car parking provided will not be sufficient to meet the reasonable needs of users.



          Item 7.2.4 was then taken.


7.2.2   53 Runnymede Street, Battery Point - Partial demolition, alterations and extension

            PLN-16-00370-01 - File Ref: F16/101957



1.    The memorandum be received and noted.

2.    The recommendation contained in the report of the Manager Development Appraisal and the Development Appraisal Planner of 8 June 2016, be adopted.














That pursuant to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015, the Council refuse the application for partial demolition, alterations and extension at 53 Runnymede Street, Battery Point for the following reasons:

1.      The proposed development does not meet performance criterion E13.7.2 P1 of the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 as the development will result in loss of historic cultural heritage significance to the place through incompatible design, including in height and form.

2.      The proposed development does not meet performance criterion E13.7.2 P2 of the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 as the development is not designed to be subservient and complementary to the place through characteristics including its built form.

3.      The proposed development does not meet performance criterion E13.7.2 P3 of the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 as the built form does not respond to the dominant heritage characteristics of the place.

4.      The proposed development does not meet performance criterion E13.7.2 P4 of the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 as the extension to the existing building detracts from the historic cultural heritage significance of the place.

5.      The proposed development does not meet performance criterion E13.8.4 P3 of the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 as the height of the proposal will be obtrusive in the streetscape and will detract from the pattern of development that is a characteristic of the cultural heritage significance of Heritage Precinct BP1 in the vicinity of the site.


Item 7.2.5 was then taken.


7.2.3   4, 6-12 Wynyard Street and 39 Weld Street, South Hobart - 24 multiple dwellings, levee wall, fencing, public footpath and alterations to traffic circulation

            PLN-16-00406-01 - File Ref: F16/100968;  PLN-16-00406-01



1.    The memorandum be received and noted.

2.    The recommendation contained in the report of the Senior Statutory Planner and the Development Appraisal of 25 August 2016, be adopted.














Lord Mayor Hickey




That pursuant to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015, the Council approve the application for 24 multiple dwellings, levee wall, fencing, public footpath and alterations to traffic circulation at 4, 6­12 Wynyard Street, South Hobart for the reasons outlined in the officer’s report attached to item 7.2.3 of the Open City Planning Committee agenda of 12 September 2016, and a permit containing the following conditions be issued:




The use and/or development must be substantially in accordance with the documents and drawings that comprise PLN­16­00406­01 ­ 4, 6­12 Wynyard ­ SOUTH HOBART ­ Final Planning Documents except where modified below.


Reason for condition


To clarify the scope of the permit.




The use and/or development must comply with the requirements of TasWater as detailed in the form Submission to Planning Authority Notice, Reference No. TWDA 2016/00521­HCC dated 27 June 2016 as attached to the permit.


Reason for condition


To clarify the scope of the permit.




The Council’s stormwater infrastructure adjacent to & within the subject site must be protected from damage during the construction of the development.


Digital copies of a pre construction work CCTV video and associated report(s) of any Council stormwater main within two metres of the works (which will not be abandoned) must be submitted to Council prior to issue of any consent under the Building Act 2000 for the relevant stage.


Digital copies of a post construction work CCTV video and associated report(s) of any Council stormwater main within two metres of the works must be submitted to Council after completion of all work but prior to the issue of any Certificate of Completion for the relevant stage. However should the main still be within the 12 month maintenance period, this post work CCTV may instead be submitted at the end of the maintenance period (ie a single CCTV to satisfy both maintenance period and post works).


The pre and post construction work CCTVs will be relied upon to establish the extent of damage caused to the Council’s infrastructure during construction. In the event that the owner fails to provide to the Council a pre construction works CCTV video of the Council’s infrastructure, then any damage to the Council infrastructure identified in the post construction CCTV will be deemed to be the responsibility of the owner.


Advice: Due to the diameter of the main, a tractor camera will be required to obtain adequately clear footage.


Reason for condition


To ensure that any of the Council infrastructure and/or site­related service connections affected by the proposal will be altered and/or reinstated at the owner’s full cost.




The proposed works (including footings and overhangs) must be designed to ensure the long term protection of and access to any of Council’s new, existing or diverted stormwater infrastructure.


A detailed design for all works within two metres of public stormwater infrastructure certified by a suitably qualified engineer must be submitted and approved prior to issue of any consent under the Building Act for the relevant stage. The detailed design must:

·           Demonstrate how the design will ensure the protection of and provide access to Council’s stormwater mains (a minimum of 1m horizontal clearance is required from any part of any building to all mains);

·           Demonstrate that the works do not impose any loads on the storm water main and the structure is entirely independent of the main and its trenching, including certification by a suitably qualified engineer; and

·           Include (but not be limited to) cross­sections, minimum separation, adequate cover.

Prior to construction of any footings within two metres of public stormwater infrastructure, the stormwater pipe must be accurately located by the developer, and the clearance must be inspected and confirmed by the Council's Project and Development Inspector to ensure the minimum separation is achieved.


The Council's Project and Development Inspector, must be contacted on phone (03) 6238 2967 at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of any works.


Prior to issue of any Certificate of Completion for the relevant stage a suitably qualified engineer must confirm the installation of the works within two metres of Council’s stormwater main is in accordance with the approved drawings and complies with this condition. Should any remediation works be required, these must be carried out at the developer’s cost.


All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved design.


Advice: Once the detailed design drawings has been approved the Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement). The Council's Project and Development Inspector, must be contacted on phone (03) 6238 2967 at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of any works.


Reason for condition


To ensure the protection of Council’s hydraulic infrastructure.




The sites must be drained to Council infrastructure. The new stormwater connection(s) must be constructed, and existing redundant connections must be removed at the owner’s expense, prior to issue of a Certificate of Completion for the first Stage.


Detailed design drawings showing the proposed connections must be submitted and approved, prior to issue of any consent under the Building Act 2000 for the first Stage. The detailed design drawings must:

·           Show the location of the proposed connections and any existing connections;

·           Demonstrate the size and design of the connection(s) such that they are appropriate to safely service the development and ensure protection of the receiving waterway, including:

1.     Maintenance of 3 month flows for the fully developed site

2.     Erosion and scour protection

3.     Minimal hydraulic intrusion into the Rivulet

4.     Backflow prevention (upstream of the connection point and privately owned and maintained)

·           Include long­sections and cross­sections of the proposed connection(s) clearly showing any nearby services, cover, size, material, delineation of public and private infrastructure, protection of the connections where they pass under the levee wall; and

·           Be checked and certified by a qualified and experienced engineer.

All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved detailed design drawings.


Advice: Once the detailed design drawings have been approved the Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).


Please note that once the condition endorsement has been issued you will need to contact Council’s City Infrastructure Division to initiate an application for service connection.


Reason for condition


To ensure the site is drained adequately.




All proposed new or diverted public stormwater infrastructure (including any drainage required by the proposed alterations to Wynyard Street) must be constructed prior to issue of a completion certificate for the relevant stage.


Engineering design drawings must be submitted and approved, prior to issue of any consent under the Building Act for the relevant stage. The engineering design drawings must:

·           Be certified by a qualified and experienced Engineer;

·           Show in both plan and long­section any proposed stormwater mains, including but not limited to: lot connections (proposed or existing for benefitting properties); clearances (e.g to buildings, structures, private pipework, other services, etc), cover, extent of fill, gradients, sizing, material, pipe class, adequate working platforms around manholes, connections to existing Council infrastructure, easements, inspection openings, and erosion control;

·           Clearly distinguish between public and private infrastructure;

·           Be substantially in accordance with the LGAT drawings.

All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved engineereing design drawings.


Advice: Once the engineering design drawings have been approved the Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).


Please note that once the condition endorsement has been issued you will need to contact Council’s Road and Environmental Engineering Unit to obtain a Permit to Construct Public Infrastructure. All new public infrastructure will be subject to a 12 month maintenance period before being taken over by Council (subject to satisfactory final inspection including CCTV) and will require payment of a maintenance bond. Note that the engineering drawings for public infrastructure are separate from and do not form part of any plumbing permit documentation.


Reason for condition


To ensure Council’s hydraulic infrastructure meets acceptable standards.




The stormwater service to any property affected by the works is to be maintained at the developer’s cost.


Prior to the issue of consent under the Building Act for any stage which involves abandonment or removal of any existing public stormwater main or branch, CCTV video and associated report must be submitted demonstrating that all connections into that main or branch have been identified. Engineering plans detailing alternate servicing for each benefitting property (including temporary works to maintain services during construction) must be approved by Council prior to issue of consent under Building Act for the relevant stage and installed at the developer’s cost prior to issue of any Certificate of Completion for the relevant stage.


Advice: Once the CCTV, report and plans have been received the Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).


Reason for condition


To maintain service to Council’s existing customers.




Stormwater pre­treatment and detention for stormwater discharges from the development must be installed prior to issue of a Certificate of Completion for the first Stage.


A stormwater management report and design must be submitted and approved, prior to issue of any consent under the Building Act 2000 for the first Stage. The stormwater management report and design must:


1.      be prepared by a suitably qualified engineer;

2.      include detailed design of the proposed treatment train, including final estimations of contaminant removal;

3.      include detailed design and supporting calculations of detention, sized such that there is no increase in flows from the developed site up to the 3 month ARI storm events;

4.      include a Stormwater Management Summary Plan that outlines theobligations for future property owners to stormwater management, including a maintenance plan which outlines the operational and maintenance measures to check and ensure the ongoing effective operation of all systems, such as: inspection frequency; cleanout procedures; descriptions and diagrams of how the installed systems operate; details of the life of assets and replacement requirements.

All work required by this condition must be undertaken and maintained in accordance with the approved stormwater management report and design.


Advice: Once the stormwater management report and design has been approved the Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).


Reason for condition


To protect natural watercourses, to comply with relevant State legislation.


ENG 13


An ongoing waste management plan for all insert commercial or domestic waste and recycling must be implemented post construction.


A waste management plan must be submitted and approved, prior to commencement of work on the site. A waste management plan must include provisions for commercial waste services for the handling, storage, transport and disposal of domestic waste and recycle bins from the development.


All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved waste management plan.


Advice: Once the waste management plan has been approved Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).


Reason for condition


To ensure that solid waste management from the site meets the Council’s requirements and standards.




A construction traffic and parking management plan must be implemented prior to the commencement of work on the site (including demolition).


The construction traffic (including cars, public transport vehicles, service vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists) and parking management plan must be submitted to and approved by Council, prior to commencement work. The construction traffic and parking management plan must:

1.     be prepared by a suitably qualified person;

2.     develop a communications plan to advise the wider community of the traffic and parking impacts during construction;

3.     include a start date and finish dates of various stages of works;

4.     include times that trucks and other traffic associated with the works will be allowed to operate; and

5.     nominate a superintendant or like to advise the Council of the progress of works in relation to the traffic and parking management with regular meetings during the works.

All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved construction traffic and parking management plan.


Advice: Once the construction traffic and parking management plan has been approved Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).


Reason for condition


To ensure the safety of vehicles entering and leaving the development and the safety and access around the development site for the general public and adjacent businesses.




Vehicle crash barriers compliant with the Australian/New Zealand Standard AS / NZS 1170.1 must be installed prior to the first occupation.


A certified design/ report prepared by a suitably qualified Engineer, to satisfy the above requirements, must be provided to the Council prior to the issuing of any permit under the Building Act 2000.


All works, required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with certified design/report. Upon completion the barriers must be inspected by a qualified engineer and a certification submitted to the Council, confirming that the installed barriers comply with the above requirement.


Reason for condition


To ensure that the safety of users of the driveway/parking and compliance with the standard.




The driveway and car parking areas approved by this permit must be constructed to a sealed standard and surface drained prior to the first occupation.


Reason for condition


To ensure safe access is provided for the use.




All external parking spaces must be delineated by means of white or yellow lines 80mm to 100mm wide, or white or yellow pavements markers in accordance to Australian/NZS Standard, Parking facilities Part 1: Off­street car parking AS/NZS 2890.1, prior to the commencement of the use.


Reason for condition


In the interests of vehicle user safety and the amenity of the development.





Any car parking spaces for people with disabilities must be delineated to Australian/NZS Standard, Parking facilities Part 6: Off­street parking for people with disabilities AS/NZS 2890.6: 2009, prior to the commencement of the use.


Reason for condition


In the interests of vehicle user safety and the amenity of the development.




The driveway car parking and manoeuvring areas, design must be submitted to the Council, prior to the issuing of any permit under the Building Act 2000.


The driveway car parking and manoeuvring areas, design must be prepared and certified by a suitably qualified engineer that the design is in accordance with the Australian standards AS/NZS 2890.1 or that the design provides for a safe and efficient access.


Upon completion of the driveway car parking and manoeuvring areas, documents signed by a suitably qualified engineer, certifying the driveway has been constructed in accordance with the certified design drawings must be lodged with the Council.


Reason for condition:


To ensure that the safety of users of the driveway/parking.




The cost of repair of any damage to the Council infrastructure resulting from the implementation of this permit, must be met by the owners within 30 days of the completion of the development or as otherwise determined by the Council. Any damage must be reported immediately to Council.


A photographic record of the Council infrastructure adjacent to the subject site must be provided to the Council prior to any commencement of works.


A photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure (e.g. existing property service connection points, roads, buildings, stormwater, footpaths, driveway crossovers and nature strips, including if any, pre existing damage) will be relied upon to establish the extent of damage caused to the Council’s infrastructure during construction. In the event that the owner/developer fails to provide to the Council a photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure, then any damage to the Council infrastructure found on completion of works will be deemed to be the responsibility of the owner.


Reason for condition


To ensure that any of the Council infrastructure and/or site­related service connections affected by the proposal will be altered and/or reinstated at the owner’s full cost.




The proposed driveway crossover in Wynyard Street highway reservation to the east of the site must be designed and constructed in accordance with TSD­R09­v1 Urban Roads Driveways and TSD R14­ v1 Type KC vehicular crossing, and TSD­R11­v1 Footpath ­ Urban Roads Footpaths prior to the completion of stage 1 (see advice).


Design drawings must be submitted and approved prior to the commencement of work. The design drawing must:

1.     show how the existing spoon drain and footpath at the driveway crossover and either side of it, will be reconstructed to obtain a complaint driveway to the standards above;

2.     show the cross and long section of the driveway crossover and any associated footpath works, within the highway reservation and onto the property; and

3.     be prepared and certified by a suitable qualified person, to satisfy the above requirement.

All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved design drawings.


Advice: Once the approved design drawings have been approved Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain

condition endorsement).


Reason for condition


To ensure that works will comply with the Council’s standard requirements.


ENG s1


The proposed driveway crossover / turning area in Wynyard Street highway reservation to the west of the site must be designed and constructed in accordance with TSD­ R06­v1, TSD­R11­v1 and TSD­ R18­v1, prior to the completion of stage 1 (see advice). Access ramps must be provided at the turning area for pedestrians to be able to travel along the new southern footpath within the highway reservation . Make sure you include LGAT advice.


Design drawings must be submitted and approved prior to the commencement of work. The design drawings must:

1.     detail the location and dimensions of footpath, access ramps, road and any other infrastructure (ie stormwater pits) at or near the turning area;

2.     show cross and long sections of the turning area and footpath within the highway reservation and onto the property;

3.     show how the area will be drained and infrastructure required to achieve this;

4.     show the standard at which the road will be constructed too including pavement depths and materials; and

5.     be prepared and certified by a suitable qualified engineer, to satisfy the above requirement.

All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved drawing.


Advice: Once the approved design drawings have been approved Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).


Reason for condition


To ensure that works will comply with the Council’s standard requirements.


ENG s2


The proposed footpath in Wynyard Street highway reservation on the southern side of the road must be designed and constructed in general accordance with TSD­R11­v1 Footpath ­ Urban Roads Footpaths and TSD­R14­v1 Type KC Kerb and Channel, prior to the completion of stage 1 (see advice). Make sure you include LGAT advice.


Design drawings must be submitted and approved prior to the commencement of work. The design drawings must:

1.     show cross and long sections of the new footpath and kerb within the highway reservation, ensuring the area is drained;

2.     detail how the new footpath and kerb will transition into the existing footpath and spoon drain; and

3.     be prepared and certified by a suitable qualified engineer, to satisfy the above requirement.

All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved design drawings.


Advice: Once the approved design drawings have been approved Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).


Reason for condition


To ensure that works will comply with the Council’s standard requirements.




The levee wall is to be designed and constructed to resist all likely forces and erosion associated with a flood event and be fully located within private property.


Detailed design drawings of all works within the 1% AEP flood zone must be submitted and approved prior to the issue of consent under Building Act for the relevant stage. The design drawings must include:

·           Certification from an accredited and qualified structural engineer that all proposed structures within the flood zone are designed to resist erosion, undermining and likely forces from a flood event;

·           Proposed finished levels of the top of the wall and fill;

·           Cross­sections showing the works and property boundaries;

·           Details of materials and stabilisation techniques to prevent sediment transport and erosion from the fill material; and

·           A Flood Management Summary Plan that outlines the obligations for future property owners to flood management, including a maintenance plan which outlines the operational and maintenance measures to check and ensure the ongoing effective operation of all systems, such as: inspection frequency; descriptions of the installed systems; details of the life of assets and replacement requirements; and division of costs between the two titles.


All work required by this condition must be undertaken and maintained in accordance with the approved plans.


Advice: Council does not consider the proposed wall height of the modeled 1% AEP flood level at 2100 with no freeboard to meet the intent of s159 of the Building Act 2000. This is particularly relevant to any future development on 39 Weld St. Council also suggests the upper extent of the wall on Weld St frontage is designed to maintain access onto 39 Weld St.


Reason for Condition


To ensure that the risks associated with inundation are adequately managed.



All structures within the flood zone including buildings and flood mitigation measures must be inspected by a suitably qualified and accredited engineer.


Certification from a suitably qualified and accredited engineer that the installation has been constructed in accordance with the approved certified design must be provided to Hobart City Council prior issue of a completion certificate for the relevant stage.


Reason for Condition


To ensure that the risks associated with flooding are adequately managed.




All structures within the flood zone must be inspected by a registered surveyor.


Certification from a registered surveyor that the Finished Floor Levels and the top of any flood wall are at or above the relevant minimum levels shown on the approved building plans prior to issue of any occupancy/completion certificate for the relevant stage (whichever occurs first).


Reason for Condition


To ensure that the risks associated with flooding are adequately managed.


ENGtrsp 1


An increased length of “No Stopping restriction on the eastern side of Wynyard Street (adjacent to the “Moses Bakery”) is to be constructed. All costs associated with works required by this condition are to be met by the owner. All works required by this condition must be installed prior to the first occupation.


Design drawing must be submitted to and approved by Council prior to the issuing of any permit under the Building Act 2000.


The design drawing must include a site plan indicating any works and signage required to satisfy the above requirement.


All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved drawing.


Advice: This arrangement must be implemented by the Council’s City Infrastructure Division.


Reason for condition


To ensure safe and adequate passing space at the Macquarie Street junction.





Sediment and erosion control measures sufficient to prevent sediment from leaving the site must be installed prior to the commencement of work and maintained until such time as all disturbed areas have been stabilised and/or restored or sealed to the Council’s satisfaction.


A soil and water management plan (SWMP) must be submitted and approved, prior to the commencement of work. The SWMP must:


1.     be prepared in accordance with the Soil and Water Management on Building and Construction Sites fact sheets (Derwent Estuary Program, 2008): http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Engineering_Standards_and _Guidelines;

2.     be in accordance with GES's Site Management Plan dated April 2014;

3.     be in accordance with Wetlands and Waterways Works Manual (DPIWE, 2003), available from:  http://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/conservation/flora­of­ tasmania/tasmanian­vegetation­types/about­tasmanias­wetlands/wetlands­waterways­works­manual.

All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved SWMP.


Advice: Once the SWMP has been approved the Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).


Reason for Condition


To avoid the pollution and sedimentation of roads, drains and natural watercourses that could be caused by erosion and runoff from the development.




Recommendations in the reports 'Site Management Plan, 6­12 Wynyard Street, April 2014' and 'Environmental Site Assessment, 4 Wynyard Street, June 2016' prepared by Geo­Environmental Solutions (GES) must be implemented. Recommendations conclude that, subject to the implementation of above the site management plan, the proposed use and development of the entire site as described in the current application will not adversely impact on human health or the environment.


Reason for condition


To ensure that the risk to future occupants of the building remain low and acceptable.




A construction management plan must be implemented throughout the construction works.


A construction management plan must be submitted and approved prior to the issuing of any building permit under the Building Act 2000. The plan must include but is not limited to the following:

1.     Identification and disposal of any potentially contaminated waste;

2.     Proposed hours of work (including volume and timing of heavy vehicles entering and leaving the site, and works undertaken on site);

3.     Proposed hours of construction;

4.     Identification of potentially noisy construction phases, such as operation of rock­ breakers, explosives or pile drivers, and proposed means to minimise impact on the amenity of neighbouring buildings;

5.     Control of dust and emissions during working hours;

6.     Proposed screening of the site and vehicular access points during work; and

7.     Procedures for washing down vehicles, to prevent soil and debris being carried onto the street.

All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved plan.


Advice: Once the plan has been approved the Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).


Reason for condition


To ensure minimal impact on the amenity of adjoining properties and members of the public during the construction period.




The applicant is to submit to the Council a copy of the Surveyor’s survey notes at the time of lodging the final plan.


Reason for Condition


To enable the Council to accurately update cadastral layers on the corporate

Geographic Information System.




The proposed Road and Public Open Space lots are to be transferred in fee simple to the Council at nominal consideration.


The land shown on Tasmanian Building Design drawing “Site Plan­Part A SK02, Rev. B as “Public Vehicular Turning Facility in Wynyard Street” between the Wynyard Street title boundary of CT 171031/1 and the face of Fence A shall be shown as "Road" and the land comprised within CT 171031/1 between the rivulet face of the levee wall and the Hobart Rivulet title boundary shall be shown as "Public Open Space"on a Plan of Survey.


Prior to the sealing of the final plan an executed and stamp duty assessed Land Titles Office transfer instrument is to be forwarded to the Council together with a cheque made payable to the Land Titles Office for the associated Land Titles Office registration fees.


Reason for Condition


To ensure that titles to the proposed road and public open space lots issue in the Council.


Part 5 1


Prior to the issue of consent under the Building Act, the owner(s) of the property must enter into an agreement with the Council pursuant to Part 5 of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 with respect to:

·           Ongoing compliance with the approved stormwater management plan for the proposed treatment & detention system; and

·           Ongoing maintenance of all approved flood mitigation measures in accordance with the approved flood management plan.

All costs for the preparation and registration of the Part 5 Agreement must be met by the owner.



The owner must comply with the Part 5 Agreement which will be placed on the property title.


Note: Further information with respect to the preparation of a Part 5 agreement can be found at: http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Planning/Part_5_agreements


Reason for condition


To ensure that environmental and inundation mitigation measures are maintained.


SUBsp 1


The Plan of Survey showing the Road and Public Open Space Lots shall be notated on the Council Approval sheet “The Hobart City Council hereby declares pursuant to section 90 of the Local Government (Building and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1993 that this dealing is not in contravention of Division 3 of the above Act and this Plan of Survey has been voluntarily submitted under Section 82 to be a Sealed Plan.”


The Plan of Survey is to be sealed by Council prior to the issue of a Certificate of Completion (Building) for the first stage of the development.


Reason for Condition


To ensure that the transfer of the Road and Public Open Space lots to Council can proceed at an appropriate time.




The following advice is provided to you to assist in the implementation of the planning permit that has been issued subject to the conditions above. The advice is not exhaustive and you must inform yourself of any other legislation, by­laws, regulations, codes or standards that will apply to your development under which you may need to obtain an approval. Visit www.hobartcity.com.au for further information.


Prior to any commencement of work on the site or commencement of use the following additional permits/approval may be required from the Hobart City Council:


Condition Endorsement


Where a condition endorsement is required by a planning condition above, please forward documentation required to satisfy the condition to rfi­ information@hobartcity.com.au, clearly identifying the planning permit number, address and the condition to which the documentation relates.


Once approved, the Council will respond to you via email that the condition/s has been endorsed (satisfied). Detailed instructions can be found at www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Planning/How_to_obtain_a_condition_en dorsement


Building permit in accordance with the Building Act 2000




Plumbing permit under the Tasmanian Plumbing Regulations 2014




Permit for the occupation of the public highway for construction or special event ( e.g. placement of crane, scissor lift etc)


http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Transport/Permits/Construction_Activities_Speci al_Events_in_the_Road_Reservation


Permit to Open Up and Temporarily Occupy a Highway (for work in the road reserve)





Temporary parking permits for construction vehicles i.e. residential or meter parking/loading zones




Transfer of Road and Public Open Space Lots


Council accepts the offer of the transfer of the Road and Public Open Space lots pursuant to section 175 of the Local Government Act 1993. These lots will be transferred to Hobart City Council under the provisions of sections 8(a) and 9 of the Land Acquisition Act 1993. The Open Space lot will be dedicated as Public Land and integrated into the Hobart Rivulet Park.


Storm water


Please note that in addition to a building and/or plumbing permit, development must be in accordance with the Hobart City Council’s Hydraulic Services By law.




Structures close to a Council Storm water main


The design of structures (including footings) must provide protection for the Council’s infrastructure. A guide to appropriate designs can be found at:


Work within the Highway Reservation


Please note development must be in accordance with the Hobart City Council’s Highways By ­law:


Driveway surfacing over highway reserve

If a coloured or textured surface is used for the driveway access within the Highway Reservation, the Council or other service provider will not match this on any reinstatement of the driveway access within the Highway Reservation required in the future.

Redundant Crossovers


Redundant crossovers are required to be reinstated under the Hobart City Council’s Highways By ­law http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Council/Legislation



Designed in accordance with LGAT­ IPWEA Tasmanian standard drawings http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Engineering_Standards_and_Guidelines


Cross over construction


The construction of the crossover can be undertaken by the Council or by a private contractor, subject to Council approval of the design.





Storm water/roads/access


Services to be designed and constructed in accordance with the (IPWEA) LGAT­ standard drawings.


http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Engineering_Standards_and_Guid elines


Right of way


The private right of way must not be reduced, restricted or impeded in any way, and all beneficiaries must have complete and unrestricted access at all times.


You should inform yourself as to your rights and responsibilities in respect to the private right of way particularly reducing, restricting or impeding the right during and after construction.


Title adhesion


An adhesion of your titles is required because a portion of your development is across one or more title boundaries. Contact your solicitor or a registered land survey to initiate the process.


Council Reserves


All work carried out in close proximity to the Council reserves must be in accordance with the Council’s Parks, recreation and natural areas by ­laws http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Council/Legislation


You are subject to the Council’s Parks, recreation and natural areas by –laws in respect to any work carried out in close proximity to the Council reserve.




Weed control


Effective measures are detailed in the Tasmanian Washdown Guidelines for Weed and Disease Control: Machinery, Vehicles and Equipment (Edition 1, 2004). The guidelines can be obtained from the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment website at http://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/invasive­species/weeds/weed­hygiene/washdown­ guidelines


Work Place health and safety


Appropriate occupational health and safety (OH&S) measures must be employed during the works to minimise direct human exposure to potentially­ contaminated soil, water, dust and vapours.




Noise regulations


The following link provides information with respect to noise nuisances in residential areas.





Waste disposal ­Top ten tips




Fees and charges



Dial before you dig




If you do not have access to the Council’s electronic web page, please phone the Council (City Planning) on 62382715 for assistance.


Item 7.2.1 was then taken.


Mr Robert Morris and Ms Frances Dolan addressed the Committee in relation to item 7.2.4.


Ms Penny Webb addressed the Committee in relation to item 7.2.4.


Mr Richard Harris addressed the Committee in relation to item 7.2.4, on behalf of the applicant.


7.2.4   337 Churchill Avenue, Sandy Bay - Demolition and 13 multiple dwellings

            PLN-16-00019-01 - File Ref: F16/100947;  PLN-16-00019-01


That the item be deferred so that the applicant may submit amended plans to Council.











Lord Mayor Hickey




That the item be deferred so that the applicant may submit amended plans to Council.


Item 7.2.7 was then taken.


7.2.5   23 Liverpool Crescent, West Hobart - Extension and Alterations - PLN-16-00567-01

            PLN-16-00567-01 - File Ref: F16/100633


That the recommendation contained in the report of the Senior Statutory Planner and the Development Appraisal Planner of 1 September 2016, be adopted.















That pursuant to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015, the Council approve the application for extension and alterations at 23 Liverpool Crescent, West Hobart for the reasons outlined in the officer’s report attached to item 7.2.5 of the Open City Planning Committee agenda of 12 September 2016, and a permit containing the following conditions be issued:






The use and/or development must be substantially in accordance with the documents and drawings that comprise PLN­16­00567­01 ­ 23 Liverpool Crescent WEST HOBART ­ Final Planning Documents except where modified below.



Reason for condition



To clarify the scope of the permit.



PLN s1



The dwelling is to be used as one private residential dwelling unit only. Any use of the property as separate dwelling units or for any other use other than private residential is not approved and would require a separate approval from Council.



Reason for condition



To clarify the scope of the permit.






The cost of repair of any damage to the Council infrastructure resulting from the implementation of this permit, must be met by the owners within 30 days of the completion of the development or as otherwise determined by the Council.



A photographic record of the Council infrastructure adjacent to the subject site must be provided to the Council prior to any commencement of works.



A photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure (e.g. existing property service connection points, roads, buildings, stormwater, footpaths, driveway crossovers and nature strips, including if any, pre existing damage) will be relied upon to establish the extent of damage caused to the Council’s infrastructure during construction. In the event that the owner/developer fails to provide to the Council a photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure, then any damage to the Council infrastructure found on completion of works will be deemed to be the responsibility of the owner.



Reason for condition



To ensure that any of the Council infrastructure and/or site­related service connections affected by the proposal will be altered and/or reinstated at the owner’s full cost.






The footings within the highway reservation must not undermine the stability and integrity of the highway reservation and its infrastructure.


Detailed design drawings, structural certificates of the footings within the Liverpool Crescent highway reservation must be submitted and approved, prior to the commencement of work and must:



·      Be prepared and certified by a suitable qualified person and experienced engineer;

·    Not undermine the stability of the highway reservation;

·    Take into account and reference accordingly any Geotechnical findings;


·      Detail any mitigation measures required;


·    Detail the design and location of the footing within the road reservation; and


·    The structure certificated and/or drawings should note accordingly the above.



All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved select design drawing and structural certificates.



Advice: Once the design drawing has been approved the Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).



Reason for condition



To ensure that the stability and integrity of the Council’s highway reservation is not compromised by the development.






Sediment and erosion control measures sufficient to prevent sediment from leaving the site must be installed prior to any disturbance of the site. Sediment controls must be maintained until all areas of disturbance have been stabilized or re vegetated.



Advice: For further guidance in preparing a Soil and Water Management Plans (SWMP) in accordance with Fact sheet 3 Derwent Estuary Program go to www.hobartcity.com.au development engineering standards and guidelines.



Reason for condition



To avoid the sedimentation of roads, drains, natural watercourses, Council land that could be caused by erosion and runoff from the development, and to comply with relevant State Legislation.





The following advice is provided to you to assist in the implementation of the planning permit that has been issued subject to the conditions above. The advice is not exhaustive and you must inform yourself of any other legislation, by­laws, regulations, codes or standards that will apply to your development under which you may need to obtain an approval. Visit www.hobartcity.com.au for further information.



Prior to any commencement of work on the site or commencement of use the following additional permits/approval may be required from the Hobart City Council.



Building permit in accordance with the Building Act 2000






Plumbing permit under the Tasmanian Plumbing Regulations 2014






Work within the Highway Reservation



Occupational license for use of Hobart City Council highway reservation (as detailed in the development proposal plans), in accordance with conditions to be established by the Council.






Permit to Temporarily Open Up and Occupy a Highway



Prior to the commencement of any works within the highway reservation the developer must apply for and obtain a Permit to Temporarily Open Up and Occupy a Highway (pursuant to Section 46 of the Local Government (Highways) Act 1982). Application form and advice regarding the permit requirements can be found on Council’s web site.



http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Transport/Lighting_Roads_Footpaths_and_Street_Clean ing/Roads_and_Footpaths






Please note development must be in accordance with the Hobart City Council’s Highways By ­law http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Council/Legislation



7.2.6   29 Clutha Place, South Hobart - Dwelling and works in road reservation

            PLN-16-00326-01 - File Ref: F16/101779


That the recommendation contained in the report of the Senior Statutory Planner and the Development Appraisal Planner of 1 September 2016, be adopted.















That pursuant to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015, the Council approve the application for a dwelling and works within road reserve at 29 Clutha Place and adjacent road reservation for the reasons outlined in the officer’s report attached to item 7.2.6 of the Open City Planning Committee agenda of 12 September 2016, and a permit containing the following conditions be issued:






The use and development must be substantially in accordance with the documents and drawings that comprise PLN­16­00326­01 ­29 Clutha Place ­ final planning documents except where modified below.



Reason for condition



To clarify the scope of the permit.







Screening to a height of 1.2 metres above the level of the rear retaining wall and with no more than 25% transparency must be installed and maintained along the entire length of that retaining wall. The screening must be installed prior to first occupation of the dwelling.



Reason for condition



To provide reasonable opportunity for privacy for dwellings.




ENG sw6



All stormwater from the proposed development (including hardstand runoff) must be discharged to the Council’s stormwater infrastructure prior to first occupation.



All costs associated with works required by this condition are to be met by the owner.



Design drawings of the proposed stormwater drainage via gravity, and connections to Council infrastructure must be submitted and approved prior to the issuing of a building permit/consent under the Building Act 2000. The design drawing must be prepared by a suitably qualified person.



All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved design drawings.



Advice: Once the design drawing has been approved Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).



Reason for condition



To ensure that stormwater from the site will be discharged to a suitable Council approved outlet.






Vehicle crash barriers where required to satisfy the requirements of AS/NZS2890.1:2004 Section, compliant with the AS/NZS 1170.1:2002, must be installed prior to the first occupation.



A certified design/report prepared by a suitably qualified engineer, to satisfy the above requirements, must be provided to the Council prior to the issuing of any permit under the Building Act 2000.



All works, required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with certified design/report. Upon completion the barriers must be inspected by a qualified engineer and a certification submitted to the Council, confirming that the installed barriers comply with the above requirement.



Reason for condition



To ensure that the safety of users of the driveway/parking and compliance with the standard.






The driveway and car parking area approved by this permit must be constructed to a sealed standard and surface drained prior to the first occupation.



Reason for condition



To ensure safe access is provided for the use.





The driveway, access and manoeuvring area, must be constructed in accordance with certified driveway design drawings, prior to the first occupation.



The driveway, access and manoeuvring area, design must be submitted to the Council, prior to the issuing of any permit under the Building Act 2000.



The driveway, access and manoeuvring area, design must:



·   Be prepared and certified by a suitably qualified engineer that the design is in accordance with the Australian standards AS/NZS;

·   2890.1:2004 or that the design provides for a safe and efficient access. The gradient of any turning areas must not exceed 10%, and the gradient of any driveway area must not exceed 25%.



Upon completion of the driveway, access and manoeuvring area, documents signed by a suitably qualified engineer, certifying the driveway has been constructed in accordance with the certified design drawings must be lodged with the Council.



Reason for condition



To ensure that the safety of users of the driveway/parking.



ENG 14



Parking areas must be generally designed and constructed in accordance with the Australian Standard Parking facilities, Part 1: Off­Street Carparking, AS/NZS 2890.1:2004, prior to the first occupation.


Design drawings must be submitted and approved, prior to commencement of work. The amended design drawing must:



·   Show dimensions, levels and gradients, and other details as necessary to satisfy the above requirement;

·   The gradient of any parking areas must not exceed 5%;


·   The minimum width for a single garage door is 2.4m, and a double garage door is 4.8m.



All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved design drawings.



Advice: Once the design drawing has been approved Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).



Reason for condition



To ensure that the access and parking layout for the development is to accepted standards.






The cost of repair of any damage to the Council infrastructure resulting from the implementation of this permit, must be met by the owners within 30 days of the completion of the development or as otherwise determined by the Council.



A photographic record of the Council infrastructure adjacent to the subject site must be provided to the Council prior to any commencement of works.



A photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure (e.g. existing property service connection points, roads, buildings, stormwater, footpaths, driveway crossovers and nature strips, including if any, pre existing damage) will be relied upon to establish the extent of damage caused to the Council’s infrastructure during construction. In the event that the owner/developer fails to provide to the Council a photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure, then any damage to the Council infrastructure found on completion of works will be deemed to be the responsibility of the owner.



Reason for condition



To ensure that any of the Council infrastructure and/or site­related service connections affected by the proposal will be altered and/or reinstated at the owner’s full cost.






Sediment and erosion control measures, in accordance with an approved soil and water management plan (SWMP) must be installed, prior to the commencement of work and maintained until such time as all disturbed areas have been stabilised and/or restored or sealed to the Council’s satisfaction.



A SWMP must be submitted and approved, prior to the commencement of work. The SWMP must:



a.                    be prepared in accordance with the Soil and Water Management on Building and Construction Sites fact sheets (Derwent Estuary Program, 2008). http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Engineering_Standards_and_Gui deline

All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved SWMP.



Advice: Once the SWMP has been approved the Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).



Reason for condition



To avoid the pollution and sedimentation of roads, drains and natural watercourses that could be caused by erosion and runoff from the development.



OPS s1



The black peppermint (Eucalyptus amygdalina) located within the Council’s road reserve as shown on Drawing No: ALLE­M­03 must be retained and not damaged during construction.



Construction of the new retaining wall specified on Drawing No: ALLE­M­03 directly adjacent to the tree must be in accordance with the following:

·   The footings of the wall located within the tree’s drip line and structural root zone must be excavated by hand;

·   Piers and beams must be used to support the retaining wall around the roots;

·   Tree roots must not be severed or damaged.



Construction plans demonstrating compliance with this condition to the satisfaction of the Council's Director Parks and City Amenity and Director City Infrastructure must be submitted and approved prior to issue of any building permit.



All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved construction plans.



Advice: Once the construction plans have been approved, the Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).



Reason for condition



To protect and retain the black peppermint located in the Council's road reserve for its aesthetic and biodiversity values.






The following advice is provided to you to assist in the implementation of the planning permit that has been issued subject to the conditions above. The advice is not exhaustive and you must inform yourself of any other legislation, by­laws, regulations, codes or standards that will apply to your development under which you may need to obtain an approval. Visit www.hobartcity.com.au for further information.



Prior to any commencement of work on the site or commencement of use the following additional permits/approval may be required from the Hobart City Council.






As a condition endorsement is required by a planning condition above, please forward documentation required to satisfy the condition to rfi­information@hobartcity.com.au , clearly identifying the planning permit number, address and the condition to which the documentation relates.



Once approved, the Council will respond to you via email that the condition/s has been endorsed (satisfied). Detailed instructions can be found at: www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Planning/How_to_obtain_a_condition_endorse ment






Building permit in accordance with the Building Act 2000; http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Building  PLUMBING PERMIT

Plumbing permit under the Tasmanian Plumbing Regulations 2014;









Taswater in its response TWDA 2016/00656­HCC dated 18/5/2016, states no objection to the proposal and imposes no conditions.



          Item 8.1 was then taken.


The Director City Planning declared an interest in item 7.2.8 and retired from the meeting at 6.25 pm.


Mr Roger Curtis and Ms Kate Loveday addressed the Committee in relation to item 7.2.8.


7.2.8   21 Colville Street, Battery Point - Alterations

            PLN-16-703 - File Ref: F16/103036


That the recommendation contained in the report of the Senior Statutory Planner and the Development Appraisal Planner of 5 September 2016, be adopted, with the deletion of the first paragraph of condition HERs2.













Lord Mayor Hickey




That pursuant to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015, the Council approve the application for alterations at 21 Colville Street, Battery Point for the reasons outlined in the officer’s report attached to item 7.2.8 of the Open City Planning Committee agenda of 12 September 2016 and a permit containing the following conditions be issued:






The use and/or development must be substantially in accordance with the documents and drawings that comprise PLN­16­703 21 COLVILLE STREET BATTERY POINT TAS 7004 ­ Final Planning Documents except where modified below.



Reason for condition



To clarify the scope of the permit.







The use and/or development must comply with the requirements of the Tasmanian Heritage Council as detailed in the Notice of Heritage Decision, Works Application No. 5058 dated 28 July 2016, as attached to the permit.



Reason for condition



To clarify the scope of the permit.




HER s2




Prior to commencement of works, submit and have approved details of the type, size and colour of the slate to be used for the re­roofing, as well as details of fixings, all flashings, batten replacement and storage of original slates.



All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved details.


Advice: The details may be in the form of a quotation from a suitably qualified roof slater. Once the details have been approved the Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).



For the purposes of this condition the date of this permit is 19 September 2016.



Reason for condition



To ensure that development is done is a sympathetic manner and does not result in the loss of historic cultural heritage significance through the use of incompatible materials.






The following advice is provided to you to assist in the implementation of the planning permit that has been issued subject to the conditions above. The advice is not exhaustive and you must inform yourself of any other legislation, by­laws, regulations, codes or standards that will apply to your development under which you may need to obtain an approval. Visit www.hobartcity.com.au for further information.



Prior to any commencement of work on the site or commencement of use the following additional permits/approval may be required from the Hobart City Council.






As a condition endorsement is required by a planning condition above, please forward documentation required to satisfy the condition to rfi­information@hobartcity.com.au, clearly identifying the planning permit number, address and the condition to which the documentation relates.



Once approved, the Council will respond to you via email that the condition(s) has been endorsed (satisfied). Detailed instructions can be found at: www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Planning/How_to_obtain_a_condition_endors ement






Building permit in accordance with the Building Act 2000; http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Building

Plumbing permit under the Tasmanian Plumbing Regulations 2014;







The Director City Planning re-attended the meeting.


Item 7.2.9 was then taken.


7.2.7   12a Bellevue Parade, New Town - Six Additional dwellings, partial demolition and alterations to existing dwelling, stormwater infrastructure, parking and access

            PLN-16-00621-01 - File Ref: F16/103012

Ruzicka                                                   That the recommendation be adopted.














Lord Mayor Hickey




That pursuant to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015, the Council approve the application for six additional dwellings, partial demolition and alterations to existing dwelling, stormwater infrastructure, parking and access at 12a Bellevue Parade for the reasons outlined in the officer’s report attached to item 7.2.7 of the Open City Planning Committee agenda of 12 September 2016 and a permit containing the following conditions be issued:






The use and/or development must be substantially in accordance with the documents and drawings that comprise 12a Bellevue Parade ­ NEW TOWN ­12A Bellevue Parade ­ Final Planning Documents except where modified below.



Reason for condition



To clarify the scope of the permit.






The use and/or development must comply with the requirements of TasWater as detailed in the form Submission to Planning Authority Notice, Reference No. TWDA 2016/00808­HCC dated 15 June 2016 as attached to the permit.



Reason for condition



To clarify the scope of the permit.






Design drawings must be submitted and approved prior to the issuing of any building permit under the Building Act 2000.



The design drawings must show the edge of all driveways and car parking spaces on the lot to be either a horizontal distance from habitable windows of dwellings (excluding a parking space allocated to that dwelling) of 2.5m or 1m if permanent screening to a height of at least 1.7m is installed and maintained. Alternatively for the 1m setback, the window, or glazed door, to a habitable room may be shown with a sill height of at least 1.7m above the shared driveway or parking space, or with fixed obscure glazing extending to a height of at least 1.7 m above the floor level.


All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved design drawings prior to use of the dwellings commencing.



Reason for condition



To provide reasonable opportunity for privacy for dwellings.



PLN 13



Prior to the issue of any consent under the Building Act 2000, appropriate documentation must be submitted and approved to demonstrate that all dwellings will achieve the following:



1.    Internal noise levels: maximum 35dBa; and

2.    External noise levels in areas of private open space: maximum




The noise levels are to be determined based on the projected traffic flow on the Brooker Highway and Domain slip road for 2026 (which forms part of the Final Planning Documents).



All work required by this condition must be undertaken and maintained in accordance with the approved documentation.



Advice: Once the documentation has been approved Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).



Reason for condition



To ensure that development adjacent to category 1 road is located to minimise adverse effects of noise, vibration, light and air emissions from roads to the sensitive use.



ENG sw4



The development, including driveway, must be drained to Council infrastructure. Any new stormwater connection required must be constructed, and existing redundant connections must be sealed, by Council at the owner’s expense prior to issue of a Certificate of Completion.



Detailed engineering drawings must be submitted and approved prior to issue of any consent under the Building Act 2000. The detailed engineering drawings must include:


a)      the location of the proposed connection and all existing connections; and

b)      the size of the connection appropriate to satisfy the needs of the development; and

c)      long­sections of the proposed connection clearly showing any nearby services, cover, size, material and delineation of public and private infrastructure.



All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved engineer drawings.



Advice: Once the engineered drawing has been approved the Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement). Council notes care must be taken to ensure all works (including ag drains for retaining walls) are within the property boundaries.



Please note that once the condition endorsement has been issued you will need to contact Council’s City Infrastructure Division to initiate an application for service connection.



Reason for condition



To ensure the site is drained adequately.



ENG sw7



Stormwater pre­ treatment and detention for stormwater discharges from the development must be installed prior to issue of a Certificate of Completion.



A stormwater management report and design must be submitted and approved, prior to issue of any consent under the Building Act 2000. The stormwater management report and design must:



a)        be prepared by a suitably qualified engineer;

b)        include detailed design of the proposed treatment train, including final estimations of contaminant removal;

c)        include detailed design and supporting calculations of the detention tank, sized such that there is no increase in flows from the developed site up to 5% AEP storm events and such that flows are limited to the receiving capacity of the kerb and gutter. All assumptions must be clearly stated;

d)        include design drawings of the detention tank (including longsection) showing waterproofing, layout, and the inlet, outlet and overflow mechanism; and

e)        include a Stormwater Management Summary Plan that outlines the obligations for future property owners to stormwater management, including a maintenance plan which outlines the operational and maintenance measures to check and ensure the ongoing effective operation of all systems, such as: inspection frequency; cleanout procedures; descriptions and diagrams of how the installed systems operate; details of the life of assets and replacement requirements.



All work required by this condition must be undertaken and maintained in accordance with the approved Stormwater Management Report.



Advice: Once the stormwater management report and design has been approved Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).



Reason for condition



To avoid the possible pollution of drainage systems and natural watercourses, to ensure the development’s stormwater system takes into account limited receiving capacity of Council’s infrastructure, and to comply with relevant State legislation.






The driveway and car parking areas approved by this permit must be constructed to a sealed standard and surface drained prior to the first occupation.



Reason for condition



To ensure safe access is provided for the use.






All visitor car parking spaces must be delineated by means of signpost, white or yellow lines 80mm to 100mm wide, or white or yellow pavements markers in accordance to Australian/NZS Standard, Parking facilities Part 1: Off­street car parking AS/NZS 2890.1, prior to the commencement of the use.



Reason for condition


In the interests of vehicle user safety and the amenity of the development.



ENG 11


The proposed crossover within the Bellevue Parade highway reservation must be designed and constructed in accordance with:


       Urban ­ TSD­R09­v1 Urban Roads Driveways and TSD R14­v1 Type KC vehicular crossing;

       Footpath ­ Urban Roads Footpath TSD­R11­v1;

prior to the commencement of the use (see advice).

Reason for condition


In the interests of vehicle user safety and the amenity of the development.






The driveway, car parking and manoeuvring areas, must be constructed in accordance with certified driveway design drawings, prior to the first occupation.



The driveway car parking and manoeuvring areas, design must be submitted to the Council, prior to the issuing of any permit under the Building Act 2000.



The driveway car parking and manoeuvring areas, design must be prepared and certified by a suitably qualified engineer that the design is in accordance with the Australian standards AS/NZS 2890.1 or that the design provides for a safe and efficient access.



Upon completion of the driveway car parking and manoeuvring areas, documents signed by a suitably qualified engineer, certifying the driveway has been constructed in accordance with the certified design drawings must be lodged with the Council.



Reason for condition



To ensure that the safety of users of the driveway/parking.



ENG 14



Parking, access and turning areas must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Australian Standard Parking facilities, Part 1: Off­Street Carparking, AS 2890.1 2004, prior to the first occupation.



Design drawings must be submitted and approved, prior to commencement of work. The amended design drawing must show dimensions, levels and gradients, transitions and other details as necessary to satisfy the above requirement.



All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved design drawings.



Advice: Once the design drawing has been approved Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).



Reason for condition



To ensure that the access and parking layout for the development is to accepted standards.






The cost of repair of any damage to the Council infrastructure resulting from the implementation of this permit, must be met by the owners within 30 days of the completion of the development or as otherwise determined by the Council. Any damage must be reported immediately to Council.



A photographic record of the Council infrastructure adjacent to the subject site must be provided to the Council prior to any commencement of works.



A photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure (e.g. existing property service connection points, roads, buildings, stormwater, footpaths, driveway crossovers and nature strips, including if any, pre existing damage) will be relied upon to establish the extent of damage caused to the Council’s infrastructure during construction. In the event that the owner/developer fails to provide to the Council a photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure, then any damage to the Council infrastructure found on completion of works will be deemed to be the responsibility of the owner.



Reason for condition



To ensure that any of the Council infrastructure and/or site­related service connections affected by the proposal will be altered and/or reinstated at the owner’s full cost.



ENG s2



Provide on­site turning such that all vehicles can leave the site in a forward direction, prior to the first occupation.


Design drawings demonstrating compliance with this condition must be submitted to and approved by Council, prior to the issuing of any permit under the Building Act 2000.



All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved drawings.



Advice: Once the drawings have been approved the Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).



Reason for condition



To ensure that the safety of users of the driveway/parking and adjoining Highway

Reservation, and compliance with the standard.






Sediment and erosion control measures sufficient to prevent sediment from leaving the site and in accordance with an approved soil and water management plan (SWMP), must be installed prior to the commencement of work and maintained until such time as all disturbed areas have been stabilised and/or restored or sealed to the Council’s satisfaction.



A SWMP must be submitted and approved, prior to the commencement of work. The SWMP must be prepared in accordance with the Soil and Water Management on Building and Construction Sites fact sheets (Derwent Estuary Program, 2008). http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Engineering_Standards_and_Gui deline.



All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved SWMP.



Advice: Once the soil and SWMP has been approved the Council will issue a condition endorsement (see general advice on how to obtain condition endorsement).



Reason for condition



To avoid the pollution and sedimentation of roads, drains and natural watercourses that could be caused by erosion and runoff from the development.





The following advice is provided to you to assist in the implementation of the planning permit that has been issued subject to the conditions above. The advice is not exhaustive and you must inform yourself of any other legislation, by­laws, regulations, codes or standards that will apply to your development under which you may need to obtain an approval. Visit www.hobartcity.com.au for further information.



Prior to any commencement of work on the site or commencement of use the following additional permits/approval may be required from the Hobart City Council:






As a condition endorsement is required by a planning condition above, please forward documentation required to satisfy the condition to rfi­information@hobartcity.com.au, clearly identifying the planning permit number, address and the condition to which the documentation relates.



Once approved, the Council will respond to you via email that the condition/s has been endorsed (satisfied). Detailed instructions can be found at www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Planning/How_to_obtain_a_condition_endorse ment






Building permit in accordance with the Building Act 2000; http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Building

Plumbing permit under the Tasmanian Plumbing Regulations 2014;







Road closure permits for construction. http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Transport/Permits/Application_Forms_­






Permit for the occupation of the public highway for construction ( e.g. placement of crane, pump truck etc).



http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Transport/Permits/Construction_Activities_Special_Even ts_in_the_Road_Reservation






Temporary parking permits for construction vehicles i.e. residential or meter parking/loading zones.









Please note that in addition to a building and/or plumbing permit, development must be in accordance with the Hobart City Council’s Hydraulic Services By law.









Please note development must be in accordance with the Hobart City Council’s

Highways By ­law. http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Council/Legislation DRIVEWAY SURFACING OVER PUBLIC HIGHWAY

If a coloured or textured surface is used for the driveway access within the Highway Reservation, the Council or other service provider will not match this on any reinstatement of the driveway access within the Highway Reservation required in the future.






Designed in accordance with LGAT­ IPWEA Tasmanian standard drawings. http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Engineering_Standards_and_Guidelines

The construction of the crossover can be undertaken by the Council or by a private contractor, subject to Council approval of the design.



http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Transport/Lighting_Roads_Footpaths_and_Street_Clean ing/Roads_and_Footpaths






Services to be designed and constructed in accordance with the (IPWEA) LGAT­

standard drawings. http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Engineering_Standards_and_Guidelines














If you do not have access to the Council’s electronic web page, please phone the Council (City Planning) on 62382715 for assistance.



Item 7.2.8 was then taken.


7.2.9   409-411 Macquarie Street, South Hobart - Change of use to multiple dwellings, alterations and decking

            PLN-16-815 - File Ref: F16/103046


That the recommendation contained in the report of the Senior Statutory Planner and the Development Appraisal Planner of 7 September 2016, be adopted, with the addition of the following new advice clauses:

1.    The applicant is encouraged to consult with neighbouring property owners prior to construction work commencing to ensure protection measures  are in place to minimise adjacent property damage.


2.    The applicant is encouraged to ensure construction traffic management is maintained that minimises disruption to  adjacent property owners and users of the public road system.













Lord Mayor Hickey





That pursuant to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015, the Council approve the application for a change of use to multiple dwellings, alterations and decking at 409­411 Macquarie Street, South Hobart for the reasons outlined in the officer’s report attached to item 7.2.9 of the Open City Planning Committee agenda of 12 September 2016, and a permit containing the following conditions be issued:






The use and/or development must be substantially in accordance with the documents and drawings that comprise Application Document PLN­16­815 ­ 409­411 MACQUARIE STREET SOUTH HOBART TAS 7004 ­ Final Planning Documents except where modified below.



Reason for condition



To clarify the scope of the permit.







The cost of repair of any damage to the Council infrastructure resulting from the implementation of this permit, must be met by the owners within 30 days of the completion of the development or as otherwise determined by the Council.



A photographic record of the Council infrastructure adjacent to the subject site must be provided to the Council prior to any commencement of works.



A photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure (e.g. existing property service connection points, roads, buildings, stormwater, footpaths, driveway crossovers and nature strips, including if any, pre existing damage) will be relied upon to establish the extent of damage caused to the Council’s infrastructure during construction. In the event that the owner/developer fails to provide to the Council a photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure, then any damage to the Council infrastructure found on completion of works will be deemed to be the responsibility of the owner.



Reason for condition



To ensure that any of the Council infrastructure and/or site­related service connections affected by the proposal will be altered and/or reinstated at the owner’s full cost.



HER 15



The fence between the dwelling units on the front elevation must be no more than 1m in height above natural ground level.



Reason for condition



To ensure that development at a heritage precinct is undertaken in a sympathetic manner which does not cause loss of historic cultural heritage significance.






The following advice is provided to you to assist in the implementation of the planning permit that has been issued subject to the conditions above. The advice is not exhaustive and you must inform yourself of any other legislation, by­laws, regulations, codes or standards that will apply to your development under which you may need to obtain an approval. Visit www.hobartcity.com.au for further information.


The applicant is encouraged to consult with neighbouring property owners prior to construction work commencing to ensure protection measures  are in place to minimise adjacent property damage.


The applicant is encouraged to ensure construction traffic management is maintained that minimises disruption to  adjacent property owners and users of the public road system.



Prior to any commencement of work on the site or commencement of use the following additional permits/approval may be required from the Hobart City Council.






Building permit in accordance with the Building Act 2000; http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Building

Plumbing permit under the Tasmanian Plumbing Regulations 2014;









Designed in accordance with LGAT­ IPWEA Tasmanian standard drawings. http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Development/Engineering_Standards_and_Guidelines

Appropriate occupational health and safety (OH&S) measures must be employed during the works to minimise direct human exposure to potentially­contaminated soil, water, dust and vapours.



Environmental management and pollution control http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Environment/Environmental_Health/Environmental_Mana




Management of Environmental Level 1 Activity



The activity conducted at the property is an environmentally relevant activity and a Level 1 Activity as defined under s.3 of the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPCA). For further information on what your responsibilities are see:



http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Environment/Environmental_Health/Environmental_Mana gement_and_Pollution_Control






The following link provides information with respect to noise nuisances in residential areas.



http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Environment/Environmental_Health/Environmental_Mana gement_and_Pollution_Control



WASTE DISPOSAL ­ TOP TEN TIPS http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Environment/Recycling_and_Waste







If you do not have access to the Council’s electronic web page, please phone the Council (City Planning) on 62382715 for assistance.



The Lord Mayor retired from the meeting at 7.03 pm.


Item 7.1.1 was then taken.

8        Reports


8.1      Delegated Decisions Report (Planning)

            File Ref: F16/101997


Burnet                                                    That the recommendation be adopted.
















That the information be received and noted.



8.2      City Planning - Advertising List

            File Ref: F16/102028


RUZICKA                                                   That the recommendation be adopted.
















That the information be received and noted.



9.       Questions without Notice

Section 29 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.

File Ref: 13-1-10


An Alderman may ask a question without notice of the Chairman, another Alderman, the General Manager or the General Manager’s representative, in line with the following procedures:

1.         The Chairman will refuse to accept a question without notice if it does not relate to the Terms of Reference of the Council committee at which it is asked.

2.         In putting a question without notice, an Alderman must not:

(i)    offer an argument or opinion; or

(ii)   draw any inferences or make any imputations – except so far as may be necessary to explain the question.

3.         The Chairman must not permit any debate of a question without notice or its answer.

4.         The Chairman, Aldermen, General Manager or General Manager’s representative who is asked a question may decline to answer the question, if in the opinion of the respondent it is considered inappropriate due to its being unclear, insulting or improper.

5.         The Chairman may require a question to be put in writing.

6.         Where a question without notice is asked and answered at a meeting, both the question and the response will be recorded in the minutes of that meeting.

7.         Where a response is not able to be provided at the meeting, the question will be taken on notice and

(i)    the minutes of the meeting at which the question is asked will record the question and the fact that it has been taken on notice.

(ii)   a written response will be provided to all Aldermen, at the appropriate time.

(iii)  upon the answer to the question being circulated to Aldermen, both the question and the answer will be listed on the agenda for the next available ordinary meeting of the committee at which it was asked, where it will be listed for noting purposes only.


No questions were asked at the meeting.


10.     Closed Portion of the Meeting




That the items be noted.
















The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 7.19 pm to conduct the closed portion of the meeting.


The meeting reconvened at 7.20 pm.


Item 10 was then taken.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.21 pm.


3rd DAY OF October 2016.