Open Portion
Monday, 22 May 2023
At 5.00 pm
Council Chamber, Town Hall
Minutes (Open Portion) Council Meeting |
Page 2 |
22/5/2023 |
4. Communication from the Chairman
5. Notification of Council Workshops
8. Consideration of Supplementary Items
9. Indications of Pecuniary and Conflicts of Interest
10. Salamanca Market - Site Fees and Licence Agreement
11. Inner North East Structure Plan Update
12. Strategic Priorities and Annual Plan Progress Report period ending 31 March 2023
13. UNESCO City of Literature Nomination
14. 4-10 St Johns Avenue New Town - New Town Croquet Club - Lease Renewal
15. William Keith Eltham Pavilion - Hobart Canine Obedience Club - Lease Renewal
16. Domain Athletic Centre Function Room and Buildings - Athletics Tasmania - Lease Renewal
17. Criterion House - Flower Room Co-op - Review of Lease Rent
18. 129 Derwent Park Road (Lutana Quarry) - Lease - Southern Waste Solutions - Extension Proposal
19. Dress for Success Hobart Inc - Lease Renewal
20. Approach to the Climate Strategy
21. Review of the Capital City Strategic Plan 2019-29
22. Financial Report as at 31 March 2023
23. Procurement - Quotation Exemption Report
24. Council Meeting Times and Procedures
Report of the Chief Executive Officer
25. Professional Development Reporting - Councillor Kelly
Motions of which notice has been given
27. Off-Peak and 15 Minutes Free Parking
28. UTAS Student Association Meeting
29. Responses To Questions Without Notice
31. Closed Portion of the Meeting
Minutes (Open Portion) Council Meeting |
Page 1 |
22/05/2023 |
The Lord Mayor Councillor Anna Reynolds, Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet, Aldermen M Zucco, Councillor W F Harvey, Alderman S Behrakis, Councillors M S C Dutta, Dr Z E Sherlock, J L Kelly, L M Elliot, Alderman L A Bloomfield, Councillors R J Posselt and B Lohberger.
The Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Burnet retired from the meeting at 6.22pm and was not present for part of item 10 and items 11 to 31 inclusive.
Councillor Posselt left the meeting at 7.25pm, returning at 7.26pm.
Councillor Elliot left the meeting at 6.10pm, returning at 6.13pm.
Councillor Elliot left the meeting at 8.56pm, returning at 8.57pm.
The Lord Mayor provided an acknowledgement of Country.
The Chairman reports that she has perused the minutes of the meeting of the Open Portion of the Council meeting held on Monday, 24 April 2023, finds them to be a true record and recommends that they be taken as read and signed as a correct record.
Dutta That the recommendation be adopted.
The minutes were signed. |
Are there any items, which the meeting believes, should be transferred from this agenda to the closed agenda or from the closed agenda to the open agenda, in accordance with the procedures allowed under Section 15 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015?
No items were transferred.
In accordance with the requirements of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the Chief Executive Officer reports that two Council workshops have been conducted since the last ordinary meeting of the Council.
Date: Monday, 1 May 2023
Purpose: Climate Change
The Lord Mayor Councillor A Reynolds, the Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor H Burnet, Councillors B Harvey, M Dutta, L Elliot, R Posselt and B Lohberger.
Apologies: Councillor Dr Z Sherlock.
Date: Monday, 15 May 2023
Purpose: Hobart Integrated Planning Framework - Service Catalogue and Service Reviews | Budget Including Fees & Charges | Draft Capital City Strategic Plan + Advocacy Priorities
The Lord Mayor Councillor A Reynolds, the Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor H Burnet, Councillor B Harvey, Alderman S Behrakis, Councillors J Kelly, L Elliot, Alderman L Bloomfield, Councillors R Posselt and B Lohberger.
Apologies: Councillor Dr Z Sherlock.
6.2 Responses to Public Questions Taken on Notice |
That the following responses to public questions taken on notice, be received and noted.
6.2.1 Elected Member Allowances 6.2.2 Housing and Homelessness 6.2.3 Crowther Statue 6.2.4 Harmony Day Event MOTION CARRIED VOTING RECORD
Ref: Part 2, Regulation 8(6) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.
That the Council resolve to deal with any supplementary items not appearing on the agenda, as reported by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.
No supplementary items were received.
Ref: Part 2, Regulation 8(7) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.
Elected members are requested to indicate where they may have any pecuniary or conflicts of interest in respect to any matter appearing on the agenda, or any supplementary item to the agenda, which the Council has resolved to deal with.
No interest was indicated.
10. Salamanca Market - Site Fees and Licence Agreement File Ref: F23/43229; S33-060-02/38 |
Harvey Sherlock
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 10 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023, be adopted. |
That: 1. Clause 1 of the recommendation be amended to replace “Option 2” with “Option 1”.
2. Abolish the marketing levy contained within the fees and charges.
3. Clause 57a of the agreement be amended to provide limitations on reasons for relocating stalls with the responsibility for determining those limitations delegated to Chief Executive Officer.
Elliot that Alderman Zucco be granted an additional two minutes to address the meeting. MOTION CARRIED VOTING RECORD
That: 1. The Salamanca Market Site Fee increase, referred to as Option 3 within the Officer report “Annual CPI for the life of the Agreement capped at 10%”, be adopted.
2. New clauses that reads as follows be included:
a. To include the term:
That Council officers can provide a Salamanca Market Annual Revenue and Expenditure Statement upon the signing of the Salamanca Market Stallholder Licence Agreement 2023-2028 and each yearly anniversary of the signing.
The Statement shall include the following classifications:
i. Income from stall fees ii. Income from other sources (grants etc) iii. Wage expense for all staff ‘on ground’ iv. Consulting fees – with a generic explanation of type of consulting work performed v. Advertising and marketing expenses vi. Busker expenses vii. Entertainment other than busker entertainment viii. Materials ix. Repairs and maintenance x. Insurance xi. Valuation costs xii. Legal costs xiii. All other costs to be placed into ‘general expenses’ – to be detailed further with a note should general expenses be more than 5% of total income as per 1 and 2 combined.
b. Clause 57a be amended to substitute the words ‘for any reason’ with ‘for reasons of occupational health and safety’.
c. An additional clause, 33(x), be added to include the Salamanca Stallholders Association as a reliant party to the valuation.
Lohberger Alderman Bloomfield be granted an additional two minutes to address the meeting. MOTION CARRIED VOTING RECORD
Alderman Behrakis be granted an additional two minutes to address the meeting. MOTION CARRIED VOTING RECORD
Alderman Bloomfield be granted an additional one minute to address the meeting.
elliot That a new clause be added that reads:
no current stallholder is disenfranchised in selling their business or their business model. AMENDMENT LOST VOTING RECORD
Procedural Motion
Lohberger That the motion be now put. PROCEDURAL MOTION LOST
1. The Salamanca Market Site Fee increase, referred to as Option 3 within the Officer report marked as item 10 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023, namely “Annual CPI for the life of the Agreement capped at 10%”, be adopted.
2. The 2023-2028 Salamanca Market Stallholder Licence Agreement marked as Attachment B to item 10 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023, amended as follows, be approved by the Council:
a. To include the term:
That Council officers can provide a Salamanca Market Annual Revenue and Expenditure Statement upon the signing of the Salamanca Market Stallholder Licence Agreement 2023-2028 and each yearly anniversary of the signing.
The Statement shall include the following classifications:
ii. Income from stall fees iii. Income from other sources (grants etc) iv. Wage expense for all staff ‘on ground’ v. Consulting fees – with a generic explanation of type of consulting work performed vi. Advertising and marketing expenses vii. Busker expenses viii. Entertainment other than busker entertainment ix. Materials x. Repairs and maintenance xi. Insurance xii. Valuation costs xiii. Legal costs xiv. All other costs to be placed into ‘general expenses’ – to be detailed further with a note should general expenses be more than 5% of total income as per 1 and 2 combined.
a. Clause 57a be amended to substitute the words ‘for any reason’ with ‘for reasons of occupational health and safety’.
b. An additional clause, 33c(x), be added to include the Salamanca Stallholders Association as a reliant party to the valuation. 3. The approved 2023-2028 Salamanca Market Stallholder Licence Agreement be distributed to all licensed Salamanca Market Stallholders for signature. 4. The redacted Acumentis valuation report be released publicly. 5. The schedule of fees and charges for Salamanca Market, marked as Attachment C to item 10 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023, amended in accordance with Clause 1 above, be adopted effective from 1 July 2023 for the 2023-24 financial year.
11. Inner North East Structure Plan Update File Ref: F23/45052 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 11 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023, amended by the following, be adopted.
That: 1. The words “in regular consultation with the Council and seeking feedback from the Future Hobart Portfolio Committee” be inserted after the word ‘Plan’ in clause 2.
2. Two new clauses be added that read as follows: 3. Nothing in the Inner North East Structure Plan will assume Council support in favour nor opposition to a stadium at Macquarie Point. 4. The Inner North East Structure Plan will draw on existing Council endorsed strategic documents such as the Queens Domain Master Plan, and will ensure any proposals for the area meet the principals and requirements set out in the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme.
The Lord Mayor then put the vote for each clause separately.
1. The Council receive and note the update in relation to the Inner North East Structure Plan.
2. The Chief Executive Officer will develop the Inner North East Structure Plan, with regular updates and in regular consultation with the Council and seeking feedback from the Future Hobart Portfolio Committee, and that it will form the strategic planning and evidence basis for the City’s engagement with the potential development on Macquarie Point.
3. Nothing in the Inner North East Structure Plan will assume Council support in favour nor opposition to a stadium at Macquarie Point.
4. The Inner North East Structure Plan will draw on existing Council endorsed strategic documents such as the Queens Domain Master Plan, and will ensure any proposals for the area meet the principals and requirements set out in the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme.
Sherlock That item 13 of the agenda be taken before item 12
Lord Mayor Reynolds |
Zucco |
Harvey |
Behrakis |
Dutta |
Sherlock |
Kelly |
Elliot |
Bloomfield |
Posselt |
Lohberger |
Item 13 was then taken.
12. Strategic Priorities and Annual Plan Progress Report period ending 31 March 2023 File Ref: F23/38351 |
Posselt Harvey
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 12 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023, be adopted. |
That future Strategic Priorities and Annual Plan Progress Reports be the subject of a Council Workshop.
That: 1. The Council endorse the Strategic Priorities and 2022-23 Annual Plan Progress Reports for the period 1 January to 31 March 2023, marked as Attachment A to item 12 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023. 2. Future Strategic Priorities and Annual Plan Progress Reports be the subject of a Council Workshop.
13. UNESCO City of Literature Nomination File Ref: F23/43599; s15-0008-04-006 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 13 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023, amended by the following, be adopted:
That clause to 2 be amended to read “A funding contribution may be given for a City of Literature secretariat, if a nomination is successful, and will be subject to a further report to Council”
1. The Council endorse and proceed to submit a nomination to the UNESCO Creative Cities Program, nominating to become a City of Literature, on behalf of the Project Working Group.
2. A funding contribution may be given for a City of Literature secretariat, if a nomination is successful, and will be subject to a further report to Council.
3. The total value of the in-kind support be recorded in the ‘Grants, Assistance and Benefits Provided’ section of the City of Hobart’s Annual Report 2023-24.
Item 12 was then taken.
14. 4-10 St Johns Avenue New Town - New Town Croquet Club - Lease Renewal File Ref: F23/35252 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 14 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023, be adopted.
That the term of the lease be amended from ten (10) years to five (5) years.
1. A new lease to the New Town Croquet Club over its premises at 4-10 St Johns Avenue, New Town be approved for a period of five (5) years subject to no objections being received during the statutory community engagement process required under Sections 178 and 179 of the Local Government Act 1993. 2. The lease be provided to the Club at a nominal rental of $50 per annum on the condition the Club meet all maintenance responsibilities and outgoings. 3. Should any objections be received during the community engagement period, a further report will be provided to the Council. 4. The Chief Executive Officer be authorised to finalise the terms and conditions of the lease. 5. In accordance with the Council Policy ‘Grants and Benefits Disclosure’ the benefit recognised to the New Town Croquet Club by way of reduced rental as part of the amended lease be disclosed in the City’s Annual Report.
15. William Keith Eltham Pavilion - Hobart Canine Obedience Club - Lease Renewal File Ref: F23/35373 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 15 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023, be adopted.
That the term of the lease be amended from ten (10) years to five (5) years.
1. A new lease to the Hobart Canine Obedience Club for a section of the William Keith Eltham Pavilion at Soldiers Memorial Oval, Davies Avenue, Queens Domain be approved in principle for a period of five (5) years subject to no objections being received during the statutory community engagement process required under Sections 178 and 179 of the Local Government Act 1993. 2. The lease be provided to the Hobart Canine Obedience Club at a nominal rental of $50 per annum on the condition the Club meet all maintenance responsibilities and outgoings. 3. Should any objections be received during the community engagement period, a further report will be provided to the Council. 4. The Chief Executive Officer be authorised to finalise the terms and conditions of the lease. 5. In accordance with the Council Policy ‘Grants and Benefits Disclosure’ the benefit recognised to the Hobart Canine Obedience Club by way of reduced rental as part of the amended lease be disclosed in the City’s Annual Report.
16. Domain Athletic Centre Function Room and Buildings - Athletics Tasmania - Lease Renewal File Ref: F23/35407 |
Posselt Behrakis
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 16 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023, be adopted.
1. A new lease to Athletics Tasmania over several buildings within the Domain Athletic Centre Davies Avenue, Hobart be approved for a period of five (5) years. 2. The lease be provided to Athletics Tasmania at a nominal rental of $50 per annum on the condition that they meet all maintenance responsibilities and outgoings. 3. The Chief Executive Officer be authorised to finalise the terms and conditions of the lease. 4. In accordance with the Council Policy ‘Grants and Benefits Disclosure’ the benefit recognised to Athletics Tasmania by way of reduced rental as part of the amended lease be disclosed in the City’s Annual Report.
17. Criterion House - Flower Room Co-op - Review of Lease Rent File Ref: F23/30778 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 17 of the Open Council Agenda 22 May 2023, be adopted.
1. In consideration of the community benefit, long standing history and purpose-built nature of the space, the Council grant a lease to The Flower Room for that part of 108-110 Bathurst Street shown in orange on the plan attached at Attachment A to this report for a three (3) year period with a two (2) year option, commencing at the reduced rent of $5,404 (GST exclusive) and adjusted annually for CPI. 2. In accordance with the Council Policy ‘Grants and Benefits Disclosure’ the reduced rent to The Flower Room be disclosed in the City’s Annual Report. 3. The Chief Executive Officer be authorised to finalise the terms and conditions of the lease.
18. 129 Derwent Park Road (Lutana Quarry) - Lease - Southern Waste Solutions - Extension Proposal File Ref: F23/44474; 2016-0192 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 18 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023, be adopted.
1. The Copping Refuse Disposal Site Joint Authority, trading as Southern Waste Solutions, be granted an additional 10-year option (commencing 1 November 2033) in relation to the property on the plan included as Attachment A to item 18 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023. 2. The option be subject to a market rent review upon it being exercised. 3. The Chief Executive Officer be authorised to negotiate and agree the terms of any agreement to give effect to the Council’s decision. |
19. Dress for Success Hobart Inc - Lease Renewal File Ref: F23/14513; 15/153-603 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 19 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023, be adopted.
1. The Council grant a lease of the area on level four of the Hobart Council Centre building as shown in the plan at Attachment A to this report to Dress for Success Hobart Incorporated for a term of two years together with a one year option. The rent for the lease to be not less than $10,000 (GST exclusive) per annum. 2. The Chief Executive Officer be authorised to negotiate and agree to the final terms of the lease. 3. The reduced rental be recorded in the Council’s Annual Report in accordance with the Council’s policy ‘Leases to Non-Profit Organisations’.
20. Approach to the Climate Strategy File Ref: F23/46947 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 20 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023, be adopted.
That Council note the development of the Climate Strategy and community engagement process.
21. Review of the Capital City Strategic Plan 2019-29 File Ref: F23/44038 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 21 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023, be adopted.
1. The Council endorse the draft of the refreshed Capital City Strategic Plan 2019-29, marked as Attachment A to this report, to be released for community and stakeholder engagement for a period of 21 days. 2. The Council note that a further report be provided detailing the outcome of the community and stakeholder engagement and the final strategic plan for approval.
22. Financial Report as at 31 March 2023 File Ref: F23/45136 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 22 of the Open Council Agenda of 22 May 2023, be adopted.
1. Council approve the following amendments to the City’s 2022-23 operational budget:
2. Council approve the following amendments to the City’s 2022-23 the capital budget:
23. Procurement - Quotation Exemption Report File Ref: F23/39263 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 23 of the Open Council Agenda 22 May 2023, be adopted.
1. The report titled ‘Procurement – Quotation Exemption Report’ be received and noted. 2. The Council note the exemptions granted from the requirement to seek three written quotations for the period 1 January to 31 March 2023.
24. Council Meeting Times and Procedures File Ref: F23/46780 |
That the recommendation contained in the officer report, marked as item 24 of the Open Council Agenda 22 May 2023, be adopted.
That clause 1 be amended to replace ‘1pm’ with 9.30am’. ]
The amendment lapsed for want of a seconder.
Procedural Motion
BLOOMFIELD That the matter be deferred to a Council Workshop.
Sherlock That Council meetings continue to commence at 5pm.
1. Council meetings commencement time remains at 5pm. 2. Officers investigate options for introducing live electronic voting to record Elected Member votes at Council Meetings, which will be the subject of a further report to Council. 3. A program be developed and rolled-out to support all Elected Members in best practice meeting procedures.
25. Professional Development Reporting - Councillor Kelly File Ref: F23/50152 |
That the recommendation contained in the report of the Chief Executive Officer, marked as item 25 of the Open Council agenda of 22 May 2022, amended by the following, be adopted.
That the Professional Development report, tabled by the Acting Chief Executive Officer on behalf of the Deputy Lord Mayor titled ‘Report Brisbane and Gold Coast Lessons on urban design trip - April 2023’ be received and noted. |
1. The professional development report tabled by Councillor Kelly, be received and noted.
2. That the Professional Development report, tabled by the Acting Chief Executive Officer on behalf of the Deputy Lord Mayor titled ‘Report Brisbane and Gold Coast Lessons on urban design trip - April 2023’ be received and noted.
a Report
- Professional Development - Councillor Kelly ⇨ b Report
- Brisbane and Gold Coast lessons on urban design trip - April 2023 - Deputy
Lord Mayor Councillor Burnet ⇨ |
File Ref: F23/47092 |
Councillor Posselt and Alderman Behrakis Motion: “Part 1
When Council resolves to endorse a Notice of Motion, the following shall occur:
1. When Council resolves to endorse a request for a report, council officers will supply that report within 6 months* of endorsement. Therein shall be: a. A projected timeline of any possible community consultation. b. A projected timeline of any possible officer/consultant work, such as design and budget process. c. A projected timeline of associated capital works. *When officers have reasonable grounds to request an extension of this timeframe, officers will request an extension of time at a council meeting within 3 months, but not beyond, the Notice of Motion being endorsed. The request shall include therein reasons why officers are unable to meet the 6 month reporting timeframe, and a likely projected timeline by which the report will be completed.
2. When specific actions are endorsed, council officers will supply a projected timeline for those actions to occur at the council meeting within one month of council resolving to endorse the Notice of Motion.
Part 2
1. Council officers will undertake an audit of all endorsed Notices of Motion from the previous term of council and report back to council the status of each endorsed, unactioned Notice of Motion.
2. Where officers identify unactioned endorsed Notices of Motion, an organisational response will be provided to: a. Identify if subsequent council or officer actions rule the motion superfluous, or b. Provide a clear path for actioning and resolving the outstanding Notice of Motion and associated timeline.” Rationale:
“Notices of motion are an important tool for elected members to guide the organisation in the direction they see fit under the Local Government Act. This Notice of Motion seeks to ensure that all motions endorsed by the Council are responded to in a reasonable timeframe. It further seeks to provide elected members with a guiding timeline for actions associated with the endorsed Notice of Motion. These steps allow elected members to hold the organisation accountable, through the CEO, for following through on endorsed Notice of Motions and any council resolution in a timely manner. It further, enables the public to hold Elected Members and The City to account as estimated time frames for action will be transparent and in the public domain as agenda items at council.
In addition, there are very valid reasons associated with process and requirements under the Act, which result in what appear to be unreasonable delays. Often the public and Elected Members are unaware of these requirements that prevent projects from happening quickly. This motion will result in greater transparency about the steps involved in various processes and the associated timeline for action.”
Posselt That the motion be adopted.
Procedural Motion
Elliot That the motion be now put.
Part 1
When Council resolves to endorse a Notice of Motion, the following shall occur:
1. When Council resolves to endorse a request for a report, council officers will supply that report within 6 months* of endorsement. Therein shall be: a. A projected timeline of any possible community consultation. b. A projected timeline of any possible officer/consultant work, such as design and budget process. c. A projected timeline of associated capital works. *When officers have reasonable grounds to request an extension of this timeframe, officers will request an extension of time at a council meeting within 3 months, but not beyond, the Notice of Motion being endorsed. The request shall include therein reasons why officers are unable to meet the 6 month reporting timeframe, and a likely projected timeline by which the report will be completed.
2. When specific actions are endorsed, council officers will supply a projected timeline for those actions to occur at the council meeting within one month of council resolving to endorse the Notice of Motion.
Part 2
1. Council officers will undertake an audit of all endorsed Notices of Motion from the previous term of council and report back to council the status of each endorsed, unactioned Notice of Motion. 2. Where officers identify unactioned endorsed Notices of Motion, an organisational response will be provided to: a. Identify if subsequent council or officer actions rule the motion superfluous, or b. Provide a clear path for actioning and resolving the outstanding Notice of Motion and associated timeline.”
27. Off-Peak and 15 Minutes Free Parking File Ref: F23/48655 |
Councillor Elliot Motion:
1. considers a plan for implementing peak and off-peak parking rates for on-street car parking, including recommendation of rates and times
2. considers a plan for implementing on-street parking arrangements that provide the first 15 minutes free of charge.”
“The key mode of transport for most Tasmanians, including the Hobart community is private vehicle. The Greater Hobart Transport Survey undertaken in 2019 showed that 84 per cent of work trips are by private vehicle and there is an average of 1.9 vehicles per dwelling in Greater Hobart.
The availability and affordability of parking can deter people from visiting the CBD. The current economic climate with increasing interest rates and inflation and high costs of living puts pressure on household budgets and is likely to trigger a slowdown in consumer spending.
As neighbouring municipalities mature, there is less need for people to travel into the Hobart CBD. While this may be pleasing for some, most businesses within our city require trade from outside of the Hobart local government area to be sustainable.
Our CBD businesses also face growing competition from online. Australia Post reported that 60 per cent of Australian households purchased online 12 or more times in 2022. Further, the number of online purchases made by Tasmanians increased by 9.9 per cent year-on-year from 2021 to 2022. Australia Post predicts that by 2033 one third of the dollars spent on retail in Australian will be via an online purchase.
Despite being significantly larger by area and population than Hobart and despite being serviced by a more significant public transport network, the City of Melbourne has recognised and is acting on practical changes to improve their customer’s parking experience.
For example, the City of Melbourne are introducing the first 15 minutes being free in certain parking spaces to support short trips and to reduce unnecessary congestion and emissions as people search for a free spot. The City of Melbourne is also implementing off-peak parking rates viewing this as a fairer model and a move towards demand-based pricing.
These changes are described in detail in the City of Melbourne’s Parking and Kerbside Management Plan at https://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/about-council/committees-meetings/meeting-archive/MeetingAgendaItemAttachments/1022/18101/MAY23%20FMC2%20AGENDA%20ITEM%206.4.pdf ”
Zucco That the motion be adopted.
Procedural Motion
Harvey That the motion be now put.
The motion was lost. |
28. UTAS Student Association Meeting File Ref: F23/48729 |
Councillor Elliot Motion “That the Lord Mayor, on behalf of the Council, invite representatives from the Tasmanian University Student Association to meet with the Council to discuss:
· what is beneficial and detrimental to learning and student life from an urban and building design perspective and · their concerns with UTAS’ intended full relocation from the Sandy Bay campus to the CBD.” Rationale:
“The recent elector poll clearly demonstrates that most of the Hobart community does not support UTAS’ move from Sandy Bay into the CBD, with around 75 per cent of Hobart voters stating ‘no’ when asked if they support UTAS’ relocation.
One of the key groups that will be significantly impacted by UTAS’ plans are its students. UTAS have stated that its intended full relocation from Sandy Bay to the CBD will see around 8,500 students using UTAS’ CBD buildings. The Council’s draft Central Hobart Plan refers to “a concentration of students living, studying and working in Central Hobart.”
The Tasmanian University Student Association has recently announced that it does not support UTAS’ relocation plans.
Given the Council’s role to represent and consult the community, and to lead the development and implementation of the City’s strategic direction, it is prudent for the Council’s to proactively engage with the university student community.
It is understood that there is a multi-stakeholder meeting scheduled for 7 June but this will only be attended by the Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Mayor and CEO, with other Elected Members not allowed to attend. It is expected that this Motion’s meeting would take an informal approach, with all Elected Members welcome to attend to hear directly from the student community.”
Zucco That the motion be adopted.
That the Lord Mayor, on behalf of the Council, invite representatives from the Tasmanian University Student Association to meet with the Council to discuss:
· what is beneficial and detrimental to learning and student life from an urban and building design perspective and · their concerns with UTAS’ intended full relocation from the Sandy Bay campus to the CBD.
Dutta That the information be received and noted. MOTION CARRIED VOTING RECORD
30. Questions Without Notice |
Question: Can the Acting Chief Executive Officer provide an update on the E-Scooter Licence? Response: The Director Connected City took the question on notice. |
Can the Acting Chief Executive
Officer provide an update on the response to a previous question regarding direct
appointments? Response: The Director City Enablers advised that People and Capability are working through the data and a response will be provided shortly. |
That the Council resolve by absolute majority that the meeting be closed to the public pursuant to regulation 15(1) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 because the items included on the closed agenda contain the following matters:
· Information of personal nature · Commercial information likely to reveal a trade secret · Proposal for Council to acquire land
The following items were discussed:-
Item No. 1 Minutes of the last meeting of the Closed Portion of the Council Meeting Item No. 2 Communication from the Chairman Item No. 3 Leave of Absence Item No. 4 Consideration of supplementary Items to the agenda Item No. 5 Indications of pecuniary and conflicts of interest Item No. 6 Local Government Association of Tasmania 2023 Elections LG(MP)R 15(2)(g) Item No. 7 Dark MOFO Sponsorship Request - In Kind Support LG(MP)R 15(2)(c)(iii) Item No. 8 144 New Town Road, New Town - Proposed Compulsory Acquisition of Part of Land LG(MP)R 15(2)(f) Item No. 9 Questions Without Notice LG(MP)R 15(2)(g)
BEHRAKIS That the recommendation be adopted. |
The meeting was adjourned at 6.48pm for a comfort break, reconvening at 6.57pm.
Item 11 was then taken.
The meeting was adjourned at 7.27pm for a dinner break, reconvening at 7.48pm.
Item 12 was then taken.
There being no further business the Open portion of the meeting closed at 9.00pm.
19TH DAY OF JUNE 2023.