Open Portion
Monday, 28 August 2023
AT 5.00 pm
Council Chamber, Town Hall
Minutes (Open Portion) Council Meeting |
Page 1 |
28/8/2023 |
4. Communication from the Chairman
5. Notification of Council Workshops
8. Consideration of Supplementary Items
9. Indications of Pecuniary and Conflicts of Interest
10. North Hobart Neighbourhood Plan Discussion Paper
11. Lease - Part of 1 Bell Street, New Town in Tasmania
12. International Relations Policy
13. Status of the Urban Canopy on Public and Private Land
14. Response to Petition - TasNetworks Transformer Relocation - Harbroe Avenue, New Town
15. Response to Petition - Salamanca Stallholder Association Negotiation on draft Licence Agreement
16. Independent Review of Commonwealth Disaster Funding submission
17. Procurement - Quotation Exemption Report
Report of the Chief Executive Officer
18. Governing Hobart - Sense Check
20. Tasmanian AFL Package - High Performance Centre
21. Code of Conduct Determination Report Ms Anna Sharman v Councillor Ben Lohberger
Motions of which notice has been given
22. Climate Change Leadership: Transport Emissions
23. Talent Acquisition Policy Update
24. Public Interests Register Policy Update
27. Closed Portion of the Meeting
Minutes (Open Portion) Council Meeting |
Page 1 |
28/08/2023 |
The Lord Mayor Councillor A M Reynolds, the Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor H Burnet, Councillor W F Harvey, Alderman S Behrakis, Councillors M S C Dutta, Dr Z E Sherlock, J L Kelly, L M Elliot, Alderman L A Bloomfield, Councillors R J Posselt and B Lohberger.
Alderman M Zucco
Councillor Sherlock joined the meeting at 5.11pm and was not present for items 1 to 9 inclusive.
Councillor Lohberger left the meeting at 5.39pm, returning at 5.40pm.
Councillor Elliot left the meeting at 6.51pm, returning at 6.53pm.
Alderman Behrakis left the meeting at 6.54pm, returning at 6.55pm and was not present for items 14 and 15 inclusive.
Councillor Sherlock left the meeting at 7.05pm, returning at 7.07pm.
Councillor Kelly left the meeting at the commencement of the dinner break at 7.13pm, returning at 7.33pm.
Councillor Posselt left the meeting at the commencement of the dinner break at 7.13pm, returning at 7.34pm and was not present for the substantive vote on item 19 and item 21.
Councillor Sherlock retired from the meeting at 7.13pm at the commencement of the dinner break and was not present for present for the substantive vote on item 19 and items 21 to 27 inclusive.
The Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Burnet retired from the meeting at 8.48pm and was not present for items 24 to 27 inclusive.
The Chairperson provided an acknowledgement of Country.
The Chairman reported that she has perused the minutes of the meeting of the Open Portion of the Council meeting held on Monday, 17 July 2023, finds them to be a true record and recommends that they be taken as read and signed as a correct record.
Behrakis That the recommendation be adopted. |
The minutes were signed. |
Are there any items, which the meeting believes, should be transferred from this agenda to the closed agenda or from the closed agenda to the open agenda, in accordance with the procedures allowed under Section 15 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015?
No items were transferred.
That item 20 be taken after item 9. |
In accordance with the requirements of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the Chief Executive Officer reports that the following Council workshops have been conducted since the last ordinary meeting of the Council.
Date: Monday 31 July 2023
Purpose: Rating and Valuation Strategy Review
The Lord Mayor Councillor A Reynolds, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor H Burnet, Councillors B Harvey, M Dutta, J Kelly, L Elliot, Alderman L Bloomfield, Councillors R Posselt, B Lohberger
Councillor Dr Z Sherlock
Date: Thursday 3 August 2023
Purpose: Global Approaches to Placemaking for Elizabeth Street Plan
The Lord Mayor Councillor A Reynolds, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor H Burnet, Councillors B Harvey, M Dutta, J Kelly, Alderman L Bloomfield, Councillor B Lohberger
Councillors Dr Z Sherlock, R Posselt
Date: Monday 7 August 2023
Purpose: Capital City Strategic Plan
The Lord Mayor Councillor A Reynolds, Councillors B Harvey, M Dutta, J Kelly, L Elliot, Alderman L Bloomfield, Councillors R Posselt and B Lohberger
The Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Burnet, Councillor Dr Z Sherlock
No public questions were received.
No petitions were received.
Ref: Part 2, Regulation 8(6) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.
That the Council resolve to deal with any supplementary items not appearing on the agenda, as reported by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.
No supplementary items were received.
Ref: Part 2, Regulation 8(7) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.
Elected Members were requested to indicate where they may have any pecuniary or conflicts of interest in respect to any matter appearing on the agenda, or any supplementary item to the agenda, which the Council has resolved to deal with.
No interest was indicated.
Item 20 was then taken.
11. Lease - Part of 1 Bell Street, New Town in Tasmania File Ref: F23/86330 |
That clause 1(i) and clause 2 of the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 11 of the Open Council agenda of 28 August 2023, be adopted. |
1. The Council: (i) Resolve by absolute majority to grant a lease to the Hobart Community Shed Ltd of that part if 1 Bell St, New Town in Tasmania indicated on the plan contained in Attachment A for a period of ten (10) years with the option for a further ten (10) year term at the nominal rental of $100.00 plus GST per annum; 2. The Council further resolve: (i) To undertake the statutory consultation process prescribed by section 178 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas)(“Act”), being: (a) to publish its intention to grant a lease on at least 2 separate occasions in a daily newspaper circulating in the municipal area; and (b) display a copy of the notice on any boundary of the public land that abuts a highway; and (c) notify the public that an objection to the proposed sale, lease, donation, exchange or disposal may be made to the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) within 21 days of the date of the first publication. (ii) That the granting of the lease be conditional on the Council not receiving any objection under section 178(4) of the Act or an appeal of the decision to grant a lease of the Land under section 178 of the Act; (iii) To delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the authority to settle the terms of the proposed lease and to respond to any objections or appeals of the Council’s decision to grant a lease of the Land; and (iv) The discounted rental be reported in the Council’s Annual Report in accordance with the Council’s Policy: Leases to Non-Profit Organisations. |
12. International Relations Policy File Ref: F23/57310 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 12 of the Open Council agenda of 28 August 2023, be adopted. |
1. The Council rescind the previous Guidelines for Future International Relationships Policy, marked as Attachment A to item 12 of the Open Council Agenda of 28 August 2023. 2. The Council approve the International Relations Policy, marked as Attachment B to item 12 of the Open Council Agenda of 28 August 2023. 3. The Council note that the City of Hobart’s existing international relationships will be managed within the framework of the new Policy going forward. 4. A discussion paper be prepared and provided to the Council to set the strategic direction for future international partnerships.
13. Status of the Urban Canopy on Public and Private Land File Ref: F23/73115 |
Burnet Harvey
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 13 of the Open Council agenda of 28 August 2028, be adopted. |
Dutta That three new clauses be included that read:
5. The Council notes the loss of urban canopy in many suburbs, with road reserves showing the lowest density of tree canopy coverage.
6. The City of Hobart develop a policy so that: a. the street tree team is consulted whenever road reserves, footpaths or storm water infrastructure are renewed or redesigned;
b. enhancements to urban tree canopy are considered a priority as part of that work; and
c. it is noted that Council favours plantings in the road reserve in preference to footpaths, even when this means loss of on-street parking.
7. The City of Hobart undertake engagement with the Tasmanian State Government to: a. identify urban sites owned by the State suitable for enhanced tree planting; and
b. negotiate with the State to enhance the urban tree canopy, even if it comes at some cost to the City.
The Chairperson then put the vote for each clause of the substantive motion separately.
1. The Council endorses the State of the Canopy Report for public release. 2. The Council takes proactive steps to increase canopy cover on private land, initially with a focus on community education, incentives and further research. 3. From the 2024/2025 financial year $20,000 per year be allocated to the arboriculture services budget to be used for promoting, facilitating and encouraging tree planting activities on private land, in order to increase canopy cover on private land.
5. The Council notes the loss of urban canopy in many suburbs, with road reserves showing the lowest density of tree canopy coverage.
6. The City of Hobart develop a policy so that: a. the street tree team is consulted whenever road reserves, footpaths or storm water infrastructure are renewed or redesigned;
b. enhancements to urban tree canopy are considered a priority as part of that work; and
c. it is noted that Council favours plantings in the road reserve in preference to footpaths, even when this means loss of on-street parking.
7. The City of Hobart undertake engagement with the Tasmanian State Government to: a. identify urban sites owned by the State suitable for enhanced tree planting; and
b. negotiate with the State to enhance the urban tree canopy, even if it comes at some cost to the City.
14. Response to Petition - TasNetworks Transformer Relocation - Harbroe Avenue, New Town File Ref: F23/73139 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 14 of the Open Council agenda of 28 August 2023, be adopted. |
1. The petition regarding a proposed TasNetworks substation to be installed in Harbroe Avenue, New Town, be received and noted. 2. Council officers meet with TasNetworks quarterly to discuss TasNetworks’ works planned on roads and land administered by the Council, to ensure that any concerns about the location, nature or timing of the works are able to be properly discussed. 3. The Council agree that no further action is required in response to the received petition. 4. The petitioners be advised of the Council’s decision.
15. Response to Petition - Salamanca Stallholder Association Negotiation on draft Licence Agreement File Ref: F23/73073; 33-60-2/38 |
That the recommendation contained on the officer report, marked as item of the Open Council Agenda of 28 August 2023, be adopted. |
1. The Council endorse no further action is required in response to the petition titled Salamanca Market Stallholder Association Negotiation on Draft Licence Agreement, received at the Council meeting of Monday, 22 May 2023. 2. The petitioners be advised of the Council’s decision.
16. Independent Review of Commonwealth Disaster Funding submission File Ref: F23/84827 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 16 of the Open Council agenda of 28 August 2023, be adopted. |
That the Council note the submission provided to the Independent Review of Commonwealth Disaster Funding.
17. Procurement - Quotation Exemption Report File Ref: F23/78871 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 17 of the Open Council agenda of 28 August 2023, be adopted. |
That the Council note the exemptions granted from the requirement to seek three written quotations for the period 1 April to 30 June 2023 and marked as Attachment A to this report.
18. Governing Hobart - Sense Check File Ref: F23/78718 |
That the recommendation contained in the special report of the Chief Executive Officer, marked at item 18 of the Open Council agenda of 28 August 2023, be adopted. |
1. The Council note the high-level sense check of the City of Hobart’s Governance Model. 2. A full review of the City of Hobart’s Governance Model, with the exception of Portfolio Committees, be provided to the Council in December 2023 and will include: (i) A review of delegations; (ii) A review of Portfolio Committee Terms of Reference. 3. A full review of the Portfolio Committee component of the City of Hobart’s Governance Model be undertaken in August 2024. 4. The Council approve the implementation of a ‘Council Agenda Briefing’ session to be held once a month on the Monday the week of publication of the Council Agenda.
File Ref: F23/64549 |
That the recommendation contained in the special report of the Chief Executive Officer, marked as item 19 of the Open Council agenda of 28 August 2023, be adopted. |
That clause (i) be amended to reflect the Council facilitates one more mediation meeting for UTAS stakeholders, to follow up on outcomes from the June 2023 meeting.
1. The Lord Mayor write to Save UTAS and advise that: (i) the Council will facilitate one more mediation meeting for UTAS stakeholders, to follow up on outcomes from the June 2023 meeting. (ii) Subject to availability, the Lord Mayor’s Court Room be offered as a venue for further meetings should the other stakeholders wish to meet. 2. Save UTAS be encouraged to use existing mechanisms to continue to engage with the City. |
Item 21 was then taken.
20. Tasmanian AFL Package - High Performance Centre File Ref: F23/89516 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 20 of the Open Council agenda of 28 August 2023, be adopted. |
That three new clauses be included that read:
1. That Council writes to the Tasmanian Government and requests an urgent meeting with the appropriate Minister.
2. That Council strongly recommends to the Tasmanian Government that Cornelian Bay and the Queens Domain are unsuitable for this proposal, given the existing community use of these open public spaces, the lack of any suitable alternatives for existing users if these spaces were lost, the over-sized scale of the proposal, and the long-standing importance of these places for community open space, public parkland, recreation, and use by other sporting codes.
3. The Council work with the State Government and Southern Tasmanian Councils for an overall plan for sporting facilities across all codes for outdoor sport.
The Chairperson then put clause 1 & 2 of the amendment to the vote. |
The Chairperson then put clause 3 of the amendment to the vote.
1. The Council writes to the Tasmanian Government and requests an urgent meeting with the appropriate Minister.
2. The Council strongly recommends to the Tasmanian Government that Cornelian Bay and the Queens Domain are unsuitable for this proposal, given the existing community use of these open public spaces, the lack of any suitable alternatives for existing users if these spaces were lost, the over-sized scale of the proposal, and the long-standing importance of these places for community open space, public parkland, recreation, and use by other sporting codes.
3. The Council work with the State Government and Southern Tasmanian Councils for an overall plan for sporting facilities across all codes for outdoor sport.
4. The Council endorse working with the Tasmanian Government and the Greater Hobart councils to explore sites that have a high potential of being suitable for a training and administration facility (TA Facility), in accordance with the objectives of the Greater Hobart Act 2019.
Item 10 was then taken.
21. Code of Conduct Determination Report File Ref: F23/90005 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 21 of the Open Council agenda of 31 August 2023, be adopted. |
That the Council receive and note the Code of Conduct Panel Determination Report in respect to a complaint lodged by Ms Anna Sharman against Councillor Ben Lohberger, shown in Attachment A to item 21 of the Open Council agenda of 23 August 2023.
22. Climate Change Leadership: Transport Emissions File Ref: F23/90014 |
Motion “That:
1. Council notes and welcomes the work being done by staff to update the Council’s Climate Change strategy, and looks forward to increasing the pace of decarbonisation across the organisation.
2. Council acknowledges that given recent alarming news about accelerating climate impacts, it is even more important for community leaders to demonstrate leadership on reducing emissions.
3. Council agrees that: a. The fuel allowance provided for elected members be reduced from 1500 litres per year to 500 litres per year. b. Elected member parking permits be limited to Town Hall parking deck only with all other free parking being discontinued and replaced with a reimbursement process when using the EasyPark app as the tool to pay for parking costs incurred while conducting Council business, with an expenditure limit of $500 per year. c. The Hobart City Council limits interstate and overseas air travel for elected members and staff to events where there is a compelling need to fly instead of engaging online or through other methods. This decision is to be determined by the Chief Executive Officer or their delegate.
4. The Lord Mayor writes to all Hobart’s Sister and Friendship Cities: a. Explaining the Council decision to declare a climate emergency in 2019, and the growing need to show leadership on reducing carbon emissions as climate change accelerates. b. Informing them that international delegations from the City of Hobart will now be limited by the need to reduce transport emissions, and if these delegations do occur in future the number of delegates involved will be minimal. c. Seeking input from Sister Cities on alternative measures to improve cultural ties between our cities without the need for air travel.”
“Climate change is accelerating significantly faster than predictions and it’s been confirmed that Australia and Tasmania are also facing several years of the El Nino event, turbo-charged by accelerating climate change.
The need to take climate action is pressing, and it is incumbent on community leaders to set an example for the community by taking steps to voluntarily reduce and limit their own carbon emissions.
Hobart City Council declared a Climate Emergency in 2019, but the organisation continues to offer a range of benefits to elected members and staff that can encourage and/or reward fossil fuel use. While the Local Government Act mandates an allowance to assist with travel costs, the current arrangements appear excessive, and are inappropriate in the face of runaway climate change. This motion seeks to update Council policy to remove, reduce, or limit those benefits.
In addition, the Council has a challenging budgetary situation, and these are tough economic times for many in the community. Those are also reasons for elected members to show leadership by reducing some of our benefits in accordance with this motion.
Current situation The fuel allowance for elected members is 1500 litres of fuel per year. Not all elected members claim the allowance but it is available.
A permanent undercover parking space is provided at Town Hall in the CBD for elected members conducting Council business, as well as a parking permit for one personal vehicle allowing free parking whilst on Council business. Payment is also available to cover interstate air travel for approved Council-related purposes, and for overseas air travel for Sister and Friendship City delegations.
Fuel Allowance for elected members The current fuel allowance of 1500 litres/year is clearly excessive: 1. According to a 2020 report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the average kilometres travelled by a Tasmanian vehicle were 10,900km/year, and the average fuel efficiency was 11.1 km/litre. The current HCC fuel allowance of 1500 litres/year equates to driving 16,650km/year (at 11.1 km/litre), which is around 50% above the average for all Tasmanians. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/industry/tourism-and-transport/survey-motor-vehicle-use-australia/latest-release 2. The role of elected members is part-time, most have other jobs and responsibilities outside of their Council duties. It is inequitable that elected members can claim fuel usage at a rate that is 50% higher than the average Tasmanian’s fuel usage, while working in a part-time role. 3. The municipal area covered by the City of Hobart is small compared to most other Tasmanian Council areas. Again, it is inequitable that the current fuel allowance is well above the average fuel usage of all Tasmanians while the size of the municipality is small.
The Local Government Act mandates the payment of a travel allowance, so some sort of allowance is required. This motion seeks to reduce the fuel allowance offered to elected members from 1500 litres/pa to 500 litres/pa, but it will not reduce their ability to claim for other local travel costs if necessary, including taxi and bus fares.
Parking permits Elected members are provided with a parking permit that provides free parking in Council controlled areas whilst undertaking Council business.
Display of the permit provides free parking in the form of an undercover car parking space in the CBD at the Town Hall. The parking permit also provides for free parking within Council controlled carparks and on-street metered parking within the maximum parking time allowed. This motion calls for the parking permit to be limited to the Town Hall parking deck only with all other free parking being removed. Elected members can instead use the EasyPark app to pay for parking and to seek reimbursement for parking costs up to a limit of $500 per year.
It is hoped that removing free parking and introducing an expenditure cap will encourage elected members to use other forms of transport such as active or micro mobility travel over a private vehicle, leading by example in the City’s efforts to reduce emissions. While not related to climate change, there is also an equity issue involved in making a policy change that requires elected members to use Hobart’s parking meters and EasyPark app. There have been regular complaints about the parking meters in Hobart for many years and it is only fair that elected members start using these meters and the EasyPark app, just like all other ratepayers and visitors to the City.
Air Travel Climate change is accelerating fast. We must start reducing unnecessary carbon emissions as soon as possible and community leaders should be first cab off the rank on this important issue. Flying interstate or overseas is a huge source of emissions, but there are often other options available that involve minimal emissions compared to flying, such as using local training providers or engaging online. While those options are generally never preferred, because we all enjoy travelling, there is a pressing need to prioritise low-emissions options wherever possible. This motion seeks to limit air travel to situations where there is a compelling reason only for flying instead of using alternative options, and to task the CEO with making the ultimate decision on what is or is not compelling.
Sister and Friendship Cities Sister and Friendship City relationships should be maintained, but overseas delegations need to be limited if not abandoned altogether. It is not necessary to send large delegations overseas in order to boost cultural links. There are a range of other options available, especially through online engagement between schools, sporting clubs, and other cultural organisations. These options should be preferred over flights for dignitaries.
The motion seeks to limit overseas delegations, and to send a letter to our Sister Cities explaining the changed circumstances, and seeking suggestions about improving cultural ties between our cities in ways that do not involve the large carbon emissions caused by air travel.
Council’s Climate Change Strategy Council staff are currently working on an updated Climate Change Strategy for the City of Hobart, which will continue the work of reducing the organisation’s carbon emissions. This new strategy will come before elected members later this year, and will be critical to continuing the work started many years ago on decarbonising Council operations.”
That the motion be adopted, amended by the removal of the clause 3a (fuel allowance), and the vote for each clause of the motion be taken separately.
The Chairperson then put clauses 1 & 2 of the motion to the vote.
The Chairperson then put clause 3b of the motion to the vote. |
The Chairperson then put clause 3c of the motion to the vote.
The Chairperson then put clause 4 of the motion to the vote. |
1. Council notes and welcomes the work being done by staff to update the Council’s Climate Change strategy, and looks forward to increasing the pace of decarbonisation across the organisation.
2. Council acknowledges that given recent alarming news about accelerating climate impacts, it is even more important for community leaders to demonstrate leadership on reducing emissions.
3. Council agrees that: a. The Hobart City Council limits interstate and overseas air travel for elected members and staff to events where there is a compelling need to fly instead of engaging online or through other methods. This decision is to be determined by the Chief Executive Officer or their delegate.
4. The Lord Mayor writes to all Hobart’s Sister and Friendship Cities: a. Explaining the Council decision to declare a climate emergency in 2019, and the growing need to show leadership on reducing carbon emissions as climate change accelerates. b. Informing them that international delegations from the City of Hobart will now be limited by the need to reduce transport emissions, and if these delegations do occur in future the number of delegates involved will be minimal. c. Seeking input from Sister Cities on alternative measures to improve cultural ties between our cities without the need for air travel.
23. Talent Acquisition Policy Update File Ref: F23/89909 |
Motion “That”
1. The Council notes the Ensuring Recruitment in Tasmanian Councils is Merit-Based Report published by the Integrity Commission and its relevance to the governance of the Hobart City Council. 2. The Council require the Talent Acquisition Policy and Procedure to be updated and returned to Council at its September 2023 meeting for approval, with updates to include:
1. strengthening the parameters around when direct appointments are permitted and associated requirements
2. review of conflict of interest identification and
management strategies to ensure they are fit for purpose 3. any other updates as required, particularly in
light of the Integrity Commission’s report. 3. The Council require that the updated Talent Acquisition Policy and Procedure and all other human resources and work health and safety related policies be published in the Council’s public website as soon as practicable after approval, unless there is a reasonable reason for a specific policy to be publicly available.
“This motion looks to strengthen the Council’s policy and procedures related to recruitment, with a particular focus on direct appointments.
The Council has recently been made aware of a unprecedently large number of direct appointments having been made in the organisation over the past two years, as shown below.
The former CEO stated that these appointments were part of a “talent acquisition strategy” and advised Councillor Elliot in writing that the “City of Hobart, as and if required, will make direct appointments to secure the best talent available in a highly competitive labour market, in accordance with the Talent Acquisition Policy and Procedure.”
The former CEO also stated that “unlike the State Service, there is no mandate for merit-based recruitment in local government.” Given the requirement for merit-based recruitment is not captured in the Local Government Act and the Act is silent on direct appointments, it is even more important that Council’s policies and procedures support that open and competitive recruitment is always the default and preferred method of recruitment for the City of Hobart.
The Council’s current policy on direct appointments essentially provides no limit as to when direct appointments can be made given as it be easily argued that the labour market is always highly competitive. Without stronger parameters in place, it could be consistently argued that a direct appointment was required because the market was competitive and ‘we had to secure them’.
Securing the best talent and promoting merit, transparency and fairness is best achieved through open, competitive, and merit-based processes. Conversely, the overuse and/or improper use of direct appointments and ineffectively managed conflicts of interest, nepotism and favouritism all have a highly determinantal impact on workplace culture and morale.
The Integrity Commission recognises the importance of open and merit-based recruitment and highlights recruitment related misconduct risks, including those related to long-term appointments being made through direct appointment processes to evade competitive merit-based recruitment. The Integrity Commission also notes the risks associated with ineffectively managed conflicts of interest, nepotism, and favouritism.
The Integrity Commission report is
available at https://www.integrity.tas.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/700236/report-1-2023.pdf
The Council has a duty to the community and its workforce to ensure that the organisation is appointing the best people to roles and that processes are fair. The City of Hobart is a public organisation and it is appropriate that the organisation provides the community with fair and reasonable opportunity to gain employment with the organisation that serves.”
That the motion be adopted, amended by the inclusion of the word ‘not’ after the words ‘specific policy’ in clause 3 of the motion and that the vote for each clause be taken separately . |
The Chairperson then put clause 1 of the motion to the vote. |
The Chairperson then put clause 2 of the motion to the vote. |
The Chairperson then put clause 3 of the motion to the vote.
1. The Council notes the Ensuring Recruitment in Tasmanian Councils is Merit-Based Report published by the Integrity Commission and its relevance to the governance of the Hobart City Council. 2. The Council require the Talent Acquisition Policy and Procedure to be updated and returned to Council at its September 2023 meeting for approval, with updates to include:
1. strengthening the parameters around when direct appointments are permitted and associated requirements
2. review of conflict of interest identification and
management strategies to ensure they are fit for purpose 3. any other updates as required, particularly in
light of the Integrity Commission’s report.
24. Public Interests Register Policy Update File Ref: F23/89926 |
Motion “That the Council require the Public Interests Register Policy to be updated and returned to Council for approval, with the updates to include:
1. a requirement that only suburb details for property are published, not full street addresses
2. detail
around what purposes the information Elected Members provide can be used by
the Council for 3. where
and how the information Elected Members provide is held, how the security of
the information managed, and which roles have access to this information 4. who
has delegation to approve what information is published on the
Council’s website 5. detail
around what ‘other forms’ the information can be provided to the
public in and how this differs to what is available online and who approves
these requests 6. what
the process for elected members having their information altered or removed 7. what happens to information when a person who provided their information is no longer an elected member.
“The Council recently commenced implementation of its Public Interests Register Policy. As part of the launch of this policy, the full street addresses that Elected Members had provided were published on the Council’s website. A link to this webpage was also broadcast widely in The Mercury and across X (Twitter), which were likely viewed by many thousands of people.
Multiple Elected Members were at the understanding that it would only be suburb details that were made available to the public and expressed concerns around safety and privacy, especially given elected members can be subject to vandalism of their property.
When concerns around the publication of the full street addresses was first raised with the organisation, Elected Members were advised that the policy is consistent with what was passed by the Council, and therefore that the publication of the full street addresses was viewed as being the correct course of action and consistent with the policy. Several hours later, the street detail information was edited, and an apology made to Elected Members.
This situation highlights the importance of comprehensive and accurate policies and, in this case, the specific need for the Public Interests Register Policy to be updated.”
Behrakis That the motion be adopted. |
The motion was lost.
Regulation 29 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015. File Ref: 13-1-10
25.1 Governance Model Review Memorandum of the Chief Executive Officer 17 July 2023. 25.2 Agenda Distribution Timeframes Memorandum of the Chief Executive Officer 19 July 2023. 25.3 Parking Infringement Cancellations Memorandum of the Chief Executive Officer 17 July 2023. 25.4 Transparency of Consultants’ Actions Memorandum of the Chief Executive Officer 17 July 2023. 25.5 Affordable Housing Memorandum of the Chief Executive Officer 19 June 2023.
Posselt That the information be received and noted. |
File Ref: F23/82787 |
Regulation 29 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015. File Ref: 13-1-10 |
Question: |
Can the Acting Chief Executive Officer advise if closed captions can be added to the live stream and recording of the Council meetings for those with hearing issues?
Answer: |
The Acting Chief Executive Officer took the question on notice. |
Question: |
Can the Acting Chief Executive Officer advise: How many activations and events did the City of Hobart run in the last financial year? What were these events/activations and can a list be provided? What was the total cost of running these events and activations? What is the estimated cost in officer time to support these events? How many FTE are dedicated to events and activations? What event grants were provided in the last financial year and can a list be provided? What was the total cost of event grants in the last financial year?
Answer: |
The Acting Chief Executive Officer took the question on notice. |
Question: |
Can the Acting Chief Executive Officer advise what were the direct cost related to the Crowther project removal including the reinterpretation project and preparing the planning application
Answer: |
The Acting Chief Executive Officer took the question on notice. |
Question: |
Can the Acting Chief Executive Officer advise what are the estimated costs (budget) that will be incurred for the removal of the statue, conditions for the signage and the new artwork that will be commissioned? |
Answer: |
The Acting Chief Executive Officer took the question on notice. |
That the Council resolve by absolute majority that the meeting be closed to the public pursuant to regulation 15(1) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 because the items included on the closed agenda contain the following matters:
· Minutes of a closed Council meeting · Information of a personal and confidential nature · Personal hardship · Information relating to commercial arrangements · Proposals for the Council in interest of land
The following items were discussed:-
Item No. 1 Minutes of the last meeting of the Closed Portion of the Council Meeting Item No. 2 Communication from the Chairman Item No. 3 Leave of Absence Item No. 4 Consideration of supplementary Items to the agenda Item No. 5 Indications of pecuniary and conflicts of interest Item No. 6 Outstanding Rates and Rates Remissions Granted as at 30 June 2023 LG(MP)R 15(2)(g) and (j) Item No. 7 2023-24 Rates - Variation Objections and Rate Remission Requests LG(MP)R 15(2)(g) and (j) Item No. 8 Response to Notice of Motion - Social Housing on Council Land LG(MP)R 15(2)(g) Item No. 9 Salamanca Market - Revenue Opportunities LG(MP)R 15(2)(b) Item No. 10 Risk and Audit Panel Minutes - 8 March 2023 and 10 May 2023 LG(MP)R 15(2)(g) Item No. 11 RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE LG(MP)R 15(2)(d) Item No. 12 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE LG(MP)R 15(2)(b)
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 7.13pm for a dinner break.
The meeting was reconvened at 7.33pm.
The substantive vote for item 19 was then taken.
There being no further business the Open portion of the meeting closed at 8.56pm.
25th DAY OF September 2023.