Open Portion
Tuesday, 19 March 2024
AT 5.00 pm
Council Chamber, Town Hall
Minutes (Open Portion) Council Meeting |
Page 3 |
19/3/2024 |
4. Communication from the Chairman
5. Notification of Council Workshops
8. Consideration of Supplementary Items
9. Indications of Pecuniary and Conflicts of Interest
11. Southern Tasmanian Badminton Centre - 101 Cascade Road - Leasing Arrangements.
12. Annual Plan Progress Report for the period ending 31 December 2023
13. Revised Financial Hardship Assistance Policy and Rates SMS Reminder Service.
14. Salamanca Place Amplified Music Trial 2024 - Update
15. City of Hobart Rate Postponements Policy - Rescind
16. Potential Disposal of Part of Selfs Point (Land)
Motion of which notice has been given
17. Development Application Fees For Public Art
20. Questions Taken on Notice During Debate
21. Closed Portion of the Meeting
Report of the Chief Executive Officer
22. Code of Conduct Determination Report Councillor Louise Elliot v Councillor Ryan Posselt
23. Consideration of Glebe Road Network
24. Temporary Housing - Final Report
Minutes (Open Portion) Council Meeting |
Page 5 |
19/03/2024 |
The Lord Mayor Councillor A M Reynolds, the Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor H Burnet, Alderman M Zucco, Councillors W F Harvey, M S C Dutta, Dr Z E Sherlock, J L Kelly, L Elliot, Alderman L Bloomfield, Councillors R J Posselt and B Lohberger.
Councillor W N S Coats.
Councillor Lohberger arrived at the meeting at 5.01pm.
Alderman Bloomfield arrived at the meeting at 5.02pm.
Alderman Zucco left the meeting at 5.15pm, returning at 5.18pm and was not present for the vote on item 11.
Councillor Elliot left the meeting at 5.54pm, returning at 5.56pm.
Councillor Posselt left the meeting at 6.05pm, returning at 6.06pm.
The Chairperson provided an acknowledgement to Country.
The Chairperson reports that she has perused the minutes of the meeting of the Open Portion of the Council meeting held on Monday, 19 February 2024, finds them to be a true record and recommends that they be taken as read and signed as a correct record.
BURNET HARVEY That the recommendation be adopted.
The minutes were signed. |
Are there any items, which the meeting believes, should be transferred from this agenda to the closed agenda or from the closed agenda to the open agenda, in accordance with the procedures allowed under Section 15 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015?
That item 10 in the Closed portion of the meeting be transferred to the Open portion of the meeting.
Zucco |
Lord Mayor Reynolds |
Dutta |
Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet |
Kelly |
Harvey |
Elliot |
Sherlock |
Bloomfield |
Posselt |
Lohberger |
In accordance with the requirements of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the Chief Executive Officer reports that the following Council workshops have been conducted since the last ordinary meeting of the Council.
Date: Monday, 26 February 2024
Purpose: Rating and Valuation Strategy Review | Results of Annual Community Satisfaction Survey
The Lord Mayor Councillor A Reynolds, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor H Burnet, Councillors Dr Z Sherlock, J Kelly, L Elliot, and R Posselt.
Councillors B Harvey, M Dutta and B Lohberger
Leave of Absence:
Alderman L Bloomfield
Date: Monday, 4 March 2024
Purpose: Committee for Greater Hobart Workshop Presentation | Annual Plan Progress Report – period ending 31 December 2023 | E‑Scooters Licensing Arrangements
The Lord Mayor Councillor A Reynolds, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor H Burnet, Alderman M Zucco, Councillors B Harvey, M Dutta, Dr Z Sherlock, J Kelly, L Elliot, and W Coats.
Leave of Absence:
Alderman L Bloomfield
No public questions were asked.
7.1 Huon Road and Grayling Avenue Intersection File Ref: 16/119 |
The Chief Executive Officer tabled a petition from Jann Baxter, of South Hobart calling for the Council to undertake a review of the position of the traffic island at the intersection of Huon Road and Grayling Avenue to provide easier access to all vehicles, including but not limited to, resurfacing the entrance to Grayling Avenue. There were 12 signatories to the petition. Burnet Dutta
That the petition be received and noted, and a report be provided back to a future Council meeting. MOTION CARRIED VOTING RECORD
Attachment a Petition - Huon Road / Grayling Avenue Intersection - March 2024 ⇨ |
Ref: Part 2, Regulation 8(6) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.
That the Council resolve to deal with any supplementary items not appearing on the agenda, as reported by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.
BLOOMFIELD That the recommendation be adopted
Ref: Part 2, Regulation 8(7) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.
Elected Members are requested to indicate where they may have any pecuniary or conflict of interest in respect to any matter appearing on the agenda, or any supplementary item to the agenda.
No interest was indicated.
11. Southern Tasmanian Badminton Centre - 101 Cascade Road - Leasing Arrangements File Ref: F24/4087 |
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 11 of the Open Council Agenda of 19 March 2024, be adopted.
1. The Council write to the Crown to request termination of the current lease agreement over the Southern Tasmanian Badminton Centre, 101 Cascade Road, South Hobart. 2. The Council advise the Southern Tasmanian Badminton Association of its plan to terminate the lease.
12. Annual Plan Progress Report for the period ending 31 December 2023 File Ref: F24/17321 |
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 12 of the Open Council Agenda of 19 March 2024, be adopted.
That the Council note the 2023-24 Annual Plan Progress Report for the period ending 31 December 2023, marked as Attachment A to item 12 of the Open Council Agenda of 19 March 2024.
13. Revised Financial Hardship Assistance Policy and Rates SMS Reminder Service File Ref: F24/20858 |
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 13 of the Open Council Agenda of 19 March 2024, be adopted.
1. Endorse the amended Council Policy – Financial Hardship Assistance Policy, marked as Attachment A to item 13 of the Open Council Agenda of 19 March 2024. 2. Endorse the introduction of a SMS notification service to remind ratepayers when rates instalments are due, on an opt-in basis. 3. Develop and implement an appropriate communications plan to ensure ratepayers are made aware of the new free SMS rates instalment reminder service.
14. Salamanca Place Amplified Music Trial 2024 - Update File Ref: F24/23510; 16/119 |
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 14 of the Open Council Agenda of 19 March 2024, be adopted.
That Council note the update provided in the report titled “Salamanca Place Amplified Music Trial 2024 – Update” marked as item 14 of the Open Council Agenda of 19 March 2024.
15. City of Hobart Rate Postponements Policy - Rescind File Ref: F24/21128 |
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 15 of the Open Council Agenda of 19 March 2024, be adopted.
That the Council rescind the City of Hobart Policy – Rate Postponements, marked as Attachment B to item 15 of the Open Council Agenda of 19 March 2024, to be replaced by the existing City of Hobart Financial Hardship Assistance Policy.
16. Potential Disposal of Part of Selfs Point (Land) File Ref: F24/20951 |
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 16 of the Open Council Agenda of 19 March 2024, be adopted.
That an additional part (iii) be added to clause 2 to read as follows:
“2 (iii) investigate a portion of the funds generated from the sale, together with an additional contribution from TasWater, being used to fund the remediation of the New Town Rivulet and that a report be provided back to the Council.”
1. The Council resolve to sell the property enclosed in blue on the plan in Attachment A to item 16 of the Open Council Agenda of 19 March 2024 to the Tasmanian Water & Sewerage Corporation Pty Ltd (“TasWater”) for the sum of $1,360,668.02; 2. The Chief Executive Officer be delegated the authority to: (i) negotiate and finalise the terms of the contract for sale; and (ii) undertake the statutory consultation process prescribed by section 178 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas)(“Act”), being: (a) to publish its intention to sell the land on at least 2 separate occasions in a daily newspaper circulating in the municipal area; and (b) display a copy of the notice on any boundary of the public land that abuts a highway; and (c) notify the public that an objection to the proposed sale, lease, donation, exchange or disposal may be made to the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) within 21 days of the date of the first publication, should TasWater not compulsorily acquire the Property under the terms of the Land Acquisitions Act 1993 (Tas); and (iii) investigate a portion of the funds generated from the sale, together with an additional contribution from TasWater, being used to fund the remediation of the New Town Rivulet and that a report be provided back to the Council. 3. Should the Council be required to undertake the consultation process described in point 2(ii) above, that the sale of the Property be conditional on the Council not receiving any objection under section 178(4) of the Act or an appeal of the decision to sell the Property under section 178 of the Act.
The Lord Mayor vacated the Chair for item 17.
The Deputy Lord Mayor assumed the Chair.
17. Development Application Fees For Public Art File Ref: F24/21579; 13-1-09 |
“That Council amend its Fees and Charges to set a $0 fee for Development Applications for public art and murals on private property that face into public space”
“The City of Hobart supports street art, public art and privately commissioned murals and street art, however a planning permit is required from the City under the ‘signs code’ which is approximately $800 and takes approx. 42 days (including the public notice requirement).
This high fee is a disincentive for murals and public art being commissioned, with the cost of application often higher than the cost of the artwork itself.
The ‘Signs Code’ and the planning permit process is an important step to ensure that all proposed signs and mural art meet standards. The Code doesn’t just apply to signs with words. It includes graphical and pictorial as well as signs with advertising or descriptions.
It is important that all mural artists are treated consistently by obtaining the necessary approvals.
Waiving the Development Application fee allows for a growth in public art commissions in Hobart, while still ensuring proper planning oversight of applications.
The City of Launceston Council voted unanimously to waive planning application fees for this kind of art project in May 2022 as a way to create a culturally vibrant city through encouraging public art.
In 2019, Council endorsed the City of Hobart Public Art Framework. This document references the overarching principles of the Creative Hobart framework and sets out a series of guiding principles and directions for the City's Public Art. The policy aims to: - increase the opportunities for a diverse range of artists to work in the public domain - Facilitate and support public art projects proposed and developed by artists and other community members.
Public art enables people to share their experiences, thoughts, feelings, and imaginations. It enriches our lives by providing us with a way to see and experience the world through the eyes of others.
This step would demonstrate in a very practical way, the City’s commitment to public and street art and to supporting the artists who do this work.”
Administration Response to Notice of Motion |
(a) the location of the property, which will influence whether the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 applies or the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997;
(b) the broad design of the proposal (for example, does it contain specific advertising messages), although the planning scheme does not regulate specific content of signs;
(c) the placement of the proposal at the property e.g. is it on a window, a wall or fence surrounding a building, on an umbrella etc (there are 41 different defined signs in the Signs Code in the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015);
(d) the zoning of the property;
(e) whether the property is listed in the planning scheme as a heritage place or heritage precinct; and
(f) the existing condition of a property e.g. whether the proposal replacing an existing approved sign or painted building.
2. Members of the public are encouraged to contact our duty planner to obtain advice as to whether or not their proposed actions will require planning approval before they begin.
3. The fees are comprised of the following planning fees for the current financial year:
(a) $400 application fee; and
(b) $449 advertising fee.
4. If the application fee is waived, this is unlikely to have a significant impact given that the number of applications received for “signs” of this nature are quite rare. This fee goes towards the cost of operations for the Development Appraisal Unit.
5. The current fees and charges require payment of twice the planning application fee for retrospective approvals.
6. The advertising fee is used to cover external costs incurred to advertise applications, including in the Mercury. So if this fee is waived then the Council will not have that cost covered by the applicant. It is therefore recommended that this component of the fees continues to apply to this category of applications, so that these applications are not effectively subsidised by the Council. |
Strategic, Legislative and Policy Implications |
Capital City Strategic Plan |
Pillar: |
2 – Community inclusion, participation and belonging. |
Outcome: |
2.2 Hobart is a place where diversity is celebrated and everyone can belong, and where people have opportunities to learn about one another and participate in city life. 2.4 Hobart communities are safe and resilient, ensuring people can support one another and flourish in times of hardship.
Strategy: |
2.2.1 Support people from all backgrounds and life experiences to participate in Hobart life. 2.2.3 Provide and support activities and programs that celebrate diversity to reduce social isolation and build social cohesion. 2.4.6 Deliver and support initiatives, activities and programs that build community resilience, wellbeing and safety. |
Legislation and Policy |
Legislation: |
Anti-Discrimination Act 1998, Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 |
Policy: |
Financial Implications
1. As stated above.
That the motion be adopted, as amended to read as follows:
“That 1. The Council waive its Development Application fee for public art and murals on private property that face into public space. 2. The City develop a communications plan outlining the rules and requirements associated with public art installations, including any exemptions or requirements under the planning scheme.”
That the matter be reviewed with a report to the Council in 12 months time.
That: 1. The Council waive its Development Application fee for public art and murals on private property that face into public space.
The City develop a communications plan
outlining the rules and requirements associated with public art
installations, including any exemptions or requirements under the planning
scheme. 3. The matter be reviewed with a report to the Council in 12 months time.
The Lord Mayor resumed the Chair.
The Council is reminded that in accordance with Regulation 29(3) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the Chairperson is not to allow discussion or debate on either the question or the response.
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 18 of the Open Council Agenda of 19 March 2024, be adopted. .
That the following responses to questions without notice be received and noted:
18.1 Whole House Visitor Accommodation Memorandum of the Acting Director City Life 1 March 2024. 18.2 Population Growth Figures Memorandum of the Director City Futures 13 March 2024. 18.3 St David’s Park Memorandum of the Acting Director City Life 13 March 2024. 18.4 Elected Members – Legal Proceedings Elected Members – Legal Issues - Costs Memorandum of the Manager Legal and Corporate Governance 13 March 2024. 18.5 Councillor Elliot – Donations Declaration Memorandum of the Manager Legal and Corporate Governance 8 March 2024. 18.6 Climate Change Review / Strategy – Budget Costs Breakdown Memorandum of the Acting Head of Intergovernmental Relations & Partnerships 7 March 2024.
File Ref: F24/23918 |
Regulation 29 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015. File Ref: 13-1-10
Question: |
Section 28 (2) (B) (iii) of the Local Government Act 1993 Rule 2 states: "The Councillors of a Council collectively have the following functions: (2B) states: "To determine and monitor the application of policies, plans and programs for: Rule (B) (iii) states: "The fair and equitable treatment of employees of the Council"
Can the Chief Executive Officer provide clarification and advice if this statement from the Act indicates that the Councillors, as a group, have the responsibility to establish and oversee the implementation of policies, plans, and programs related to ensuring fair and equitable treatment for employees of the Council. Does this include Elected Members getting involved in making decisions about how employees are treated, ensuring that policies are followed, and monitoring the effectiveness of these policies?
Can the Chief Executive Officer advise if the Council/ City has a redeployment policy for employees:
(a) If yes, does the policy outline procedures, programs, as to how decisions are made, any relevant training and development opportunities available for transferring employees within the organisation?
(b) Are there any appeal process (under the principles of natural justice) accorded to employees if they disagree with a redeployment decision or believe they have been unfairly treated during the process?
Response: |
The Chief Executive Officer took the question on notice.
Question: |
Can the Council be provided with an update on concerns raised about pre-employment screening practices asked about 6 months ago?
For help with the answer it is about physical screening for office workers and the practice of drug screening.
Response: |
The Chief Executive Officer took the question on notice.
Question: |
Alderman Bloomfield asked a series of questions quoted below: How can the public reasonably know when Councillor Elliot has a pecuniary interest established with her go fund me page due to anonymous or first name only identification?
Has the Director of Local Government been informed of the discrepancy of these undeclared donations? 9th Dec 2023 Ted Middleton $2000 – not declared on HCC register -why not? There are nearly 2 pages of donations reported on go fund me over $50 which are not identified with matching date/amounts on HCC register – why not? Who is Craig – declared on register $1000 on Nov 2023 Who is Peter – declared on register $500 on Jan 2024 Who is PT – declared on register $500 on Nov 2023 Councillor Elliot declared on 7th Feb within a tweet video with 13,000 views that she had declared all her donations are ‘are all declared and on the Council list’ yet today we cannot find evidence of many donations being reported with the 14 days as required by the Local government act. Does this tweet video form evidence of misleading the public? – My understanding if this is true that it would form a breach of the Local Government Act.
Response: |
The Chief Executive Officer took the question on notice.
Question: |
Can officers advise if the City of Hobart has a day time thermal heat map of the city and suburbs, if not should such a map be produced for inclusion in the Climate Strategy? |
Response: |
The Acting Head of Intergovernmental Relations and Partnerships took the question on notice.
Question: |
Can officers advise what the Bushcare Program budget has been over the past 5 years? |
Response: |
The Director City Enablers advised the budget figures as follows:
· 2023/24 financial year $282,000 · 2022/23 financial year $264,000 · 2021/22 financial year $257,000 · 2020/21 financial year $246,000 · 2019/20 financial year $232,000
Question: |
Last week a sole operator was announced for the e-scooters, why didn’t the licence come before the Council? |
Response: |
The Chief Executive Officer advised that the Council made a decision with respect to the licence and then delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to enact the licence. The conditions that were approved by the Council formed part of the licence therefore it wasn’t required to come back to the Council.
Question: |
Can the Chief Executive Officer provide a breakdown of how much Council / public money has been spent on legal issues relating to each elected member for the last term of Council the dates being November 2018 – February 2020? |
Response: |
The Chief Executive Officer took the question on notice.
Question: |
Can the Chief Executive Officer provide the names of the elected members, subject to legal clearance, of those who incurred legal costs for the last term of Council the dates being November 2018 – February 2020? |
Response: |
The Chief Executive Officer took the question on notice.
Question: |
What does the Council undertake to improve the employment opportunities for students and others of this municipality and to expose them to the myriad of employment opportunities and what opportunities are provided for members of the community from English as an additional language background? |
Response: |
The Director Connected City took the question on notice.
Question: |
Can officers seek advice from State Roads about when they plan to fix potholes and improve the surface of Macquarie Street between Molle and Argyle Streets? |
Response: |
The Director City Futures advised that advice on the matter would be sought from State Roads.
Question: |
Can officers advise if there is any AusRoads or other standard for appropriate maintenance and re-sheeting schedules for roads with the number of traffic movements per day as seen in Macquarie Street? |
Response: |
The Director City Futures took the question on notice.
20. Questions Taken on Notice During Debate File Ref: F24/24559 |
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 20 of the Open Council Agenda of 19 March 2024, be adopted.
That the information contained in the “Business Arising - Questions Taken on Notice During Debate” report be received and noted
Supplementary Item 22 was then taken
That the Council resolve by absolute majority that the meeting be closed to the public pursuant to regulation 15(1) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 because the items included on the closed agenda contain the following matters:
· Proposal for an interest of land for the Councils consideration · Information of a personal nature provided on condition it is kept confidential · Personal hardship of a resident or ratepayer
The following items were discussed:-
Item No. 1 Minutes of the last meeting of the Closed Portion of the Council Meeting Item No. 2 Communication from the Chairman Item No. 3 Leave of Absence Item No. 4 Consideration of supplementary Items to the agenda Item No. 5 Indications of pecuniary and conflicts of interest Item No. 6 2023-24 Supplementary Rates - Variation Objections LG(MP)R 15(2)(g) and (j) Item No. 7 City of Hobart Rate Postponements LG(MP)R 15(2)(j) Item No. 8 Investigation report for a complaint referred by the Integrity Commission LG(MP)R 15(2)(g) Item No. 9 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE LG(MP)R 15(2)(g)
LOHBERGER That the recommendation be adopted.
22. Code of Conduct Determination Report File Ref: F24/24968 |
That the recommendation contained within the report of the Chief Executive Officer, marked as supplementary item 22 of the Open Council Agenda of 19 March 2024, be adopted.
That the Council receive and note the Code of Conduct Determination Report in respect to a complaint lodged by Councillor Louise Elliot against Councillor Ryan Posselt, shown as Attachment A to supplementary item 22 of the Open Council Agenda of 19 March 2024.
Item 21 was then taken.
Item 23, (listed as item 7 of the Closed Agenda of 19 March 2024) has been recorded in the Open portion of the meeting in accordance with clause 3 of the Council resolution.
23. Consideration of Glebe Road Network File Ref: F24/8309; 15/153-773 |
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 7 of the Closed Council Agenda of 19 March 2024, be adopted.
That an additional clause 4 be added to read as follows:
“4. A report be prepared for elected members into the establishment of a community garden for Glebe residents on Lovett Street, including liaising with neighbours to the site and the Glebe Community Association, and also liaising with the former owner, the Diocese of Tasmania, about whether this potential use is acceptable to the Diocese.”
That clause 3 be amended to reflect that the decision be recorded in the Open portion of the minutes.
1. Council agree to purchase the land described on Certificate of Title 112119/1 and shown on Attachment A (“Land”) to item 7 of the Closed Council Agenda of 19 March 2024 from the Trustees of the Diocese of Tasmania (Vendor) for the sum of one dollar ($1.00). 2. The Chief Executive Officer be delegated the authority to do everything necessary to affect the transaction, including to negotiate with the current owner of the Property (“Property Owner”) for the payment of their reasonably incurred costs to affect their side of the transaction (such as legal advice to review the contract of sale) up to a maximum sum of $2,600 (including GST). 3. In accordance with regulation 15 (8) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the Council has considered whether any discussion, decision, report or attachment related to this item can be released to the public, taking into account privacy and confidentiality issues, and resolve the decision be recorded in the Open minutes of the meeting. 4. A report be prepared for elected members into the establishment of a community garden for Glebe residents on Lovett Street, including liaising with neighbours to the site and the Glebe Community Association, and also liaising with the former owner, the Diocese of Tasmania, about whether this potential use is acceptable to the Diocese.
Item 24, (listed as item 8 of the Closed Agenda of 19 March 2024) has been recorded in the Open portion of the meeting in accordance with clause 2 of the Council resolution.
24. Temporary Housing - Final Report File Ref: F24/7749 |
Sherlock POSSELT
That the recommendation contained within the officer report, marked as item 8 of the Closed Council Agenda of 19 March 2024, be adopted.
1. The Council agree to: (i) sell that part of 136 Wentworth Street, Hobart in Tasmania (CT 94118/1) indicated in Attachment A (“Sale Area”) to item 8 of the Closed Council Agenda of 19 March 2024; and (ii) grant a right of way over that area indicated in Attachment B to item 8 of the Closed Council Agenda of 19 March 2024, to facilitate access to the development, to Homes Tasmania for the market valuation of $400,000.00 subject to no objections being received during the statutory advertising period required under Sections 178 of the Local Government Act 1993.
2. In accordance with regulation 15 (8) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the Council has considered whether any discussion, decision, report or attachment related to this item can be released to the public, taking into account privacy and confidentiality issues, and resolve the matter remain confidential, except (i) to the extent required to action the Council resolution; and (ii) that the Council’s decision be recorded in the open portion of the meeting.
There being no further business the Open portion of the meeting closed at 7.16pm.
27th DAY OF May 2024.