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City of hobart


City Planning Committee Meeting


Open Portion


Monday, 4 July 2022 at 5:00pm



Minutes (Open Portion)

City Planning Committee Meeting

Page 2








1.        Co-Option of a Committee Member in the event of a vacancy  4

2.        Confirmation of Minutes. 4

3.        Consideration of Supplementary Items. 5

4.        Indications of Pecuniary and Conflicts of Interest. 5

5.        Transfer of Agenda Items. 5

6.        Planning Authority Items - Consideration of Items with Deputations. 6

7.        Committee Acting as Planning Authority. 7

7.1     Applications under the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997  7

7.1.1       6 Montpelier Retreat, 8 Montpelier Retreat, Battery Point and adjacent Road Reserve - Partial Demolition, Alterations, Partial Change of Use to Car Parking and Associated Works. 7

7.2     Applications under the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015  23

7.2.1       2/816 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay and Common Land of Parent Title - Change of Use to Visitor Accommodation.. 23

7.2.2       18 Grosvenor Street, Sandy Bay and Common Land of Parent Title - Change of Use to Visitor Accommodation.. 31

7.2.3       110 Regent Street, Sandy Bay and Adjacent Road Reserve - Partial Demolition,Carport, Front Fencing and Work in Road Reserve. 33

8.        Reports. 41

8.1     Submissions Received Public Notification Period for the Certified Amendment for Short Stay Visitor Accommodation. 41

8.2     Assessment of Planning Applications with Heritage and Disability Access Issues. 42

8.3     City Planning - Advertising Report 43

8.4     Delegated Decision Report (Planning) 43

9.        Responses to Questions without Notice. 44

10.     Questions without Notice. 44

11.     Closed Portion of the Meeting.. 45



Minutes (Open Portion)

City Planning Committee Meeting

Page 6





City Planning Committee Meeting (Open Portion) held on Monday, 4 July 2022 at 5:00 pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall.


This meeting of the City Planning Committee is held in accordance with a Notice issued by the Premier on 31 March 2022 under section 18 of the COVID-19 Disease Emergency (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020.


The title Chief Executive Officer is a term of reference for the General Manager as appointed by Council pursuant s.61 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas).



Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor H Burnet (Chairman)

Alderman J R Briscoe

Councillor W F Harvey

Alderman S Behrakis

Councillor M Dutta

Councillor W Coats


PRESENT: The Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor H Burnet (Chairman), Alderman J R Briscoe, Councillor W F Harvey, Alderman S Behrakis, Councillors M Dutta, W Coats and J Fox








Lord Mayor Councillor A M Reynolds

Alderman M Zucco

Alderman Dr P T Sexton

Alderman D C Thomas

Councillor J Fox

Councillor Dr Z Sherlock



Councillor Coats arrived at the meeting at 5.02pm and was not present for items 1 to 5 inclusive.


Councillor Fox arrived at the meeting at 5.11pm, was co-opted for item 7.1.1 and retired from the meeting at 6.36pm.


1.       Co-Option of a Committee Member in the event of a vacancy


No elected members were co-opted to the Committee.

2.       Confirmation of Minutes





The minutes of the Open Portion of the City Planning Committee meeting held on Monday, 20 June 2022, be confirmed as an accurate record.






Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet













The minutes were signed.


3.       Consideration of Supplementary Items

Ref: Part 2, Regulation 8(6) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.



That the Committee resolve to deal with any supplementary items not appearing on the agenda, as reported by the Chief Executive Officer.


No supplementary items were received.



4.       Indications of Pecuniary and Conflicts of Interest

Ref: Part 2, Regulation 8(7) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.


Members of the Committee are requested to indicate where they may have any pecuniary or conflicts of interest in respect to any matter appearing on the agenda, or any supplementary item to the agenda, which the Committee has resolved to deal with.


The following interest was indicated:


1.    Alderman Behrakis - item 7.1.1



5.       Transfer of Agenda Items

Regulation 15 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.


A Committee may close a part of a meeting to the public where a matter to be discussed falls within 15(2) of the above regulations.


In the event that the Committee transfer an item to the closed portion, the reasons for doing so should be stated.


Are there any items which should be transferred from this agenda to the closed portion of the agenda, or from the closed to the open portion of the agenda?


No items were transferred.

6.       Planning Authority Items - Consideration of Items with Deputations


In accordance with the requirements of Part 2 Regulation 8(3) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the Chief Executive Officer is to arrange the agenda so that the planning authority items are sequential.


In accordance with Part 2 Regulation 8(4) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the Committee by simple majority may change the order of any of the items listed on the agenda, but in the case of planning items they must still be considered sequentially – in other words they still have to be dealt with as a single group on the agenda.


Where deputations are to be received in respect to planning items, past practice has been to move consideration of these items to the beginning of the meeting.




That in accordance with Regulation 8(4) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the Committee resolve to deal with any items which have deputations by members of the public regarding any planning matter listed on the agenda, to be taken out of sequence in order to deal with deputations at the beginning of the meeting.






Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet
















Minutes (Open Portion)

City Planning Committee Meeting

Page 41





7.       Committee Acting as Planning Authority


In accordance with the provisions of Part 2 Regulation 25 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015, the intention of the Committee to act as a planning authority pursuant to the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 is to be noted.


In accordance with Regulation 25, the Committee will act as a planning authority in respect to those matters appearing under this heading on the agenda, inclusive of any supplementary items.


The Committee is reminded that in order to comply with Regulation 25(2), the Chief Executive Officer is to ensure that the reasons for a decision by a Council or Council Committee acting as a planning authority are recorded in the minutes.


Item 7.2.1 was then taken.

7.1     Applications under the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997


Alderman Behrakis declared an interest in item 7.1.1 and left the meeting at 5.40pm.




That Councillor Fox be co-opted to the Committee.






Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet













7.1.1   6 Montpelier Retreat, 8 Montpelier Retreat, Battery Point and adjacent Road Reserve - Partial Demolition, Alterations, Partial Change of Use to Car Parking and Associated Works

            pln-21-455 - File Ref: F22/63137




That the recommendation contained in the report of the Development Appraisal Planner and the Senior Statutory Planner of 21 June 2022, be adopted.





Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet















That pursuant to the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997, the City Planning Committee, in accordance with the delegations contained in its terms of reference, approve the application for partial demolition, alterations, partial change of use to car parking, and associated works at 6 Montpelier Retreat, 8 Montpelier Retreat and adjacent road reserve for the reasons outlined in the officer’s report attached to item 7.1.1 of the Open City Planning Committee agenda of 4 July 2022 and a permit containing the following conditions be issued:




The use and/or development must be substantially in accordance with the documents and drawings that comprise PLN­21­455 ­ 6 MONTPELIER RETREAT & 8 MONTPELIER RETREAT BATTERY POINT TAS 7004 & ADJACENT ROAD RESERVE ­ Final Planning Documents except where modified below.


Reason for condition


To clarify the scope of the permit.


ENG 12


A construction waste management plan must be implemented throughout construction.


A construction waste management plan must be submitted and approved as a Condition Endorsement, prior to the issue of any approval under the Building Act 2016 or the commencement of work on the site (whichever occurs first). The construction waste management plan must include:


·        Provisions for commercial waste services for the handling, storage, transport and disposal of post­construction solid waste and recycle bins from the development; and

·        Provisions for the handling, transport and disposal of demolition material, including any contaminated waste and recycling opportunities, to satisfy the above requirement.


All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved construction waste management plan.




This condition requires further information to be submitted as a Condition Endorsement. Refer to the Condition Endorsement advice at the end of this permit.


It is recommended that the developer liaise with the Council’s City Resilience Unit regarding reducing, reusing and recycling materials associated with demolition on the site to minimise solid waste being directed to landfill. Further information can also be found on the Council’s website.


Reason for condition


To ensure that solid waste management from the site meets the Council’s requirements and standards.


SW 6


The affected public stormwater infrastructure must be designed and constructed prior to occupancy or the commencement of the approved use (whichever occurs first).


Prior to the issuing of any approval under the Building Act 2016 or commencement of works (whichever occurs first), detailed engineering drawings must be submitted and approved as a Condition Endorsement. The detailed engineering drawings must be certified by a suitably qualified and experienced civil engineer and must:


1.      be substantially in accordance with the Local Government Association of Tasmania: Tasmanian Municipal Standard Drawings (May 2020), as varied by the City of Hobart’s published departures from those Drawings, and the Local Government Association of Tasmania, Tasmanian Subdivision Guidelines (October 2013);

2.      clearly distinguish between public and private infrastructure;

3.      show in both plan and long­section the proposed alterations to the public stormwater system (eg abandoned connections and replacement pit), which show reinstatement, flows, maintained inlet capacity, clearances (including vertically from other services), cover, gradients, sizing, material, pipe class, and inspection openings;

4.      no adverse impact on the public stormwater system's service level

5.      include any supporting calculations.

l work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved detailed engineering drawings.




The proposed conversion of the stormwater side entry pit to a 'v' pit is not accepted as shown. An alternate design to maintain inlet capacity is required.  This may require pit relocation.


This condition requires further information to be submitted as a Condition Endorsement. Refer to the Condition Endorsement advice at the end of this permit.


SW 8


All stormwater from the proposed development (including but not limited to: roofed areas, ag drains, and impervious surfaces such as driveways and paved areas) must be drained to the Council’s stormwater infrastructure prior to first occupation or commencement of use (whichever occurs first).


Detailed engineering designs, prepared and certified by a suitable qualified person, must be submitted and approved as a Condition Endorsement prior to the issue of any approval under the Building Act 2016 or the commencement of work on the site (whichever occurs first).


These must demonstrate:


1.      All private pipework must be contained within the respective Lot boundaries.

2.      All impervious areas which can be drained via gravity (including charged systems) must be drained via gravity. The pump system must be limited to capture stormwater only from areas which cannot be drained via gravity.

3.      All pump rising main discharges must occur to a private dispersion pit within the property, sized such that only free­flowing gravity discharge occurs from the property into the Council stormwater connection.


All works must be undertaken and maintained in accordance with the approved plans.





Under section 23 of the Urban Drainage Act 2013 it is an offence for a property owner to direct stormwater onto a neighbouring property.


This condition requires further information to be submitted as a Condition Endorsement. Refer to the Condition Endorsement advice at the end of this permit.


SW 9


Prior to occupancy or the commencement of the approved use (whichever occurs first), stormwater quality treatment for stormwater discharges from the development must be installed.


A stormwater management report and design must be submitted and approved as a Condition Endorsement, prior to the issue of any approval under the Building Act 2016 or the commencement of work on the site (whichever occurs first). The stormwater management report and design must be prepared by a suitably qualified engineer and must:


1.      include final detailed design of the proposed treatment train, including final estimations of contaminant removal demonstrating the treatment meets current best practice;

2.      include a supporting maintenance plan, which specifies the required maintenance measures to check and ensure the ongoing effective operation of all systems, such as: inspection frequency; cleanout procedures; descriptions and diagrams of how the installed systems operate; details of the life of assets and replacement requirements.


All work required by this condition must be undertaken and maintained in accordance with the approved stormwater management report and design.




This condition requires further information to be submitted as a Condition Endorsement. Refer to the Condition Endorsement advice at the end of this permit. Current best practice is taken as achieving 80% removal sediments, 45% removal total nitrogen and 45% removal of total phosphorous; and (if a carpark) targeting fine sediments and hydrocarbons.


ENG tr1


Traffic management within the access driveway, and parking module (parking spaces and aisles) must be installed prior to the commencement of use.



Traffic management design drawing(s) (including signage and line marking), must be submitted and approved as a Condition Endorsement, prior to the issue of any approval under the Building Act 2016 or the commencement of work on the site (whichever occurs first). The design drawing(s) must include (but not be limited to):


1.      Be prepared by a suitably qualified person;

2.      Relevant signage;

3.      Pedestrian safety bollards for egress to/from any lifts or doorways;

4.      Delineation of pedestrian pathways along the shared vehicular circulation roadway;

5.      Road hump located at the car park exit to ensure low vehicle speeds when exiting onto Montpelier Retreat;

6.      Warning devices (both active and static) at the car park exit to alert drivers and pedestrians on Montpelier Retreat that a vehicle is exiting the car park; and

7.      Any other details as Council deem necessary.


All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved traffic management design drawings.




This condition requires further information to be submitted as a Condition Endorsement. Refer to the Condition Endorsement advice at the end of this permit.


Reason for condition


In the interests of user safety and the amenity of the occupiers of the development.


ENG tr2



A construction traffic and parking management plan must be implemented prior to the commencement of work on the site (including demolition).



The construction traffic (including cars, public transport vehicles, service vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists) and parking management plan must be submitted and approved as a Condition Endorsement, prior to the issue of any approval under the Building Act 2016 or the commencement work on the site (whichever occurs first). The construction traffic and parking management plan must:



1.      Be prepared by a suitably qualified person.

2.      Develop a communications plan to advise the wider community of the traffic and parking impacts during construction.

3.      Include a start date and finish dates of various stages of works.

4.      Include times that trucks and other traffic associated with the works will be allowed to operate.

5.      Nominate a superintendent, or the like, to be responsible for the implementation of the approved traffic management plan and available as a direct contact to Council and/or members of the community regarding day to day construction traffic operations at the site, including any immediate traffic issues or hazards that may arise.


All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved construction traffic and parking management plan.




This condition requires further information to be submitted as a Condition Endorsement. Refer to the Condition Endorsement advice at the end of this permit.


Reason for condition


To ensure the safety of vehicles entering and leaving the development and the safety and access around the development site for the general public and adjacent businesses.


ENG 3b


The access driveway and parking module (parking spaces, aisles and manoeuvring area) design must be submitted and approved, prior to the issuing of any approval under the Building Act 2016 or commencement of works on the site (whichever occurs first).


This access driveway and parking module (parking spaces, aisles and manoeuvring area) design must:


1.      be prepared and certified by a suitably qualified engineer;

2.      be in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/NZS 2890.1:2004, if possible;

3.      where the design deviates from AS/NZS 2890.1:2004 the designer must demonstrate that the design will provide a safe and efficient access, and enable safe, easy and efficient use; and

4.      show [dimensions, levels, gradients and transitions], and other details as Council deem necessary to satisfy the above requirement.





This condition requires further information to be submitted as a Condition Endorsement. Refer to the Condition Endorsement advice at the end of this permit.


Reason for condition


To ensure the safety of users of the access and parking module, and compliance with the relevant Australian Standard.


ENG 3c


Prior to commencement of use, a suitably qualified engineer must certify that the access driveway and parking area has been constructed in accordance with design drawings approved by Condition ENG 3b and ENG tr1.




We strongly encourage you to speak to your engineer before works begin so that you can discuss the number and nature of the inspections they will need to do during the works in order to provide this certification. It may be necessary for a surveyor to also be engaged to ensure that the driveway will be constructed as approved. If the driveway is not constructed as it has been approved then this may mean that the driveway will either be unsafe or will not function properly.


Certification may be submitted to Council as part of the Building Act 2016 approval process or submitted as a Condition Endorsement. Refer to the Condition Endorsement advice at the end of the permit.


An example certificate is available on our website.


Reason for condition


To ensure the safety of users of the access and parking module, and compliance with the relevant Australian Standard.




The access driveway and parking module (car parking spaces, aisles and manoeuvring area) approved by this permit must be constructed to a sealed standard (spray seal, asphalt, concrete, pavers or equivalent Council approved) and surface drained to the Council's stormwater infrastructure prior to the commencement of use.


Reason for condition


To ensure the safety of users of the access driveway and parking module, and that it does not detract from the amenity of users, adjoining occupiers or the environment by preventing dust, mud and sediment transport.




The number of car parking spaces approved to be used on the site is fourteen (14).


All parking spaces must be delineated by means of white or yellow lines 80mm to 100mm wide, or white or yellow pavement markers in accordance with Australian Standards AS/NZS 2890.1 2004, prior to commencement of use.


Reason for condition


To ensure the provision of parking for the use is safe and efficient.




All car parking spaces for people with disabilities must be delineated to Australian/NZS Standard, Parking facilities Part 6: Off­street parking for people with disabilities AS/NZS 2890.6: 2009, prior to the commencement of the use.


Reason for condition


In the interests of vehicle user safety and the amenity of the development.




Any damage to council infrastructure resulting from the implementation of this permit, must, at the discretion of the Council:


1.      Be met by the owner by way of reimbursement (cost of repair and reinstatement to be paid by the owner to the Council); or

2.      Be repaired and reinstated by the owner to the satisfaction of the Council.


A photographic record of the Council's infrastructure adjacent to the subject site must be provided to the Council prior to any commencement of works.


A photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure (e.g. existing property service connection points, roads, buildings, stormwater, footpaths, driveway crossovers and nature strips, including if any, pre­existing damage) will be relied upon to establish the extent of damage caused to the Council’s infrastructure during construction. In the event that the owner/developer fails to provide to the Council a photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure, then any damage to the Council's infrastructure found on completion of works will be deemed to be the responsibility of the owner.


Reason for condition


To ensure that any of the Council's infrastructure and/or site­related service connections affected by the proposal will be altered and/or reinstated at the owner’s full cost.



ENG r3



Prior to the commencement of use, the proposed driveway crossover on the Montpelier Retreat highway reservation must be designed and constructed in accordance with:


·        Urban ­ TSD­R09­v3 Urban Roads Driveways and TSD R14­v3 Type KC vehicular crossing;

·        Footpath ­ Urban Roads Footpaths TSD­R11­v3.


Design drawings must be submitted and approved as a Condition Endorsement prior to any approval under the Building Act 2016. The design drawings must:



1.      Show the cross and long section of the driveway crossover within the highway reservation and onto the property;

2.      Detail any services or infrastructure (ie light poles, pits, awnings) at or near the proposed driveway crossover;

3.      Show swept path templates in accordance with AS/NZS 2890.1 2004(B85 or B99 depending on use, design template);

4.      Show that vehicular and pedestrian sight lines.

5.      Provide approval from TasNetworks regarding relocation of the light pole.

6.      Be prepared and certified by a suitable qualified person, to satisfy the above requirements.



All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved drawings.






This condition requires further information to be submitted as a Condition Endorsement. Refer to the Condition Endorsement advice at the end of this permit.


Please note that your proposal does not include adjustment of footpath levels. Any adjustment to footpath levels necessary to suit the design of proposed floor, parking module or driveway levels will require separate agreement from Council's Road Services Engineer and may require further planning approvals. It is advised to place a note to this affect on construction drawings for the site and/or other relevant engineering drawings to ensure that contractors are made aware of this requirement.



Reason for condition



To ensure that works will comply with the Council’s standard requirements.



ENG s1



Approval from Council's City Futures Division as a Condition Endorsement must be obtained prior to the issue of any approval under the Building Act 2016 or commencement of work on the site (whichever occurs first) for any changes to the existing on street parking arrangements in Montpelier Retreat.





This condition requires further information to be submitted as a Condition Endorsement. Refer to the Condition Endorsement advice at the end of this permit.


All works will be at the developer's expense. Please contact Council's City Mobility Manager with regard to the application process for any changes to the on street parking arrangements in Montpelier Retreat.


Any request to temporarily or permanently remove any parking sensor requires a written application to be submitted to the Parking Operations Workgroup of the Smart & Sustainable City Unit. For more information and application forms with regard to the removal of parking sensors, go to https://www.hobartcity.com.au/Business/Construction­activities­and­events­on­public­streets and scroll to Dial Before You Dig ­ parking sensors.


Reason for condition


To ensure that relevant approvals are obtained.


ENG s2


The car parking provided must be for short term parking only and not all­day parking.


Reason for condition


To be in accordance with the principles and objectives for traffic, access and parking of the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997.


ENV s1


An Excavation Management Plan, prepared by suitably qualified persons, must be implemented.


The plan must include, but is not limited to, the following:


1.      Details of the excavation methodology and expected likely timeframes.

2.      The days and hours of work and hours of activities likely to generate significant noise emissions (including volume and timing of heavy vehicles entering and leaving the site).

3.      Details of potential environmental impacts associated with the excavation works including noise, vibration, dust and sediment transfer.

4.      Details of measures to avoid or mitigate all identified potential environmental impacts as far as is reasonable practicable and in accordance with industry best­practice including, but not limited to:


a.      A Noise and Vibration Management Plan generally consistent with AS 2436­2010 ­ Guide to Noise and Vibration Control on Construction, Demolition and Maintenance Sites and the Interim Construction Noise Guidelines (New South Wales Department of Environment and Climate Change, July 2009), and with reference to any other applicable guidelines or standards referenced by those documents, including, but not limited to:


i.     identification and quantification of potentially noisy or vibration­ causing excavation activities;

ii.    identification of the methods, procedures and equipment that will be adopted to ensure that all reasonable and feasible noise and vibration mitigation measures are applied; and

iii.   details of monitoring measures and triggers for actions.


b.      A soil and water management plan including:

i.     measures to avoid or minimise the discharge of contaminated stormwater from the site;

ii.    measures to avoid or minimise dust emissions from the site; and

iii.   measures to avoid or minimise soil and debris being carried onto the street.


5.      Details of responsible persons, communication protocols, compliance, recording and auditing procedures and complaint handling and response procedures.


The Noise and Vibration Management Plan must be certified by a suitably qualified person as being generally consistent with the referenced standards and guidelines.


A copy of the adopted Excavation Management Plan must be submitted to the planning authority prior to the commencement of works and a copy of the plan must be kept on site for the duration of the works and be available for inspection.


Reason for condition


To ensure that activities are managed in a way which will not cause environmental harm.


HER 11


The proposed flush masonry infill that is designed to match the existing facade, after the demolition of the ground floor windows, is not approved. A revised drawing is required to be submitted showing a change in surface treatment at ground level.


Prior to the issue of any approval under the Building Act 2016, revised plans must be submitted and approved as a Condition Endorsement in accordance with the above requirement and advice below.


All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved revised plans.




This condition requires further information to be submitted as a Condition Endorsement. Refer to the Condition Endorsement advice at the end of this permit.


The facade at ground level should offer visual interest, provide a change in surface treatment and reduce the solidity and scale of the blank facade with either recessed blank and solid detailing or a change in material. The pattern of treatment should reflect the scale and proportions of apertures of adjacent heritage buildings. For further advice contact Council's Senior Cultural Heritage Officer on 6238 2711 or email coh@hobartcity.com.au.


Reason for condition


To ensure that development in Sullivans Cove is undertaken in a sympathetic manner which does not cause loss of historic cultural heritage significance.



HER 17c


The external colour, materials and texture of the approved development must be substantially in accordance with the approved plans. Any substantial change in the colour, materials and texture requires further approval.


Reason for condition


To ensure that development in Sullivans Cove is undertaken in a sympathetic manner which does not cause loss of historic cultural heritage significance.




The following advice is provided to you to assist in the implementation of the planning permit that has been issued subject to the conditions above. The advice is not exhaustive and you must inform yourself of any other legislation, by­laws, regulations, codes or standards that will apply to your development under which you may need to obtain an approval. Visit the Council's website for further information.


Prior to any commencement of work on the site or commencement of use the following additional permits/approval may be required from the Hobart City Council.




If any condition requires that further documents are submitted and approved, you will need to submit the relevant documentation to satisfy the condition via the Condition Endorsement Submission on Council's online services e­planning portal. Detailed instructions can be found here.


A fee of 2% of the value of the works for new public assets (stormwater infrastructure, roads and related assets) will apply for the condition endorsement application.


Once approved, the Council will respond to you via email that the condition has been endorsed (satisfied).


Where building approval is also required, it is recommended that documentation for condition endorsement be submitted well before submitting documentation for building approval. Failure to address condition endorsement requirements prior to submitting for building approval may result in unexpected delays.




You may need building approval in accordance with the Building Act 2016. Click here for more information.


This is a Discretionary Planning Permit issued in accordance with section 57 of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993.




You may need plumbing approval in accordance with the Building Act 2016, Building Regulations 2016 and the National Construction Code. Click here for more information.




You may require a Permit to Open Up and Temporarily Occupy a Highway (for work in the road reserve). Click here for more information.




You may qualify for a General Exemption permit for construction vehicles i.e. residential or meter parking/loading zones. Click here for more information.




Please note that in addition to a building and/or plumbing permit, development must be in accordance with the Hobart City Council’s Infrastructure By law. Click here for more information.





Please note development must be in accordance with the Hobart City Council’s Infrastructure By law. Click here for more information.




Please note that the City of Hobart does not support the extended closure of public footpaths or roads to facilitate construction on adjacent land.


It is the developer's responsibility to ensure that the proposal as designed can be constructed without reliance on such extended closures.


In special cases, where it can be demonstrated that closure of footpaths in the CBD and/or other high volume footpaths can occur for extended periods without unreasonable impact on other businesses or the general public, such closures may only be approved by the full Council.


For more information about this requirement please contact the Council's Traffic Engineering Unit on 6238 2804.




If a coloured or textured surface is used for the driveway access within the Highway Reservation, the Council or other service provider will not match this on any reinstatement of the driveway access within the Highway Reservation required in the future.




A building surveyor should consider if there are building requirements that would necessitate the adhesion of the two titles (CT 234896/1 and CT 10357/1) that comprise the development site.


The proposed basement car parking extends over the boundary between 6 and 8 Montpelier Retreat and will be partially within the title for 8 Montpelier Retreat. Currently both properties are in common ownership. If the titles are not adhered and if in future one of the titles were to be transferred to a different owner, a limited in height car parking easement will need to be created in favour of No 6 over No. 8 to enable the basement car parking to continue to function. Council will not be able to approve a boundary adjustment that includes a vertical component.




Appropriate occupational health and safety measures must be employed during the works to minimise direct human exposure to potentially­contaminated soil, water, dust and vapours. Click here for more information.




It is recommended that the developer liaise with the Council’s Cleansing and Solid Waste Unit regarding reducing, reusing and recycling materials associated with demolition on the site to minimise solid waste being directed to landfill.


Further information regarding waste disposal can also be found on the Council’s website.




Click here for information on the Council's fees and charges.




Click here for dial before you dig information.



Delegation:     Committee


Item 7.2.2 was then taken.

7.2     Applications under the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015


Mr Cedric Manen, Ms Claire Ellis (Representors), Ms Sam Lyndon for the Applicant addressed the Committee in relation to item 7.2.1.


7.2.1   2/816 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay and Common Land of Parent Title - Change of Use to Visitor Accommodation

            PLN-21-569 - File Ref: F22/63404





That the City Planning Committee recommends that the Council refuse the application for a change of use to visitor accommodation at 2/816 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay 7005 pursuant to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 and Planning Directive No. 6 – Exemption and Standards for Visitor Accommodation in Planning Schemes, for the following reasons:


  1. The proposal does not meet the acceptable solution or the performance criterion with respect to clause 3.1(e) A1 or P1 of Planning Directive No. 6 because the gross floor area is in excess of 200m2, and the proposal is not compatible with the character and use of the area and would cause an unreasonable loss of residential amenity.






Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet
















That the Council refuse the application for a change of use to visitor accommodation at 2/816 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay 7005 pursuant to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 and Planning Directive No. 6 – Exemption and Standards for Visitor Accommodation in Planning Schemes, for the following reasons:


  1. The proposal does not meet the acceptable solution or the performance criterion with respect to clause 3.1(e) A1 or P1 of Planning Directive No. 6 because the gross floor area is in excess of 200m2, and the proposal is not compatible with the character and use of the area and would cause an unreasonable loss of residential amenity.



Delegation:     Council


Item 7.1.1 was then taken


7.2.2   18 Grosvenor Street, Sandy Bay and Common Land of Parent Title - Change of Use to Visitor Accommodation

            PLN-22-328 - File Ref: F22/63412




That the recommendation contained in the report of the Development Appraisal Planner and the Senior Statutory Planner of 27 June 2022, be adopted.






Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet










That the City Planning Committee recommends that the Council refuse the application for a change of use to visitor accommodation at 18 Grosvenor Street, Sandy Bay 7005 pursuant to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 and Planning Directive No. 6 – Exemption and Standards for Visitor Accommodation in Planning Schemes, for the following reasons:


1.    The proposal does not meet the acceptable solution or the performance criterion with respect to clause 3.1(e) A2 or P2 of Planning Directive No. 6 because the proposal is part of a strata scheme and the proposal would cause an unreasonable loss of residential amenity to long term residents occupying another lot within the strata scheme.






Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet










That in the absence of a decision from the City Planning Committee the item be referred to the Council for determination.



Delegation:     Council


7.2.3   110 Regent Street, Sandy Bay and Adjacent Road Reserve - Partial Demolition,Carport, Front Fencing and Work in Road Reserve

            PLN-21-881 - File Ref: F22/62923




That the recommendation contained in the report of the Development Appraisal Planner and the Senior Statutory Planner of 17 June 2022, be adopted.





Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet















That pursuant to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015, the City Planning Committee approve the application for partial demolition, carport, front fencing and work in the road reserve at 110 Regent Street, Sandy Bay 7005 for the reasons outlined in the officer’s report attached to item 7.2.3 of the Open City Planning Committee agenda of 4 July 2022 and a permit containing the following conditions be issued:




The use and/or development must be substantially in accordance with the documents and drawings that comprise PLN­21­881 ­ 110 REGENT STREET SANDY BAY TAS 7005 ­ Final Planning Documents except where modified below.


Reason for condition



To clarify the scope of the permit.


ENG sw1


All stormwater from the proposed development (including but not limited to: roofed areas, ag drains, and impervious surfaces such as driveways and paved areas) must be drained to the Council’s stormwater infrastructure prior to first occupation or commencement of use (whichever occurs first).


Reason for condition



To ensure that stormwater from the site will be discharged to a suitable Council approved outlet.



SW 7


Prior to occupancy or the commencement of the use (whichever occurs first), any new or altered stormwater connection required must be constructed and existing redundant connection(s) be abandoned and sealed at the owner’s expense. No decrease in service to third­party properties may occur.


Prior to the issuing of any approval under the Building Act 2016 or commencement of works (whichever occurs first), detailed engineering drawings must be submitted and approved as a Condition Endorsement. The detailed engineering drawings must include:



1.      the location of the proposed connections and all existing connections;

2.      the size and design of the connection such that it is appropriate to safely service the development;

3.      clearances from any nearby obstacles (eg services, crossovers, trees, poles, walls)

4.      long­sections of the proposed connection clearly showing cover, size, grade, material and delineation of public and private infrastructure;

5.      connections which are free­flowing gravity driven.

6.      be in general accordance with Council's departures from the LGAT Tasmanian Standard Drawings, available from here



All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved detailed engineering drawings.





Upgraded or new connections can be approved separate from the CEP process, via the Application for New Connection form available from here. The approved stormwater connection documents must be included in your plumbing permit application document set and listed in accompanying forms. The affected connection for the neighbouring property must be of adequate size and level to maintain the level of service currently provided. Any works within the third­party land, or to their private infrastructure, must be clearly identified, and their permission sought in writing.


This condition requires further information to be submitted as a Condition Endorsement. Refer to the Condition Endorsement advice at the end of this permit.


SW 9


Prior to occupancy or the commencement of the approved use (whichever occurs first), stormwater detention for stormwater discharges from the development must be installed.


A stormwater management report and design must be submitted and approved as a Condition Endorsement, prior to the issue of any approval under the Building Act 2016 or the commencement of work on the site (whichever occurs first). The stormwater management report and design must be prepared by a suitably qualified engineer and must:



1.      include detailed design and supporting calculations of the detention tank showing:

1.      detention tank sizing such that there is no increase in flows from the developed site up to 5% AEP event and no worsening of flooding;

2.      the layout, the inlet and outlet (including long section), outlet size, overflow mechanism and invert level;

3.      the discharge rates and emptying times; and

4.      all assumptions must be clearly stated;


2.       include a supporting maintenance plan, which specifies the required maintenance measures to check and ensure the ongoing effective operation of all systems, such as: inspection frequency; cleanout procedures; descriptions and diagrams of how the installed systems operate; details of the life of assets and replacement requirements.


All work required by this condition must be undertaken and maintained in accordance with the approved stormwater management report and design.




This condition requires further information to be submitted as a Condition Endorsement. Refer to the Condition Endorsement advice at the end of this permit.


ENG 3a


The parking area must be constructed in accordance with the following documentation which forms part of this permit: Preston Lane documentation received by the Council on 17 May 2022.


Any departure from that documentation and any works which are not detailed in the documentation must be either:


a)      approved by the Director City Life, via a condition endorsement application; or

b)      designed and constructed in accordance with Australian Standard AS/NZ 2890.1:2004.


The works required by this condition must be completed prior to first occupation.


Reason for condition


To ensure the safety of users of the access and parking module, and compliance with the relevant Australian Standard.



The access driveway and parking module (car parking spaces, aisles and manoeuvring area) approved by this permit must be constructed to a sealed standard (spray seal, asphalt, concrete, pavers or equivalent Council approved) and surface drained to the Council's stormwater infrastructure prior to the commencement of use.


Reason for condition


To ensure the safety of users of the access driveway and parking module, and that it does not detract from the amenity of users, adjoining occupiers or the environment by preventing dust, mud and sediment transport.



Any damage to council infrastructure resulting from the implementation of this permit, must, at the discretion of the Council:


1.     Be met by the owner by way of reimbursement (cost of repair and reinstatement to be paid by the owner to the Council); or

2.     Be repaired and reinstated by the owner to the satisfaction of the Council.


A photographic record of the Council's infrastructure adjacent to the subject site must be provided to the Council prior to any commencement of works.


A photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure (e.g. existing property service connection points, roads, buildings, stormwater, footpaths, driveway crossovers and nature strips, including if any, pre­existing damage) will be relied upon to establish the extent of damage caused to the Council’s infrastructure during construction. In the event that the owner/developer fails to provide to the Council a photographic record of the Council’s infrastructure, then any damage to the Council's infrastructure found on completion of works will be deemed to be the responsibility of the owner.


Reason for condition


To ensure that any of the Council's infrastructure and/or site­related service connections affected by the proposal will be altered and/or reinstated at the owner’s full cost.


ENG r3


Prior to the commencement of use, the proposed driveway crossover on the Alexander Street highway reservation must be designed and constructed in general accordance with:


·        Urban ­ TSD­R09­v3 Urban Roads Driveways and TSD R14­v3 Type KC vehicular crossing;


Design drawings must be submitted and approved as a Condition Endorsement prior to any approval under the Building Act 2016. The design drawings must:


1.      Show the cross and long section of the driveway crossover within the highway reservation and onto the property;

2.      Detail any services or infrastructure (ie light poles, pits, awnings) at or near the proposed driveway crossover;

3.      Show that vehicular and pedestrian sight lines are met as per AS/NZS 2890.1 2004.

4.      Be prepared and certified by a suitable qualified person, to satisfy the above requirements.


All work required by this condition must be undertaken in accordance with the approved drawings.




This condition requires further information to be submitted as a Condition Endorsement. Refer to the Condition Endorsement advice at the end of this permit.


Please note that your proposal does not include adjustment of footpath levels. Any adjustment to footpath levels necessary to suit the design of proposed floor, parking module or driveway levels will require separate agreement from Council's Program Leader Road Services and may require further planning approvals. It is advised to place a note to this affect on construction drawings for the site and/or other relevant engineering drawings to ensure that contractors are made aware of this requirement.



Reason for condition


To ensure that works will comply with the Council’s standard requirements.




Sediment and erosion control measures sufficient to prevent sediment from leaving the site must be installed prior to any disturbance of the site, and maintained until all areas of disturbance have been stabilized or re­vegetated.




For further guidance in preparing a Soil and Water Management Plan – in accordance with Fact sheet 3 Derwent Estuary Program click here.


Reason for condition


To avoid the sedimentation of roads, drains, natural watercourses, Council land that could be caused by erosion and runoff from the development, and to comply with relevant State legislation.




The following advice is provided to you to assist in the implementation of the planning permit that has been issued subject to the conditions above. The advice is not exhaustive and you must inform yourself of any other legislation, by­laws, regulations, codes or standards that will apply to your development under which you may need to obtain an approval. Visit the Council's website for further information.


Prior to any commencement of work on the site or commencement of use the following additional permits/approval may be required from the Hobart City Council.




If any condition requires that further documents are submitted and approved, you will need to submit the relevant documentation to satisfy the condition via the Condition Endorsement Submission on Council's online services e­planning portal. Detailed instructions can be found here.



A fee of 2% of the value of the works for new public assets (stormwater infrastructure, roads and related assets) will apply for the condition endorsement application.


Once approved, the Council will respond to you via email that the condition has been endorsed (satisfied).


Where building approval is also required, it is recommended that documentation for condition endorsement be submitted well before submitting documentation for building approval. Failure to address condition endorsement requirements prior to submitting for building approval may result in unexpected delays.




You may need building approval in accordance with the Building Act 2016. Click here for more information.


This is a Discretionary Planning Permit issued in accordance with section 57 of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993.




You may need plumbing approval in accordance with the Building Act 2016, Building Regulations 2016 and the National Construction Code. Click here for more information.




You may require a Permit to Open Up and Temporarily Occupy a Highway (for work in the road reserve). Click here for more information.




Please contact the Hobart City Council's City Life Division to initiate the application process for your new stormwater connection.




Please note that in addition to a building and/or plumbing permit, development must be in accordance with the Hobart City Council’s Infrastructure By law. Click here for more information.




Please note development must be in accordance with the Hobart City Council’s Infrastructure by law. Click here for more information.






If a coloured or textured surface is used for the driveway access within the Highway Reservation, the Council or other service provider will not match this on any reinstatement of the driveway access within the Highway Reservation required in the future.




Click here for information on the Council's fees and charges.




Click here for dial before you dig information.



Delegation:     Committee


8.       Reports


8.1      Submissions Received Public Notification Period for the Certified Amendment for Short Stay Visitor Accommodation

            File Ref: F22/40681; PSA-22-1




That the recommendation contained in the report of the Strategic Planner City Futures, Manager City Futures and the Director City Life of 27 June 2022, be adopted.





Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet











That:   1.    Pursuant to section 39 (2) of the former provisions of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993, that Council endorse the report marked as item 8.1 of the Open City Planning Committee agenda of 4 July 2022 as the formal statement of its opinion as to the merit of the representations received during the public exhibition of the certified amendment PSA-22-1.

            2.    Pursuant to section 39 (2) of the former provisions of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993, the Council recommend to the Tasmanian Planning Commission that PSA-22-1 marked as Attachment A to item 7.1.4 of the Open City Planning Committee agenda of 21 March 2022 to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 be approved as certified.



Delegation:     Council


8.2      Assessment of Planning Applications with Heritage and Disability Access Issues

            File Ref: F22/44643




That the recommendation contained in the report of the Manager Development Appraisal and the Director City Life of 24 June 2022, be adopted.





Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet















That the Council propose, as part of the review of the State Planning Provisions currently being undertaken by the State Planning Office, that there is some flexibility introduced into the requirements of the development standards in the Local Historic Heritage Code which would allow for equal access to buildings.



Delegation:     Council



8.3      City Planning - Advertising Report

            File Ref: F22/60864




That the recommendation contained in the memorandum of the Director City Life of 22 June 2022, be adopted.





Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet














That the information contained in the memorandum titled City Planning – Advertising Report be received and noted.



Delegation:     Committee


8.4      Delegated Decision Report (Planning)

            File Ref: F22/62420




That the recommendation contained in the memorandum of the Director City Life of 27 June 2022, be adopted.





Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet















That the information contained in the memorandum titled Delegated Decision Report (Planning) be received and noted.



Delegation:     Committee

9.       Responses to Questions without Notice

Regulation 29(3) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.
File Ref: 13-1-10


9.1    Refuelling Compliance Issues

          File Ref: F22/39457; 13-1-10

Memorandum of the Director City Life of 27 June 2022.




That the information be received and noted.






Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet















Delegation:     Committee




10.     Questions without Notice

Section 29 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.

File Ref: 13-1-10


10.1    Alderman Briscoe - Unoccupied Government Owned Residential Properties - Recent Census Data

            File Ref: 13-1-10


Question:    Can the Director advise that due to the release of the current census data can it be ascertained how many government owned properties have been vacant in the City of Hobart area for more than 6 months and how many government owned residential properties are currently empty?

Answer:       The Director City Life took the question on notice.



10.2    Alderman Behrakis - Council Land - Social / Affordable Housing

            File Ref: 13-1-10


Question:    Can the Director provide an update on a previous question on the identification of Council land that could possibly be used for social / affordable housing? 

Answer:       The Director City Life advised that he will provide a further update on possible land identification.



10.3    Councillor Dutta - Development Applications - Approvals / Refusals

            File Ref: 13-1-10


Question:    Can the Director advise what is the total number of all development applications that the Hobart City Council has approved in the period from November 2018 to June 2022?

Answer:       The Director City Life advised that 2613 development applications have been approved in the period November 2018 to June 2022.

Question:    Can the Director advise what is the total number of all development applications rejected in the period from November 2018 to June 2022?

Answer:       The Director City Life advised that 42 development applications have been rejected in the period November 2018 to June 2022.

Question:    Can the Director advise what is the total number of development applications for new residential projects approved in the period from November 2018 to June 2022?

Answer:       The Director City Life advised that 1650 new residential projects have been approved in the period November 2018 to June 2022 of which the majority were for extensions and modifications with 334 being new dwellings and ancillary dwellings.

Question:    Can the Director advise what is the total number of development applications for new residential projects rejected in the period from November 2018 to June 2022?

Answer:       The Director City Life advised that 18 new residential projects have been rejected in the period November 2018 to June 2022 of which 7 involved new dwellings and ancillary dwellings.

Question:    Can the Director advise what is the total number of development applications for commercial projects approved in the period from November 2018 to June 2022?

Answer:       The Director City Life advised that 963 commercial projects have been approved in the period November 2018 to June 2022.

Question:    Can the Director advise what is the total number of development applications for commercial projects rejected in the period from November 2018 to June 2022?

Answer:       The Director City Life advised that 24 commercial projects have been rejected in the period November 2018 to June 2022.

Question:    Can the Director advise that of all development applications processed in the period from November 2018 to June 2022, what percentage are determined by staff and what percentage are determined by the Council?

Answer:       The Director City Life advised that 86.3% of applications were determined by staff, 4.1% of applications were determined by Committee and 9.6% of applications were determined by the full Council in the period November 2018 to June 2022.






10.4    Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet - Development Applications - Building Approvals

            File Ref: 13-1-10


Question:    Can the Director advise if the number of development applications approved translate to how many building approvals are activated and signed off?

Answer:       The Director City Life advised that there is no correlation between the two.



10.5    Alderman Behrakis - Development Applications - Residential

            File Ref: 13-1-10


Question:    Can the Director advise how many residential development applications have been approved and rejected by elected members of the full Council in the period November 2018 to June 2022?

Answer:       The Director City Life took the question on notice.



10.6    Alderman Behrakis - Development Applications – Refusals Residential

            File Ref: 13-1-10


Question:    Can the Director advise of residential development applications refused by the Council how many dwellings does this comprise for the period November 2018 to June 2022?

Answer:       The Director City Life took the question on notice.



10.7    Councillor Coats - Development Applications - Withdrawn

            File Ref: 13-1-10


Question:    Can the Director advise how many development applications submitted were subsequently withdrawn by the applicant for the period November 2018 to June 2022?

Answer:       The Director City Life took the question on notice.






10.8    Councillor Dutta - Development Applications – Withdrawn / Reasons

            File Ref: 13-1-10


Question:    Can the Director advise how many development applications submitted were subsequently withdrawn by the applicant and the reasons for such for the period November 2018 to June 2022?

Answer:    The Director City Life took the question on notice


10.9    Councillor Harvey - Development Applications – Withdrawn / Subsequently Approved

            File Ref: 13-1-10


Question:    Can the Director advise of the development applications withdrawn how many were subsequently resubmitted and approved for the period November 2018 to June 2022?

Answer:    The Director City Life took the question on notice



11.     Closed Portion of the Meeting





That the Committee resolve by majority that the meeting be closed to the public pursuant to regulation 15(1) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 because the items included on the closed agenda contain the following matters:  


·         Confirm the minutes of the Close portion of the meeting

·         Questions without notice in the Closed portion


The following items were discussed:-


Item No. 1          Minutes of the last meeting of the Closed Portion of the Committee Meeting

Item No. 2          Consideration of supplementary items to the agenda

Item No. 3          Indications of pecuniary and conflicts of interest

Item No. 4          Questions Without Notice






Deputy Lord Mayor Burnet














Delegation:       Committee


There being no further business the Open portion of the meeting closed at 6.49pm.






25th DAY OF JULY 2022.