Open Portion
Monday, 24 June 2024
AT 5.07pm
Council Chamber, Town Hall
Minutes (Open Portion) Council Meeting |
Page 2 |
24/6/2024 |
4. Communication from the Chairperson
5. Notification of Council Workshops
8. Consideration of Supplementary Items
9. Indications of Pecuniary and Conflicts of Interest
10. 2024-25 Budget Estimates and Annual Plan
11. Response to Petition - Marlyn Road Fire Trail
12. Response to Petition - QR Codes
13. North Hobart Neighbourhood Plan Draft Structure Plan
14. Lease Renewal - Amplitel - Part of 2 Davies Avenue, Queens Domain.
16. Proposed Lease - Cornelian Bay Sportsground - TasWater
17. Derwent River Ferry Expansion
18. City of Hobart Modern Slavery in Supply Chains Prevention Policy
19. Annual Plan Progress Report for the period ending 31 March 2024
20. Sale of Land - South Hobart
Report of the Chief Executive Officer
21. Code of Conduct Determination Report Councillor Louise Elliot v Councillor Ryan Posselt
Motions of which notice has been given
22. Proposed Council Correspondence - Code of Conduct Process
23. Methodology Data on Collins Street Trial
24. Domain Tennis Centre and Helping Support the New Grant Funding
28. Questions Taken On Notice During Debate
29. Closed Portion of the Meeting
Minutes (Open Portion) Council Meeting |
Page 1 |
24/06/2024 |
The Lord Mayor Councillor A M Reynolds, the Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Dr Z Sherlock, Alderman M Zucco, Councillors W F Harvey, M S C Dutta, J L Kelly, L Elliot, Alderman L Bloomfield, Councillors R J Posselt, B Lohberger, W S N Coats and G Kitsos.
The Deputy Lord Mayor arrived at the meeting at 5.08pm and was not present for item 1
Councillor Posselt arrived at the meeting at 5.08pm and was not present for item 1
Alderman Zucco declared an interest in item 16 and left the meeting at 5.50pm returning at 6.07pm.
Councillor Posselt left the meeting at 7.00pm, returning at 7.03pm
Councillor Coats let the meeting at 7.19pm, returning at 7.21pm
The Chairperson provided an acknowledgement to Country.
The Chairperson reports that she has perused the minutes of the meeting of the Open Portion of the Council meeting held on Monday, 27 May 2024, finds them to be a true record and recommends that they be taken as read and signed as a correct record.
That the recommendation be adopted.
Are there any items, which the meeting believes, should be transferred from this agenda to the closed agenda or from the closed agenda to the open agenda, in accordance with the procedures allowed under Section 15 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015?
No items were transferred.
No communication was received.
In accordance with the requirements of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the Chief Executive Officer reports that the following workshops have been conducted since the last ordinary meeting of the Council:
Date: Monday, 3 June 2024
Purpose: Ferries | Derwent Estuary Program | Advocacy Priorities
The Lord Mayor Councillor A Reynolds, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Z
Sherlock, Councillors B Harvey, M Dutta, J Kelly, L Elliot, Alderman L
Bloomfield, Councillors R Posselt, B Lohberger and G Kitsos.
Alderman M Zucco
Date: Monday, 17 June 2024
Purpose: Annual Plan progress report | Review Aboriginal Commitment A/P | Briefing Stadium 2.0 | Governance Structure
The Acting Lord Mayor Councillor Dr Z Sherlock, Alderman M Zucco,
Councillors B Harvey, M Dutta, J Kelly, L Elliot, Alderman L Bloomfield,
Councillors R Posselt, B Lohberger W Coats and G Kitsos.
The Lord Mayor Councillor A Reynolds
7.1 Petition - Waterworks Road Footpath Infrastructure - Thomas Roach File Ref: 16/119 |
The Chief Executive Officer tabled a petition calling for Council to upgrade the footpaths and road way along Waterworks Road to improve safety. There were 141 signatories to the petition.
That the petition be received and noted, referred to the relevant division and a report be returned to Council.
a Petition - Waterworks Road Footpath Infrastructure - June 2024 ⇨ |
Ref: Part 2, Regulation 8(6) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.
That the Council resolve to deal with any supplementary items not appearing on the agenda, as reported by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.
No supplementary items were received.
Ref: Part 2, Regulation 8(7) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.
Members of the Council are requested to indicate where they may have any pecuniary or conflicts of interest in respect to any matter appearing on the agenda, or any supplementary item to the agenda, which the Council has resolved to deal with.
The following interest was indicated:
1. Alderman Zucco - item 16
11. Response to Petition - Marlyn Road Fire Trail File Ref: F24/49699; 16/119 |
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 11 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, be adopted.
1. The Council notes that this project has been included in the “Priority 1” capital works list for the 2024-25 financial year. 2. The CEO or his delegate have further discussions with Cascade Brewery Company Pty Ltd (Asahi Beverages) regarding their financial contribution to the cost of the works, along with clarifying the legal arrangements for the Council and community to use its land if these works are carried out. 3. The petitioners be formally advised of the outcome of the Council decision.
12. Response to Petition - QR Codes File Ref: F24/51766; 16/119 |
harvey sherlock
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 12 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, be adopted.
1. The use of QR Codes on heritage buildings not be progressed. 2. The City Heritage Portfolio Committee continue to consider the best way for heritage to be celebrated and promoted within Hobart, and will make recommendations to the Council on how to do so. 3. The petitioners be formally advised of the outcome of the Council decision.
13. North Hobart Neighbourhood Plan File Ref: F24/49370; 23/40 |
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 13 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, be adopted.
That the Council endorse the release of the draft North Hobart Neighbourhood Plan (Structure Plan), marked as Attachment A to item 13 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024 for consultation with the community and that a report be provided on the outcomes of the consultation once completed.
14. Lease Renewal - Amplitel - Part of 2 Davies Avenue, Queens Domain File Ref: F24/39877; 15/153-689 |
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 14 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, be adopted.
1. The Council grant a lease of the area at 2 Davies Avenue, Queens Domain, as shown in the plan marked as Attachment B, to item 14 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, to Amplitel for a term of ten years together with a 10-year option, to no objections being received during the statutory public advertising period required under Sections 178 of the Local Government Act 1993. 2. The rent for the lease is to be not less than $20,000 (GST exclusive) per annum, indexed annually by 3 per cent and a market review to take place on the exercise of the option. 3. Should any objections be received during the community engagement period, a further report will be provided to the Council. 4. The Chief Executive Officer be otherwise authorised to negotiate and agree to the final terms of the lease.
15. Annual Maintenance Grants - Leased Facilities - Tasmanian Hockey Centre, Domain Tennis Centre and Hobart Netball and Sports Centre File Ref: F24/47698 |
lOHBERGER harvey
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 15 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, be adopted.
That an additional clause 9 be included that reads as follows:
9. The grant agreement with Hockey Tasmania include a clause to recognise the joint planning work being done with Council to redevelop the carpark for housing.
1. An annual grant of $81,661 (exc GST) be provided to Hockey Tasmania for a period of two (2) years to assist with the maintenance of the Tasmanian Hockey Centre. 2. An annual grant of $52,052 (exc GST) be provided to the Domain Tennis Centre Inc for a period of two (2) years to assist with the maintenance of the Domain Tennis Centre. 3. An annual grant of $37,349 (exc GST) be provided to the Southern Tasmanian Netball Association for a period of two (2) years to assist with the maintenance of the Hobart Netball and Sports Centre. 4. Each grant provided to commence in the 2024-25 financial year. 5. All grant funding must be utilised for asset maintenance that will extend the life of the financial assets that are under lease. 6. The grant recipients provide an annual grant request submission which must outline the proposed use of the City’s annual maintenance grant, with an annual grant acquittal to be provided to the Council and assessed prior to the City’s consideration of the subsequent year grant submission. 7. An increase to subsequent year grant funding be linked to the rate of Hobart CPI. 8. The value of each grant be recorded in the City’s Annual Report in accordance with the Council Policy ‘Grants and Benefits Disclosure. 9. The grant agreement with Hockey Tasmania include a clause to recognise the joint planning work being done with Council to redevelop the carpark for housing.
Alderman Zucco declared an interest in item 16 and left the room at 5.50pm.
16. Proposed Lease - Cornelian Bay Sportsground - TasWater File Ref: F24/47637 |
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 16 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, be adopted.
That the recommendation be amended to include additional clauses 6 and 7 to read as follows:
6. The hours of operation are Mon-Fri 7am-5pm, with no use of the work site outside of these hours or on weekends, unless critical works are required. If critical works are required outside of these approved times, TasWater must first liaise with the nearby residents on the eastern end of Bell Street and also with Council staff.
7. The entire work site be shielded behind hoardings featuring creative art, similar to the hoardings used around TasWater’s Tamar River sewer pipeline project in Launceston.
Each clause of the amendments was voted on separately |
1. In principle approval for a lease of the area shown on the plan marked as Attachment A to item 16 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024 to TasWater for a term of one year and thereafter a monthly lease for a maximum of a further two years be provided subject to consultation being undertaken with the residents of Bell Street and that feedback being provided to Council. 2. Should there be reasonable objections to the proposal that the Council reconsider the matter. 3. The rent for the lease be not less than $7.50 per square metre for the site, with an approximate annual rental due of $37,000. 4. Following the end of the lease period, the site be returned to the City of Hobart in a level state, top soiled, seeded and irrigated suitable as a sport playing surface. Any trees/shrubs removed are to be replanted, with TasWater responsible for maintaining the land during an eight week maintenance and establishment period and that any other infrastructure damaged during the lease period be repaired. 5. The Chief Executive Officer be authorised to negotiate and agree to the final terms of the lease consistent with the above recommendations. 6. The hours of operation are Mon-Fri 7am-5pm, with no use of the work site outside of these hours or on weekends, unless critical works are required. If critical works are required outside of these approved times, TasWater must first liaise with the nearby residents on the eastern end of Bell Street and also with Council staff.
7. The entire work site be shielded behind hoardings featuring creative art, similar to the hoardings used around TasWater’s Tamar River sewer pipeline project in Launceston.
Alderman Zucco returned to the meeting at 6.07pm.
17. Derwent River Ferry Expansion File Ref: F24/42487 |
Posselt sherlock
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 17 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, be adopted.
1. The report detailing the development of infrastructure to enable the expansion of the ferry service operating on the Derwent River be noted. 2. The Australian Government grant funding of $20M having been secured to develop infrastructure at key locations to enable the expansion of the ferry service to proceed be noted. 3. In principle approval be provided for the establishment of a new passenger ferry terminal by the councils at Sandy Bay, with the approval of the terminal site to be considered and agreed by the Council at a future meeting, once it has been determined. 4. The proposed establishment of new passenger ferry terminals in the following locations be noted: Lindisfarne Sailing Club Wilkinsons Point 5. The Chief Executive Officer be authorised to: (i) Progress the development of plans, identification of P90 cost estimates and any additional stakeholder engagement required. (ii) Undertake an advocacy campaign with other Greater Hobart councils to strongly encourage the Tasmanian Government to development systems to enable direct connectivity between Metro Tasmania and the Derwent River passenger ferry terminals. (iii) Undertake investigations for the imposition of time limited parking restrictions in the proximity of the newly established passenger ferry terminal at Sandy Bay. (iv) Progress detailed planning and lodge applications for the statutory approvals required. 6. The Council notes there are processes and submissions to complete in terms of the Australian Government grant, and that these processes need to occur alongside community consultation and work with the Tasmanian Government.
18. City of Hobart Modern Slavery in Supply Chains Prevention Policy File Ref: F24/47942 |
sherlock harvey
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 18 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, be adopted.
That an additional clause 4 be included to read as follows:
4. The Chief Executive Officer provide a further report that explores any potential amendments to the policy to reflect any electronic, electric vehicle and / or battery related modern slavery practices.
1. The Council adopt the City of Hobart Prevention of Modern Slavery in Supply Chains Policy, marked as attachment A to item 18 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024. 2. The Chief Executive Officer be authorised to make any minor amendments necessary to finalise the City of Hobart Prevention of Modern Slavery in Supply Chains Policy and arrange for it to be made available from the City’s website. 3. The ethical statements setting out the expectations and behaviours for doing business with the City for the City’s suppliers, marked as attachment B to item 18 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, be included in the existing City of Hobart Code for Tenders and Contracts. 4. The Chief Executive Officer provide a further report that explores any potential amendments to the policy to reflect any electronic, electric vehicle and / or battery related modern slavery practice risks.
19. Annual Plan Progress Report for the period ending 31 March 2024 File Ref: F24/28039 |
POSSELT sherlock
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 19 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, be adopted.
That the Council note the 2023-24 Annual Plan Progress Report for the period ending 31 March 2024, marked as Attachment A to item 19 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024.
20. Sale of Land - South Hobart File Ref: F24/58251 |
sherlock lOHBERGER
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 20 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, be adopted.
1. The Council by absolute majority affirm its decision of 19 March 2024 to: (i) sell that part of 136 Wentworth Street, South Hobart in Tasmania (CT 94118/1) indicated in Attachment A to item 20 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, (“Proposed Sale Area”); and (ii) grant a right of way over that area indicated in Attachment A to item 20 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, (“Proposed Easement”) to facilitate access to the development, to Homes Tasmania for the market valuation of $400,000.00. 2. The Chief Executive Officer be otherwise authorised to negotiate and agree to the final terms of the transfer.
21. Code of Conduct Determination Report File Ref: F24/49140 |
zucco bloomfield
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 21 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, be adopted.
That the Council receive and note the Code of Conduct Determination Report in respect to a complaint lodged by Councillor Louise Elliot against Councillor Ryan Posselt, shown as Attachment A to item 21 of the open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024.
22. Proposed Council Correspondence - Code of Conduct Process File Ref: F24/56407; 13-1-9 |
Motion That: 1. The Lord Mayor write to the Director of Local Government and Minister for Local Government to request the prioritisation of Amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 and/or General Regulations 2015 requiring the parties to a Code of Conduct complaint to attempt conciliation as a mandatory part of the requirements under section 28Y of the Local Government Act 1993, prior to the referral of a complaint to the Code of Conduct Panel. Should a conciliation be unsuccessful at resolving the dispute that this be communicated to the Code of Conduct Panel to inform their deliberations.
2. While these statewide changes are being finalised, Council requests that elected members follow the process set out in the Elected Member Issues Resolution Policy, which is that prior to commencing a formal Code of Conduct Complaint, elected members who are parties to any disagreement should endeavour to resolve their differences through discussion or formal mediation.
As detailed in answers to recent questions taken on notice from councillors Hobart ratepayers are ultimately carrying the financial burden for Code determinations, including for relatively minor matters that could be better handled via mediation.
Conciliation also affords better prospects for repairing relationships between the parties and returning parties to their relative positions prior to a complaint.
Section 28V (fb) of the Local Government Act presently only requires complainants to ‘detail all the efforts made to resolve the issue.’ A declaration that ‘no effort’ has been made presently satisfies the requirement. This is also a statutory impediment to having either a Council policy (or directive from the Director of Local Government) mandating and/or directing that mediation/conciliation be attempted as a pre-condition to undertaking a preliminary assessment of a Code complaint under section 28Y.
Council has been informally advised that the proposed amendments have passed both houses of the Tasmanian Parliament and await gazetting, which is anticipated for August. The Office of Local Government is believed to be presently focussed on completing the associated policy framework, prior to commencing consultation with the sector.
That the motion be adopted.
1. The Lord Mayor write to the Director of Local Government and Minister for Local Government to request the prioritisation of Amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 and/or General Regulations 2015 requiring the parties to a Code of Conduct complaint to attempt conciliation as a mandatory part of the requirements under section 28Y of the Local Government Act 1993, prior to the referral of a complaint to the Code of Conduct Panel. Should a conciliation be unsuccessful at resolving the dispute that this be communicated to the Code of Conduct Panel to inform their deliberations.
2. While these statewide changes are being finalised, Council requests that elected members follow the process set out in the Elected Member Issues Resolution Policy, which is that prior to commencing a formal Code of Conduct Complaint, elected members who are parties to any disagreement should endeavour to resolve their differences through discussion or formal mediation.
23. Methodology Data on Collins Street Trial File Ref: F24/57032; 13-1-9 |
Motion That the CEO be requested to supply all Elected Members (at the earliest opportunity) with the plans denoting the methodology of data collection and compilation of information for the Collins Street Bike Trial. In particular information that gives the elected members understanding that: a. The data collection plans considered meet Transport Commission directives b. That the final compilation of data conclusions meet Transport Commission directives. c. A plan demonstrating the pre-trial traffic and behavioural environment such that it supplies a reasonable time frame and solid base line in all areas being examined. d. Detailed methodologies of data collection such as questionnaires applied and size and type of sample size taken. e. Details around proposed compilation methodology of results so that it is clear to all concerned that the report is of good standing and fit for purpose.
The Collins Street Tactical Bicycle Infrastructure proposal which includes the removal of 59 car parks from Collins St and the addition of separated bike lanes on both sides of Collins Street (from Molle to Murray Streets) is a significant change to our CBD with the potential to impact a broad range of businesses and users of our CBD.
This motion is not about establishing a benefit to one ‘side’ or another – but rather ensure that debate and final decision is based on the best information available.
It is essential that Elected Members have access to relevant, reliable and current data. It is understood that recent data the Council has on the current bike and scooter usage of Collins Street from Molle Street to Murray St is limited, and primarily focuses on the Collins and Molle Street intersection. It is acknowledged that broader data sources that do not necessarily relate directly to this location, such as Bicycle Network and Census data. All data collection sources should meet a high integrity of accuracy and reliability – and be available for interrogation.
Given the Council has already implemented bike lanes in Campbell and Argyle Streets, information around what impact this infrastructure has had on the volume of bicycle and scooter uses in these locations will be valuable.
That the motion be adopted.
The motion was lost. |
24. Domain Tennis Centre and Helping Support the New Grant Funding File Ref: F24/57198; 13-1-9 |
Motion That Council: (1) Note that the Domain Tennis Centre (DTC) is the preeminent club for the sport of tennis in Hobart and supports active participation by the community in the sport of Tennis. (2) Note that the DTC has a close relationship with the City of Hobart as a steward and tenant of the Domain Tennis Facility which is owned by the City. (3) Note that DTC is a community club (member owned) and its broad goal is to increase participation and growth of the sport of Tennis in Tasmania and that increased community participation and involvement in sport and active movement aligns with the City’s goals around increasing health and wellbeing. (4) Note that DTC was recently successful in being awarded significant grants, including for new pickleball courts as well as an additional clay court, new equipment including wheelchairs and upgrades to centre court lighting and that these enhanced facilities will enable further growth of the club and the ability for more Hobartians to access sport and participate in recreational activity. (5) Call on council to engage with the DTC to support the club in their efforts to effectively activate these new grants as well as promote the opportunity to the wider community.
The Domain Tennis Centre (DTC) presented to the Healthy Hobart Committee on the 4th of June to outline the activity they undertake to promote a healthy Hobart and support the participation and playing of tennis in Tasmania.
Under the auspices of ‘where Hobart goes to play’ the DTC outlined their reach and programs to support the community to access Tennis and to grow participation in the sport. The committee were briefed that:
DTC support ~6000 people each year to play tennis and engage in the sport. This includes school children, adults, people with disability as well as supporting group groups such as Hobart Out Tennis Club and Tennis Tasmania tournaments.
DTC has built up a successful ecosystem of support groups as sub-tenants, including the shop for equipment, a bespoke gym, physiotherapy and directly supports the employment of coaches and trainers.
DTC has grown membership by over 100% and has successfully hosted national (and in conjunction with Tennis Tasmania) international competitions, including the recent Australian school sports national championships ‘the Jack Pizzey Cup’.
DTC briefed council on exciting news about the future growth and activity of the club and that they have recently been awarded significant grant funding.
DTC advised that they have been awarded a $400,000 grant from the State Government under the Active Tasmania Grant program. This grant, along with a $100,000 contribution by DTC, will fund the construction of one additional clay tennis court and six dedicated pickleball courts. The total project budget is estimated to be $500,000 and represents a significant upgrade to HCC facilities.
Alongside this they have also received $5,458 from Active Tasmania for paddles, nets, balls and tennis wheelchairs and finally they received National Court Rebate funding from Tennis Australia for the upgrade of centre court lighting.
This funding package significantly increases their ability to increase participation and enables more people to be active and take up sport.
The Healthy Hobart Committee questioned DTC about the accessibility of the sport from a cost barrier perspective and were advised that like any club there are pressures, but that funding raised goes back into the sport and that increases in membership and participation can in turn reduce upfront membership and increase financial accessibility. The committee heard there are opportunities for casual use and that there is usage by groups such as the LGBT community and youth tournaments. It was noted that they have active players in their 90’s, people with disabilities as well as school children who participate so it truly is accessible by all.
Overall, the Healthy Hobart Committee were pleased to hear of the usage of the facility and noted the benefits of active participation for community members. It was pleasing to hear of the expansion of pickleball which is a very fast-growing sport especially popular and of greater access to those new to racquet sports and that these new facilities will be the first outdoor courts available for Hobart.
The committee heard that the DTC would like a closer working relationship with the City of Hobart to help promote the benefits of sport participation and that, noting that HCC is the landlord, one of the key risks for the club is major infrastructure renewal.
This motion was brought to inform the council and note that there is a unique opportunity to help implement the new grant funding and work with the DTC to promote an increase in participation in healthy activity.
That the motion be adopted.
That Council: 1. Note that the Domain Tennis Centre (DTC) is the preeminent club for the sport of tennis in Hobart and supports active participation by the community in the sport of Tennis. 2. Note that the DTC has a close relationship with the City of Hobart as a steward and tenant of the Domain Tennis Facility which is owned by the City. 3. Note that DTC is a community club (member owned) and its broad goal is to increase participation and growth of the sport of Tennis in Tasmania and that increased community participation and involvement in sport and active movement aligns with the City’s goals around increasing health and wellbeing. 4. Note that DTC was recently successful in being awarded significant grants, including for new pickleball courts as well as an additional clay court, new equipment including wheelchairs and upgrades to centre court lighting and that these enhanced facilities will enable further growth of the club and the ability for more Hobartians to access sport and participate in recreational activity. 5. Call on council to engage with the DTC to support the club in their efforts to effectively activate these new grants as well as promote the opportunity to the wider community.
File Ref: F24/58226; 13-1-9 |
Motion That a report be provided to investigate the feasibility of timed clearways being implemented in Collins Street to support bicycle and scooter use with on-street parking remaining outside of these times, and for details and findings to be provided to all elected Members at the earliest opportunity (before the July 2024 Council meeting).
The Collins Street Tactical Bicycle Infrastructure proposal which includes the removal of 59 car parks from Collins St and the addition of separated bike lanes on both sides of Collins Street (from Molle to Murray Streets) is a significant change to our CBD with the potential to impact a broad range of businesses and users of our CBD.
Data obtained directly by some elected members shows that there are clear peaks in the usage of Collins Street by bicycles and scooters between certain hours and on certain days. For example, there is an obvious peak between 7:30 am and 9:30 am on weekdays. Conversely, the on-street parking usage is more consistent and extends across a much broader range of the day and night. A clearway approach has the potential to balance the needs of all and warrants full and fair investigation.
KELLY ZUCCO That the motion be adopted.
That Councillor Elliot be granted an extra three minutes to address the item.
That Alderman Zucco be granted an extra two minutes to address the item. MOTION CARRIED
That Councillor Posselt be granted an extra two minutes to address the item. MOTION CARRIED VOTING RECORD
The motion was lost. |
The Council is reminded that in accordance with Regulation 29(3) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the Chairperson is not to allow discussion or debate on either the question or the response.
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 26 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, be adopted.
That the following responses to questions without notice be received and noted:
26.1 Pre-Employment Screening Memorandum of the Director City Enablers 7 June 2024. 26.2 Councillor Elliot - Donations Memorandum of the Director City Enablers 7 June 2024. 26.3 Cross Street, Valentine Street, New Town Road - Resurfacing Memorandum of the Acting Director Connected City 12 June 2024.
File Ref: F24/54434 |
Regulation 29 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015. File Ref: 13-1-10
27.1 Councillor Dutta - kunanyi / Mt Wellington - National Park File Ref: 13-1-10 |
Question: Can the Planning staff please outline what the planning process is for a commercial development in a National Park? If for example kunanyi/Mt Wellington was made a National Park, would the Hobart City Council still be the Planning Authority for any proposals put forward in the Park? If kunanyi/Mt Wellington was declared a National Park what process would be required to transfer the land to a new tenure and would there need to be new planning provisions developed to apply to the Park? Answer: The Chief Executive Officer took the question on notice
27.2 Alderman Zucco - kunanyi / Mt Wellington - Cost Savings File Ref: 13-1-10 |
Question: If kunanyi / Mt Wellington was made a National Park, what cost savings would there be to the City of Hobart? Answer: The Chief Executive Officer took the question on notice
27.3 Councillor Elliot - Hobart City Council / City of Hobart - Difference File Ref: 13-1-10 |
Question: Can the Chief Executive Officer provide clarity on the distinction between City of Hobart and Hobart City Council as stand alone entities as one may be branding? Answer: The Chief Executive Officer advised that the Hobart City Council is our technical title under the law although we also refer to ourselves as City of Hobart.
Question: Can the Chief Executive Officer advise what is the consultancy cost for the development of the new Aboriginal Commitment Action Plan? Could Council be provided with the reporting produced as part of the 2020 – 2022 Aboriginal Commitment Action Plan including a summary of: which action items were finalised, which were part complete and which were not completed? Answer: The Chief Executive Officer took the question on notice.
27.5 Deputy Lord Mayor Sherlock - Hobart City Council / City of Hobart - Distinction File Ref: 13-1-10 |
Question: Can the Chief Executive Officer advise if the Hobart City Council is the ‘Elected Members’ and the City of Hobart the ‘Organisation’ or is it the other way around? Answer: The Manager Legal and Corporate Governance advised that in terms of Officers under the Local Government Act, it is the one legal entity. The ABN trading component of Council, under the Corporations Act from the Commonwealth, which you need to give effect to the legislative powers of the Council so that we can trade. In short, it is the one organisation.
27.6 Lord Mayor Reynolds - Video Data File Ref: 13-1-10 |
Question: Can the Chief Executive Officer advise if it is lawful to collect video data of people without their permission, or without public notices being made available about the presence of video cameras? Answer: The Manager Legal and Corporate Governance advised that there has been High Court commentary on the issue. If you are in public you can be filmed without consent, there are however some exceptions if you are a minor, then legal consent may be required from a parent or guardian. |
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 28 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024, be adopted.
That the register of questions arising during debate, marked as Attachment A, to item 28 of the Open Council Agenda of 24 June 2024 be received and noted.
That the Council resolve by absolute majority that the meeting be closed to the public pursuant to regulation 15(1) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 because the items included on the closed agenda contain the following matters:
· Leave of Absence · Information provided to the Council on condition it remain confidential · Personal hardship of a ratepayer in the municipality
The following items were discussed:-
Item No. 1 Minutes of the last meeting of the Closed Portion of the Council Meeting Item No. 2 Communication from the Chairperson Item No. 3 Leave of Absence Item No. 4 Consideration of supplementary Items to the agenda Item No. 5 Indications of pecuniary and conflicts of interest Item No. 6 2023-24 Supplementary Rates - Variation Objection LG(MP)R 15(2)(g) and (j) Item No. 7 Code
of Conduct Determination Report and Addendum LG(MP)R 15(2)(g) Item No. 8 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE LG(MP)R 15(2)(g) Item No. 9 Business Arising - Questions Taken on Notice During Debate LG(MP)R 15(2)(g) and (h)
SHERLOCK DUTTA That the recommendation be adopted. |
The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 8.03pm for a dinner break.
The meeting was reconvened at 8.20pm.
Item 24 was then taken.
There being no further business the Open portion of the meeting closed at 9.36pm.
22nd DAY OF july 2024.